\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /scripts/
Upload :
Current File : //scripts/getremotecpmove

# cpanel - getremotecpmove                           Copyright 2014 cPanel, Inc.
#                                                           All rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                         http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

package scripts::getremotecpmove;

use strict;
## no critic(RequireUseWarnings)

use Socket                  ();
use Cpanel::Carp            ();
use Cpanel::Encoder::Tiny   ();
use Cpanel::MD5             ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Open ();
use Cpanel::Filesys::Home   ();
use Cpanel::Locale          ();
use Cpanel::HTTP::Client    ();

local $| = 1;

my $locale = Cpanel::Locale->get_handle();


sub script {
    my ( $self, @args ) = @_;


    my $host = $args[0];
    my $user = $args[1];

    $host =~ s/\///g;
    $user =~ s/\///g;
    $host =~ s/\.\.//g;
    $user =~ s/\.\.//g;
    my $pass = <STDIN>;
    $pass =~ s/\n//g;

    $host = "[$host]" if $host =~ tr{:}{};

    if ( !length $pass ) {
        print $locale->maketext( "This utility requires that the account password be sent over “[_1]”.", 'STDIN' );

    my $part = Cpanel::Filesys::Home::get_homematch_with_most_free_space() || '/home';

    my @PKGDEBUG;
    my ( $fetch_ok, $archive_file, $extractdir, $md5sum, $pkgdebug ) = fetch_acct_by_cpanel( 'user' => $user, 'host' => $host, 'pass' => $pass, 'part' => $part );
    push @PKGDEBUG, $pkgdebug;

    if ( !$fetch_ok ) {
        print "Failed to fetch cpmove file via cPanel API.\n";

    if ($fetch_ok) {
        if ($md5sum) {
            my $newmd5 = Cpanel::MD5::getmd5sum($archive_file);
            if ( $newmd5 eq $md5sum ) {
                print "Checksum Matches!\n";
            else {
                print "Checksum Failure [[$newmd5]] [[$md5sum]]…trace information follows…<table width=\"100%\" style=\"border: 1px #000 solid;\"><tr><td><pre>" . join( "\n\n\n", @PKGDEBUG ) . "</pre></td></tr></table>\n\n";
        elsif ( -z $archive_file ) {
            print "Checksum Failure: Failed to download account file.\n";
        print "extract dir name is: $extractdir\n";
        print "pkgacctfile is: $archive_file\n";
        print "MOVE IS GOOD!\n";
    else {
        print "Failed to fetch account via cpanel and ftp/web\n";

sub fetch_acct_by_cpanel {
    my %OPTS                  = @_;
    my $host                  = $OPTS{'host'};
    my $user                  = $OPTS{'user'};
    my $pass                  = $OPTS{'pass'};
    my $filesystem_target_dir = $OPTS{'part'};

    print "Trying to fetch cpmove file via cPanel API!\n";

    require MIME::Base64;
    print $locale->maketext("Fetching current backups from remote server …");
    my ( $login_ok, $current_bck_page, $current_bck_response, $current_bck_ref ) = get_current_backups( $host, $user, $pass );
    return 0 if !$login_ok;
    print "    " . $locale->maketext( "[quant,_1,backup,backups] found.", ( scalar keys %$current_bck_ref ) );
    print "\n";
    print $locale->maketext(" … done.") . "\n";

    foreach my $bck ( keys %$current_bck_ref ) {
        if ( $current_bck_ref->{$bck} ) {
            print $locale->maketext( "A backup to the file “[_1]” is currently in progress on the remote server.", $bck ) . "\n";
            print $locale->maketext("Please wait until it is complete and try again.") . "\n";

    if ( $current_bck_response =~ /401/ ) {
        print $locale->maketext("Fetching current backups resulted in an HTTP 401 error.") . "\n";
        return 0;

    print $locale->maketext("Starting the backup …") . "\n";

    #start the backup
    my $ua   = Cpanel::HTTP::Client->new( verify_SSL => 0 );
    my $resp = $ua->request( 'GET', "https://$host:2083/json-api/cpanel?cpanel_jsonapi_module=Fileman&cpanel_jsonapi_func=fullbackup&cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion=1", { headers => { Authorization => 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode( "$user:$pass", '' ) } } );
    my $page = $resp->{content};
    print "Got $resp->{status} $resp->{response}\n$resp->{content}\n";
    print "Done\n";

    my ( $backup_file, $new_bck_page, $new_bck_response, $new_bck_ref );
    for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
        print $locale->maketext("Waiting for backup to start …") . "\n";
        print $locale->maketext(" … done.") . "\n";

        print $locale->maketext("Checking remote server for backups …");
        ( $login_ok, $new_bck_page, $new_bck_response, $new_bck_ref ) = get_current_backups( $host, $user, $pass );
        return 0 if !$login_ok;
        print "    " . $locale->maketext( "[quant,_1,backup,backups] found.", ( scalar keys %$new_bck_ref ) );
        print "\n";
        foreach my $back ( keys %{$new_bck_ref} ) {
            if ( !exists $current_bck_ref->{$back} ) {
                $backup_file = $back;
                last FIND;

