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Current File : //scripts/fix-web-vhost-configuration


# cpanel - scripts/fix-web-vhost-configuration       Copyright 2018 cPanel, Inc.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                         http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::fix_web_vhost_configuration;

use strict;
use warnings;

=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME


=head1 USAGE

    fix-web-vhost-configuration ( --help | [--dry-run] ( --user=$name | --all-users ) )


This script iterates through each user’s web virtual host configuration files
and removes excess alias names. Certain historical errors in cPanel & WHM make
it possible for there to be such discrepancies between expected and actual

This does the following:


=item * Identifies any unrecognized alias domains.

=item * If C<--dry-run> is not passed, deletes the following unrecognized
alias domains:


=item * Active service subdomains (e.g., C<cpanel.example.com>) or
C<www.> subdomains thereof (e.g., C<www.webmail.example.com>).

=item * C<www.> subdomains (e.g., C<www.mail.example.com>) of any expected


Note that this will ignore other unrecognized alias domains.

=item * Identifies and, if C<--dry-run> is not passed, adds missing alias




use parent qw( Cpanel::HelpfulScript );

use Try::Tiny;

use Cpanel::iContact::Icons           ();
use Cpanel::Config::userdata::Aliases ();
use Cpanel::Config::userdata::Guard   ();
use Cpanel::Config::userdata::Load    ();
use Cpanel::Config::WebVhosts         ();
use Cpanel::Time::ISO                 ();
use Cpanel::Set                       ();

use constant _OPTIONS => ( 'dry-run', 'user=s', 'all-users' );

__PACKAGE__->new(@ARGV)->run() if !caller;

my $RUN_ID;

sub run {
    my ($self) = @_;

    $RUN_ID = ( Cpanel::Time::ISO::unix2iso() =~ tr< ><_>r ) . substr( rand, 1 );

    my @cpusers = $self->_determine_cpusers();

    for my $username (@cpusers) {
        $self->say("\n----- Checking “$username” …");

            sub {
                my $vh_aliases = Cpanel::Config::userdata::Aliases::get_for_user($username);

                for my $vhname ( keys %$vh_aliases ) {
                    $self->say("--- Virtual host: “$vhname”");

                    my $expected_ar = $vh_aliases->{$vhname};

                        sub {
                            $self->say('- Non-SSL configuration …');

                            my $guard = Cpanel::Config::userdata::Guard->new(

                            $self->_fix_ud_guard_for_expected( $username, $vhname, $guard, $expected_ar );

                    if ( Cpanel::Config::userdata::Load::user_has_ssl_domain( $username, $vhname ) ) {
                            sub {
                                $self->say('- SSL configuration …');

                                my $guard = Cpanel::Config::userdata::Guard->new_ssl(

                                $self->_fix_ud_guard_for_expected( $username, $vhname, $guard, $expected_ar );



    *_icon = \*Cpanel::iContact::Icons::get_icon;

sub _back_up_ud {
    my ($path) = @_;

    require File::Copy;

    File::Copy::copy( $path => "$path.$RUN_ID" );


sub _try_warn {
    my ($todo_cr) = @_;

    try { $todo_cr->() }
    catch {
        local $@ = _icon('error') . " $_";


sub _fix_ud_guard_for_expected {
    my ( $self, $username, $vhname, $ud_guard, $expected_ar ) = @_;

    my @file_aliases = split m<\s+>, $ud_guard->data()->{'serveralias'};

    my @excess = Cpanel::Set::difference(

    my @to_delete;

    if (@excess) {
        $self->say( _icon('warn') . " Unrecognized: @excess" );

        my $vhsconf = Cpanel::Config::WebVhosts->load($username);

        my @svcs = $vhsconf->ssl_proxy_subdomains_for_vhost($vhname);

        # Remove www.mail, www.www, www.cpanel, etc.
        my @extra_www = map { "www.$_" } @$expected_ar, @svcs;

        @to_delete = Cpanel::Set::intersection( \@excess, [ @svcs, @extra_www ] );

        if (@to_delete) {
            $self->say( _icon('warn') . " Pending deletion: @to_delete" );

    my @missing = Cpanel::Set::difference(

    if (@missing) {
        $self->say( _icon('warn') . " Expected but not found: @missing" );

    if ( @missing || @to_delete ) {
        if ( $self->getopt('dry-run') ) {
            $self->say('Forgoing repair because of “--dry-run” parameter.');
        else {
            _back_up_ud( $ud_guard->path() );

            $ud_guard->data()->{'serveralias'} = join( ' ', Cpanel::Set::difference( [ @excess, @$expected_ar ], \@to_delete ) );
            $ud_guard->save() or die "Save failed!";

            $self->say( _icon('success') . ' Fixed!' );
    else {


sub _determine_cpusers {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @cpusers;

    if ( $self->getopt('all-users') ) {
        if ( $self->getopt('user') ) {
            die $self->help('Give “--all-users” or “--user”, not both.');

        require Cpanel::Config::Users;
        @cpusers = Cpanel::Config::Users::getcpusers();
    else {
        my $cpuser = $self->getopt('user') or do {
            die $self->help('Give “--all-users” or “--user”.');

        push @cpusers, $cpuser;

    return @cpusers;

