\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/
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Current File : //etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K91cpipv6

#! /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl
# Provides: cpipv6
# Required-Start: $network
# Defalt-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Description: Binding IPv6 addresses
# chkconfig: 2345 11 91

# cpanel - whostmgr/bin/cpipv6                       Copyright 2015 cPanel, Inc.
#                                                           All Rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                         http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

use strict;
## no critic qw(TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings) - not vetted for warnings.

use Cpanel::Config::LoadWwwAcctConf ();
use Cpanel::Locale                  ();
use Cpanel::Validate::IP::Expand    ();
use Cpanel::IPv6::Utils             ();
use Cpanel::IPv6::User              ();
use Cpanel::SafeRun::Object         ();
use Cpanel::CPAN::Net::IP           ();
use Cpanel::IPv6::Has               ();

my $locale = Cpanel::Locale->get_handle();

# sanity checking #
die $locale->maketext('IPv6 is not configured on the system.') . "\n"
  if !Cpanel::IPv6::Has::system_has_ipv6();

# we need the ethernet device to work with #
my $wwwacct_ref = Cpanel::Config::LoadWwwAcctConf::loadwwwacctconf();
my $ethdev      = $wwwacct_ref->{'ETHDEV'} || 'eth0';
warn $locale->maketext( 'The [asis,ETHDEV] setting is not configured in the [asis,/etc/wwwacct.conf] file. The system will use [_1] as the [asis,ETHDEV] value.', $ethdev ) . "\n"
  if !$wwwacct_ref->{'ETHDEV'};

# load the ips #
my ( $ips, $addrlabels ) = _ipaddr_strategy();
exit if !$ips || !$addrlabels;

# See how we were called.
if ( grep { /start|reload/ } @ARGV ) {

    # if this is a restart, stop first #
    system $0, 'stop' if @{ _bound_ips() } && grep { /restart|reload/ } @ARGV;

    # apply all the IPs #
    foreach my $ip ( @{$ips} ) {
        my $ret = eval { Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new_or_die( 'program' => 'ip', 'args' => [ qw{ addr add }, @{$ip} ] ); 1 };
        print STDERR $locale->maketext( 'The system failed to apply the IP address [_1]: [_2]', $ip->[-1], $@->to_string() ) . "\n" if !$ret;

    # now addrlabels #
    foreach my $addrlabel ( @{$addrlabels} ) {
        my $ret = eval { Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new_or_die( 'program' => 'ip', 'args' => [ qw{ addrlabel add }, @{$addrlabel} ] ); 1 };
        print STDERR $locale->maketext( 'The system failed to apply the IP address label [_1]: [_2]', $addrlabel->[-1], $@->to_string() ) . "\n" if !$ret;
elsif ( grep { /stop/ } @ARGV ) {

    # remove the addrlabels #
    foreach my $addrlabel ( @{$addrlabels} ) {
        my $ret = eval { Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new_or_die( 'program' => 'ip', 'args' => [ qw{ addrlabel del }, @{$addrlabel} ] ); 1 };
        print STDERR $locale->maketext( 'The system failed to remove the IP address label [_1]: [_2]', $addrlabel->[-1], $@->to_string() ) . "\n" if !$ret;

    # remove all the IPs #
    foreach my $ip ( @{$ips} ) {
        my $ret = eval { Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new_or_die( 'program' => 'ip', 'args' => [ qw{ addr del }, @{$ip} ] ); 1 };
        print STDERR $locale->maketext( 'The system failed to remove the IP address [_1]: [_2]', $ip->[-1], $@->to_string() ) . "\n" if !$ret;
elsif ( grep { /status/ } @ARGV ) {

    # a a status report of what IPs are bound, if any; this output is parsed by Cpanel::ServiceManager::Service::Cpipv6  #
    my $ip_status   = _bound_ips();
    my $total_count = @{$ip_status};
    my $bound_count = grep { $_->{'bound'} } @{$ip_status};
    if ($bound_count) {

        # we report how many IPs are bound and how many are expected #
        print $locale->maketext( '[_1] of [_2] user IPv6 addresses are bound.', $bound_count, $total_count ) . "\n";
    elsif ( !$total_count ) {

        # we report that there are no users with bound addresses required #
        print $locale->maketext('No users have assigned IPv6 addresses.') . "\n";
    else {
        print $locale->maketext( 'No bound user IP addresses exist on the system! The system should have [_1] bound IP addresses.', $total_count ) . "\n";
elsif ( grep { /list/ } @ARGV ) {

    # list all the ips that should be bound and their status #
    my $ip_status = _bound_ips();
    print "User IPv6 addresses:\n";
    foreach my $ip ( @{$ip_status} ) {
        my $status = $ip->{'bound'} ? 'bound' : 'unbound!';
        print "$ip->{'ip'} is $status\n";
else {
    print "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status|list}\n";

sub _ipaddr_strategy {

    # load the range configuration, we'll enable each user #
    my ( $ret, $range_data_ref ) = Cpanel::IPv6::Utils::load_range_config();
    return ( undef, undef ) if !$ret;

    my ( @ips, @addrlabels );

    foreach my $range ( keys %{$range_data_ref} ) {
        my $range_ref = $range_data_ref->{$range};

        # don't process the shared IP address, its managed externally #
        next if $range eq Cpanel::IPv6::Utils::shared_ipv6_key();

        # we'll need to compute this range's prefix, if we cannot, move on #
        my $ip_range = Cpanel::CPAN::Net::IP->new( $range_ref->{'first'} . ' - ' . $range_ref->{'last'} );
        next if !$ip_range || !$ip_range->prefixlen();

        # skip this range if there's no users in it #
        next if !@{ $range_data_ref->{$range}->{'range_users'} };

        # compute the address label for this range; it applies to all users in this range #
        push @addrlabels, [ 'prefix', "$range_ref->{'first'}/" . $ip_range->prefixlen(), 'label', '99' ];

        # and finally load and get the ip for each user #
        foreach my $user ( @{ $range_data_ref->{$range}->{'range_users'} } ) {
            my ( $ret, $ip ) = Cpanel::IPv6::User::get_user_ipv6_address($user);
            next if !$ret;
            push @ips, [ 'dev', $ethdev, "$ip/" . $ip_range->prefixlen() ];

    return \@ips, \@addrlabels;

sub _bound_ips {

    # return how many IPs are bound #
    my $bound_ips = Cpanel::SafeRun::Object->new_or_die( 'program' => 'ip', 'args' => [ qw{ -6 addr show dev }, $ethdev ] )->stdout();
    my @ip_status;
    foreach my $ip ( @{$ips} ) {
        my ( $ip_address, $prefix ) = split( '/', $ip->[-1] );
        my $ip_compressed = Cpanel::Validate::IP::Expand::normalize_ipv6($ip_address);
        $ip_compressed .= "/$prefix" if $prefix;
        my $bound = $bound_ips =~ m/\b\Q$ip_compressed\E\b/ ? 1 : 0;
        push @ip_status, { 'bound' => $bound, 'ip' => $ip_compressed };
    return \@ip_status;