    if ( !$backup_file ) {
        print "Failed to start the backup on the remote machine (if a previous backup is in progress you will need to wait until it is complete)!\n";
        print "(Trace information follows for backup start request)…<table width=\"100%\" style=\"border: 1px #000 solid;\"><tr><td><pre>https://$host:2083/json-api/cpanel?cpanel_jsonapi_module=Fileman&cpanel_jsonapi_func=fullbackup&cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion=1</pre></td></tr><td><pre>" . Cpanel::Encoder::Tiny::safe_html_encode_str($page) . "</pre></td></tr></table>\n";
        print "(Trace information follows for initial backups)…<table width=\"100%\" style=\"border: 1px #000 solid;\"><tr><td><pre>" . Cpanel::Encoder::Tiny::safe_html_encode_str($current_bck_page) . "</pre></td></tr></table>\n";
        print "(Trace information follows for backups after request started)…<table width=\"100%\" style=\"border: 1px #000 solid;\"><tr><td><pre>" . Cpanel::Encoder::Tiny::safe_html_encode_str($new_bck_page) . "</pre></td></tr></table>\n";
        return 0;

    print $locale->maketext( "The remote server is creating the backup file “[_1]”.", $backup_file ) . "\n";
    print $locale->maketext("Starting wait cycle for remote backup.") . "\n";
    my $bck_ref;
    my $bck_page;
    my $bck_response;
    my $MAX_POLL = 1440;    # AKA about 24 hours
    for my $attempt ( 1 .. $MAX_POLL ) {
        print $locale->maketext( "Polling remote server (Attempt [numf,_1]/[numf,_2]) …", $attempt, $MAX_POLL ) . "\n";

        ( $login_ok, $bck_page, $bck_response, $bck_ref ) = get_current_backups( $host, $user, $pass );
        return 0 if !$login_ok;

        if ( exists $bck_ref->{$backup_file} ) {
            if ( !$bck_ref->{$backup_file} ) {
            else {
                print $locale->maketext( "The backup file, [_1], is still being generated on the remote server “[_2]”.", $backup_file, $host ) . "\n";
                print "…60…\n";
                print "…45…\n";
        else {
            print $locale->maketext( "The backup file “[_1]” unexpectedly disappeared from the remote server “[_2]”.", $backup_file, $host ) . "\n";
            return 0;
        print "…30…\n";
        print "…15…\n";

    print $locale->maketext( "Downloading “[_1]” …", $backup_file ) . "\n";

    chdir($filesystem_target_dir) || return 0;

    my $now = time();
    my $out_fh;
    my $dest = "cpmove-$user-$now.tmp";
    if ( !Cpanel::FileUtils::Open::sysopen_with_real_perms( $out_fh, $dest, 'O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT', 0600 ) ) {
        print "Could not open output file, “$dest” for download.\n";
        return 0;

    my $new_percent;
    my ( $cl, $cc );
    my $percent;
    my $bytesread = 0;
    $resp = $ua->request(
            headers => {
                Authorization => 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode( "$user:$pass", '' ),
            data_callback => sub {
                my ( $data, $resp ) = @_;
                my $headers = $resp->{'headers'};
                if ( !defined $cl ) {
                    if ( $headers->{'content-type'} =~ m/text/i ) {
                        print "Could not download backup file; security policy on the remote server forbids it.\n";
                    if ( $headers->{'content-length'} =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
                        $cl = $headers->{'content-length'};

                $bytesread += length $data;
                if ( $cc == 170 && $cl ) {
                    my $new_percent = int( ( $bytesread / $cl ) * ( $cl == 1 ? 1 : 100 ) );
                    if ( $new_percent != $percent ) {
                        $percent = $new_percent;
                        print "..${percent}" . ( $cl == 1 ? '' : '%' ) . "..\n";
                    $cc = 0;
                print {$out_fh} $data;
    $page = $resp->{content};
    if ( !$resp->{success} ) {
        print $locale->maketext( "Could not connect to “[_1]” on port 2083 because of an error: [_2]", $host, "$resp->{status} $resp->{reason}" ) . "\n";
        return 0;

    print " … done.\n";

    my $extractdir = $backup_file;
    $extractdir =~ s/(\.tar)?(\.gz)?$//g;

    # We are chdired to $filesystem_target_dir at this point
    system( '/bin/mv', '-f', '--', $dest, "cpmove-$user-$now.tar.gz" );

    return ( 1, "$filesystem_target_dir/cpmove-$user-$now.tar.gz", $extractdir, '', '' );

sub get_current_backups {
    my ( $host, $user, $pass ) = @_;

    #look for backups

    my $ua       = Cpanel::HTTP::Client->new( verify_SSL => 0 );
    my $resp     = $ua->request( 'GET', "https://$host:2083/json-api/cpanel?cpanel_jsonapi_module=Fileman&cpanel_jsonapi_func=listfullbackups&cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion=1", { headers => { Authorization => 'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode( "$user:$pass", '' ) } } );
    my $page     = $resp->{content};
    my $response = "$resp->{status} $resp->{reason}";
    if ( !$resp->{success} ) {
        print Cpanel::Encoder::Tiny::safe_html_encode_str("cPanel Login Failed: $resp->{status} $resp->{reason}\n");
        return ( 0, $page, $response, {} );

    my $stripped_page = $page;
    $stripped_page =~ s/\<[^\>]+\>/\n/g;    #strip HTML
    $stripped_page = Cpanel::Encoder::Tiny::safe_html_decode_str($stripped_page);
    foreach my $req ( split( /\n/, $stripped_page ) ) {
        if ( $req =~ /(backup-[^\"\>]+)/ ) {
            my $file = $1;
            $file =~ s/\s*$//g;
            my ( $bckfile, $progress ) = split( /\s+/, $file, 2 );
            $CURRENT_BACKUPS{$bckfile} = ( $progress =~ /progress/i ? 1 : 0 );

    return ( 1, $page, $response, \%CURRENT_BACKUPS );

