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Current File : //proc/self/root/usr/local/apache.backup_archive/20160113.1452700223/man/man8/suexec.8

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.TH "SUEXEC" 8 "2013-07-01" "Apache HTTP Server" "suexec"

suexec \- Switch user before executing external programs

\fBsuexec\fR -\fBV\fR

suexec is used by the Apache HTTP Server to switch to another user before executing CGI programs\&. In order to achieve this, it must run as root\&. Since the HTTP daemon normally doesn't run as root, the suexec executable needs the setuid bit set and must be owned by root\&. It should never be writable for any other person than root\&.
For further information about the concepts and the security model of suexec please refer to the suexec documentation (http://httpd\&.apache\&.org/docs/2\&.4/suexec\&.html)\&.

If you are root, this option displays the compile options of suexec\&. For security reasons all configuration options are changeable only at compile time\&.  
