\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /scripts/
Upload :
Current File : //scripts/modcpuser

# cpanel - modcpuser                                 Copyright 2010 cPanel, Inc.
#                                                           All rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                         http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

use Cpanel::Sys                 ();
use Cpanel::PwCache             ();
use Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard ();

my %OPTS;
my %ARRAY_KEYS = ( 'value' => 1 );
my %ACTIONS    = (
    'adddomain' => ['value'],
    'deldomain' => ['value'],
    'unset'     => [ 'key', 'value' ],
    'set'       => [ 'key', 'value' ],
    'dump'      => [],

for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#ARGV; $i++ ) {
    my $arg = $ARGV[$i];
    if ( $arg =~ /^\-+/ ) {
        $arg =~ s/^\-+//g;
        if ( exists $ARRAY_KEYS{$arg} ) {
            push @{ $OPTS{$arg} }, $ARGV[ ++$i ];
        else {
            $OPTS{$arg} = $ARGV[ ++$i ];

_clean_opts( \%OPTS );

_validate_opts( \%OPTS );

my $cpuser_guard = Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard->new( $OPTS{'user'} );
my $cpuser_data  = $cpuser_guard->{'data'};

_validate_action( $OPTS{'action'}, $cpuser_data );

my @validdomains;
my @invaliddomains;

if ( $OPTS{'help'} ) {
    exit 1;
elsif ( $OPTS{'action'} eq 'dump' ) {
    no warnings 'once';
    require Data::Dumper;
    print "cPanel user files for: $OPTS{'user'}:\n\n";
    local $Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 0;
    local $Data::Dumper::Pair      = ' = ';
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent    = 1;
    local $Data::Dumper::Terse     = 1;
    local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys  = 1;
    print Data::Dumper::Dumper($cpuser_data);
elsif ( $OPTS{'action'} eq 'set' ) {
    $cpuser_data->{ $OPTS{'key'} } = $OPTS{'value'}->[0];
    print "$OPTS{'key'} has been set to $OPTS{'value'}->[0] for $OPTS{'user'}\n";
elsif ( $OPTS{'action'} eq 'unset' ) {
    delete $cpuser_data->{ $OPTS{'key'}->[0] };
    print "$OPTS{'key'} has been unset for $OPTS{'user'}\n";
elsif ( $OPTS{'action'} eq 'adddomain' ) {
    my @validdomains;
    foreach my $value ( @{ $OPTS{'value'} } ) {
        if ( !grep( /^\Q$value\E$/, @{ $cpuser_data->{'DOMAINS'} } ) ) {
            if ( Cpanel::Sys::validdomainname( $value, 1 ) ) {
                push @{ $cpuser_data->{'DOMAINS'} }, $value;
                push @validdomains, $value;
            else {
                push @invaliddomains, $value;
        @{ $cpuser_data->{'DEADDOMAINS'} } = grep( !/^\Q$value\E/, @{ $cpuser_data->{'DEADDOMAINS'} } );
    if (@validdomains) {
        print "The domain(s): [" . join( ',', @validdomains ) . "] have been added to $OPTS{'user'}\n";
    if (@invaliddomains) {
        print "The domain(s): [" . join( ',', @invaliddomains ) . "] where are invalid and could not be added to $OPTS{'user'}\n";
elsif ( $OPTS{'action'} eq 'deldomain' ) {
    foreach my $value ( @{ $OPTS{'value'} } ) {
        if ( !grep( /^\Q$value\E$/, @{ $cpuser_data->{'DEADDOMAINS'} } ) ) {
            if ( Cpanel::Sys::validdomainname( $value, 1 ) ) {
                push @{ $cpuser_data->{'DEADDOMAINS'} }, $value;
                push @validdomains, $value;
            else {
                push @invaliddomains, $value;
        @{ $cpuser_data->{'DOMAINS'} } = grep( !/^\Q$value\E/, @{ $cpuser_data->{'DOMAINS'} } );
    if (@validdomains) {
        print "The domain(s): [" . join( ',', @validdomains ) . "] have been removed from $OPTS{'user'}\n";
    if (@invaliddomains) {
        print "The domain(s): [" . join( ',', @invaliddomains ) . "] where are invalid, all refrences to them have been from $OPTS{'user'}\n";

exit 1;

sub _clean_opts {
    my $opref = shift;

    if ( exists $opref->{'user'} ) { $opref->{'user'} =~ s/\///g; }

    foreach my $opt ( keys %$opref ) {
        if ( ref $opref->{$opt} ) {
            $opref->{$opt} = [ map { $_ =~ s/[\r\n]//g; $_; } @{ $opref->{$opt} } ];
        else {
            $opref->{$opt} =~ s/[\r\n]//g;

sub _validate_opts {
    my $opref = shift;

    if ( !$opref->{'user'} ) {
        print "$0: a user (--user) is required.\n\n";
        exit 1;
    elsif ( !( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam( $opref->{'user'} ) )[0] || !-e '/var/cpanel/users/' . $opref->{'user'} ) {
        print "$0: $opref->{'user'} is not a valid cPanel user.\n\n";
        exit 1;
    elsif ( !$opref->{'action'} ) {
        print "$0: an action (--action) is required.\n\n";
        exit 1;
    elsif ( !exists $ACTIONS{ $opref->{'action'} } ) {
        print "$0: action (--action) $opref->{'action'} is not a valid action.\n\n";
        exit 1;
    else {
        foreach my $key ( @{ $ACTIONS{ $opref->{'action'} } } ) {
            if ( !exists $opref->{$key} ) {
                print "$0: $key (--$key) is required for the $opref->{'action'} action.\n\n";
                exit 1;

    if ( $OPTS{'action'} eq 'set' || $OPTS{'action'} eq 'unset' ) {
        if ( $#{ $OPTS{'value'} } > 0 ) {
            print "$0: only one value one value must be specified when using set or unset.\n\n";
            exit 1;


sub _validate_action {
    my $action    = shift;
    my $cpuserref = shift;

    if ( ( $action eq 'set' || $action eq 'unset' ) && ref $cpuserref->{ $OPTS{'key'} } ) {
        print "$0: $OPTS{'key'} cannot be set or unset.\n\n";
        exit 1;


sub usage {
    print <<EO_USAGE;
    modcpuser --user (user) --action (set|unset) --key ? --value ?
    modcpuser --user (user) --action (adddomain|deldomain) --value ? [--value ? --value ? ...]
    modcpuser --user (user) --action dump

    --user     Brief help message
    --action   Action to carry out

               adddomain = Add a domain to the users cPanel configuration
               deldomain = Remove a domain from the users cPanel configuration

               set       = set a key value in the users cPanel configuration
               unset     = unset a key value in the users cPanel configuration

               dump      = display the user's current cPanel configuration

    --key      Used only with 'set' or 'unset' , examples are MAXPOP, MAXFTP
    --value    When setting,unsetting,adding, or deleting this is the value to be modified.

     Setting a users main domain
        modcpuser --user nick --action set --key DOMAIN --value mydomain.org

     Changing the max allowed email accounts
        modcpuser --user nick --action set --key MAXPOP --value 12
        modcpuser --user nick --action set --key MAXPOP --value unlimited

     Add a parked, sub, or addon domain to the datastore
         (this should only be done when it is missing as it will not setup
            the http userdata, or config)

        modcpuser --user nick --action adddomain --value parked1.org \\
        --value parked2.org --value sub1.maindomain.org

    exit 1;
