\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /scripts/
Upload :
Current File : //scripts/synccpaddonswithsqlhost

# cpanel - synccpaddonswithsqlhost                   Copyright 2009 cPanel, Inc.
#                                                           All rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                         http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cpanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Spec;

use Cpanel::AccessIds ();
use Cpanel::cPAddons  ();

my $cpaddons_base = '/usr/local/cpanel/cpaddons';
unshift @INC, $cpaddons_base;
my %valid_addons = map { $_ => 1 } list_cpaddons();
my $myhost       = get_root_mysql_host();

print "Syncing Site Software installations with current MySQL host setting!\n\n";

for my $user ( @{ get_all_users_or_arg_ref() } ) {

sub process_user {
    my ($user) = @_;
    print "Processing $user...\n";

    my $home = ( getpwnam($user) )[7];

    if ( !defined $home ) {
        carp "Could not determine home for $user";

    my @cpaddons;

    if ( opendir my $cpaddons_dh, "$home/.cpaddons/" ) {
        @cpaddons = grep { /\:\:/ } readdir $cpaddons_dh;
        closedir $cpaddons_dh;
    else {
        carp "Can not read .cpaddons/ for $user, skipping: $!";

    my $cpaddons_processed = process_user_cpaddons( $user, $home, @cpaddons );

    if ($cpaddons_processed) {
        my $s = $cpaddons_processed == 1 ? '' : 's';
        print "$user had $cpaddons_processed cpaddon$s synced\n";
    else {
        print "$user had no cpaddons needing their mysql host synced\n";
    print "$user Done!\n\n";

sub process_user_cpaddons {
    my ( $user, $home, @cpaddons ) = @_;
    my $cpaddons_processed = 0;

    for my $aod (@cpaddons) {
        print "\tChecking $aod...\n";

        my $install_hashref = {};

        if ( !Cpanel::cPAddons::_read_cache( "$home/.cpaddons/$aod", $install_hashref, $user ) ) {
            carp "Could not read $aod: $!";

        my $mod = $aod;
        $mod =~ s{\.yaml$}{};
        $mod =~ s{\.\d+$}{};

        if ( !exists( $valid_addons{$mod} ) ) {
            carp "Skipping $aod, It does not appear that $mod is a valid or installed cPaddon.";

        my $mod_file = $mod;
        $mod_file =~ s/::/\//g;
        $mod_file = $mod_file . '.pm';
        require $mod_file;

        if ($@) {
            carp "Skipping $aod, Could not get $mod info (is $mod installed?): $!";
        else {
            no strict 'refs';
            my $info_hr = ${"$mod\:\:meta_info"};
            use strict 'refs';

            for my $db ( @{ $info_hr->{'mysql'} } ) {

                my $current_setting = $install_hashref->{"mysql.$db.sqlhost"} || '';
                next if ( $myhost eq $current_setting ) || ( !$myhost || !$current_setting );
                print "\t\tDifference detected, syncing...\n";

                for my $conf ( @{ $info_hr->{'config_files'} } ) {
                    my $path = File::Spec->catdir( $install_hashref->{'installdir'}, $conf );
                    print "\t\t\tProcessing $path...";
                    process_user_config_file( $user, $current_setting, $myhost, $path );
                    print "Done!\n";
                $install_hashref->{"mysql.$db.sqlhost"} = $myhost;
                $install_hashref->{'mysql'}{$db}{'sqlhost'} = $myhost;

                if ( !Cpanel::cPAddons::_write_cache( "$home/.cpaddons/$aod", $install_hashref, $user ) ) {
                    carp "Could not save $aod: $!";

                print "\t\t$aod is done\n";

sub process_user_config_file {
    my ( $user, $current_setting, $host, $path ) = @_;

        sub {
            if ( open( my $fh, '+<', $path ) ) {
                my @lines = map { s/$current_setting/$myhost/g; $_ } <$fh>;
                seek $fh, 0, 0;
                print {$fh} join( '', @lines );
                truncate( $fh, tell $fh );
            else {
                carp "Failed to open '$path' for reading and writing: $!";

sub get_root_mysql_host {
    my $myhost = '';
    open my $mycnf_fh, '<', '/root/.my.cnf'
      or croak "Set MySQL root passwd: $!";
    while (<$mycnf_fh>) {
        if ( $_ =~ m/host\s*\=/ ) {
            ($myhost) = $_ =~ m/host\s*\=\s*\"?([^\"\s]+)\"?/;
    close $mycnf_fh;
    return $myhost || 'localhost';

sub get_all_users_or_arg_ref {
    my $arg_location = shift || 0;
    my $user_to_run  = defined $ARGV[$arg_location]
      && $ARGV[$arg_location] ? $ARGV[$arg_location] : '';
    my $user_lookup_ref = get_user_lookup_ref();

    my @users_to_transform = keys %{$user_lookup_ref};

    if ($user_to_run) {
        if ( exists $user_lookup_ref->{$user_to_run} ) {
            @users_to_transform = ($user_to_run);
        else {
            croak 'Unknown user';
    return \@users_to_transform;

sub get_user_lookup_ref {
    my $user_lookup = {};

    open my $TUD, '/etc/trueuserdomains' or die "trueuserdomains failed: $!";
    while (<$TUD>) {
        my ($user) = $_ =~ m/\:\s+(\w+)/;
        $user_lookup->{$user}++ if $user;
    close $TUD;
    return $user_lookup;

sub list_cpaddons {
    my @cpaddons;

    opendir( my $bdh, $cpaddons_base );
    my @pals = grep !/^\.+$/, readdir $bdh;
    closedir $bdh;

    for my $pal (@pals) {
        next if !-d "$cpaddons_base/$pal";

        opendir( my $cdh, "$cpaddons_base/$pal" );
        my @cats = grep !/^\.+$/, readdir $cdh;

        for my $cat (@cats) {
            next if !-d "$cpaddons_base/$pal/$cat";

            opendir( my $sdh, "$cpaddons_base/$pal/$cat" );
            my @subs = grep /\.pm$/, readdir $sdh;

            for my $sub (@subs) {
                $sub =~ s/\.pm$//;
                push @cpaddons, "$pal\:\:$cat\:\:$sub";

    return @cpaddons;
