\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /scripts/
Upload :
Current File : //scripts/unsuspendacct


# cpanel - scripts/unsuspendacct                    Copyright 2019 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                            All rights Reserved.
# copyright@cpanel.net                                          http://cpanel.net
# This code is subject to the cPanel license.  Unauthorized copying is prohibited
package scripts::unsuspendacct;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Try::Tiny;

use Cpanel::Passwd::Shell                      ();
use Cpanel::Auth::Shadow                       ();
use Cpanel::SafeFile                           ();
use AcctLock                                   ();
use Cpanel::PwCache                            ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles                        ();
use Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny             ();
use Cpanel::Exception                          ();
use Cpanel::Dovecot::Action                    ();
use Cpanel::FileUtils::Match                   ();
use Cpanel::Hooks                              ();
use Cpanel::Hostname                           ();
use Cpanel::HttpUtils::ApRestart::BgSafe       ();
use Cpanel::PwCache::Clear                     ();
use Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges       ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::AccountingLog           ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Domain                  ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::Owner                   ();
use Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny       ();
use Cpanel::SafetyBits                         ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf                 ();
use Cpanel::Config::LoadWwwAcctConf            ();
use Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard                ();
use Cpanel::ConfigFiles                        ();
use Cpanel::IP::Remote                         ();
use Cpanel::Quota::Temp                        ();
use Cpanel::ServerTasks                        ();
use Cpanel::Logger                             ();
use Cpanel::Auth::Digest::DB::Manage           ();
use Cpanel::Mailman::ListManager               ();
use Cpanel::MysqlUtils::Suspension             ();
use Whostmgr::Accounts::SuspensionData::Writer ();
use Whostmgr::Accounts::Email                  ();
use Whostmgr::Accounts::Unsuspend              ();
use Whostmgr::Accounts::Unsuspend::Htaccess    ();
use Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Normalize        ();
use Cpanel::Notify                             ();
use Cpanel::Sys::Setsid::Fast                  ();

use Cpanel::Locale 'lh';

exit( run(@ARGV) ) unless caller;

my $logger;

sub run {    ## no critic qw(Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity)
    my @argv = @_;
    @argv = grep { $_ ne '--' } @argv;
    my $user = $argv[0];

    $logger = Cpanel::Logger->new();

    local $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
    local $ENV{'USER'}        = $ENV{'USER'};

    if ( ( !$ENV{'USER'} || !$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} ) && $> == 0 ) {
        $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'} = 'root';    ## no critic qw(Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars) - local above
        $ENV{'USER'}        = 'root';    ## no critic qw(Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars) - local above

    if ($user) {
        $user =~ s/\///g;
    if ( !$user || $user eq 'root' ) {
        print "Usage: unsuspendacct user\n";
        return 1;

    my $pass = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($user) )[1];
    if ( !$pass ) {
        print "“$user” is not a user on this system. Maybe it’s a domain?\n";

        my $old_user = $user;
        $user = Cpanel::AcctUtils::DomainOwner::Tiny::getdomainowner( $user, { default => undef } );

        if ($user) {
            print "“$user” is the user who owns that domain. Verifying user …\n";

            $pass = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($user) )[1] or do {
                die "Invalid user ($user)\n";
        else {
            die "“$old_user” isn’t a domain, either. Exiting …\n";

        if ( $old_user ne $user ) {
            print "Domain lookup of domain '$old_user' yielded user '$user'\n";

    unless ( $pass =~ m/^\!/ || $pass =~ m/^\*/ ) {
        print lh->maketext( 'An error occurred while attempting to unsuspend “[_1]”. The user “[_1]” is not in a suspended state.', $user ) . "\n";
        if ( -e "/var/cpanel/bwlimited/$user" ) {
            print "\nThe user is currently bandwidth limited. You may remove this limitation by increasing their bandwidth limit.\n";
        return 1;

    if ( !do_hook( $user, 'pre' ) ) {
        print "Pre-unsuspend hook script returned failure.\n";
        return 1;
    system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/preunsuspendacct', @argv if -x '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/preunsuspendacct';

    # Load account creation defaults
    my $cref = Cpanel::Config::LoadWwwAcctConf::loadwwwacctconf();

    # Determine default shell
    my $shell = $cref->{'DEFSHELL'};
    if ( !$shell || !-e $shell ) {
        $shell = '/bin/bash';

    my $homedir = Cpanel::PwCache::gethomedir($user);
    my %CPCONF  = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpConf::loadcpconf();
    if ( exists $CPCONF{'acls'} && $CPCONF{'acls'} eq '1' ) {
        if ( my $pid = fork() ) {
            waitpid( $pid, 0 );
        else {
                '-m', 'group:nobody:x',
                '-m', 'group:mail:x',
                '-m', 'group:cpanel:x',
                '-m', 'group:mailnull:x',
                '-m', 'group:65535:x',
                '-m', 'group:ftp:x', '--',
            chmod 0750, $homedir;
    else {
        chmod( 0711, $homedir );    # root owns parent

    if ( -e '/var/cpanel/fileprotect' ) {
        my $httpgid = ( getgrnam('nobody') )[2];
        my $useruid = ( getpwnam($user) )[2];
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_userchgid( $useruid, $httpgid, $homedir . '/public_html' );
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( 0750, $useruid, $homedir . '/public_html' );
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_userchgid( $useruid, $httpgid, $homedir . '/.htpasswds' );
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( 0750, $useruid, $homedir . '/.htpasswds' );

    else {
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( 0755, $user, $homedir . '/public_html' );
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( 0755, $user, $homedir . '/.htpasswds' );

    # Since scripts/suspendacct will chagne the permissions of this file to 0000,
    # it is necessary to perform the chmod() operation as root to actually be able
    # to restore the permissions.
    if ( -e '/var/cpanel/noanonftp' ) {
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( 0750, $user, $homedir . '/public_ftp' );
    else {
        Cpanel::SafetyBits::safe_chmod( 0755, $user, $homedir . '/public_ftp' );

    print "Unsuspending outgoing email....";
    Whostmgr::Accounts::Email::unsuspend_outgoing_email( 'user' => $user );
    print "Done\n";

    my %SUINFO;
    if ( open my $suspended_info_fh, '<', '/var/cpanel/suspendinfo/' . $user ) {
        while ( readline $suspended_info_fh ) {
            my ( $name, $value ) = split( /=/, $_ );
            next if ( !$name || !$value );
            $SUINFO{$name} = $value;
        close $suspended_info_fh;
        unlink '/var/cpanel/suspendinfo/' . $user;

    my $cpuser_guard = Cpanel::Config::CpUserGuard->new($user);
    my $cpuser_data  = $cpuser_guard->{'data'};
    delete $cpuser_data->{'SUSPENDED'};


    # Reset shell
    my $newshell;
    if    ( !$SUINFO{'shell'} )   { $newshell = '/usr/local/cpanel/bin/noshell'; }
    elsif ( -x $SUINFO{'shell'} ) { $newshell = $SUINFO{'shell'} }
    else                          { $newshell = $shell; }

    try {
        Cpanel::Passwd::Shell::update_shell_without_acctlock( 'user' => $user, 'shell' => $newshell );
    catch {
        print Cpanel::Exception::get_string($_) . "\n";

    my $crypted_pass = ( Cpanel::PwCache::getpwnam($user) )[1];
    $crypted_pass =~ s{^\!+}{}g;

    my ( $status, $statusmsg ) = Cpanel::Auth::Shadow::update_shadow_without_acctlock( $user, $crypted_pass );
    print $statusmsg . "\n" if !$status;


    Cpanel::Auth::Digest::DB::Manage::unlock($user) if Cpanel::Auth::Digest::DB::Manage::has_entry($user);

    my @DNS = ( $cpuser_data->{'DOMAIN'} );
    if ( exists $cpuser_data->{'DOMAINS'} ) { push @DNS, @{ $cpuser_data->{'DOMAINS'} } }

        my $tempquota = Cpanel::Quota::Temp->new( user => $user );

        if ( -e "$homedir/etc/webdav/shadow" ) {
            print "Unsuspending webdav users\n";
            unsuspendshadowfile( $user, "$homedir/etc/webdav/shadow" );

        foreach my $dns (@DNS) {
            $dns = Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Normalize::normalize( $dns, 1 );
            next if !Cpanel::Validate::Domain::Tiny::validdomainname($dns);
            if ( -f "${homedir}/etc/${dns}/shadow" && !-l "${homedir}/etc/${dns}/shadow" ) {
                print "Unsuspending email account logins for $dns .... ";
                unsuspendshadowfile( $user, "${homedir}/etc/${dns}/shadow" );
                print "Done\n";


    my @list_rebuilds;
    my $dns_list             = join( '|', map { quotemeta($_) } @DNS );
    my $suspended_list_files = Cpanel::FileUtils::Match::get_matching_files(
        "_(?:$dns_list)" . '$'

    foreach my $list ( @{$suspended_list_files} ) {
        my $unsuspended_list = $list;
        $unsuspended_list =~ s/\/suspended.lists\//\/lists\//;
        if ( -e $unsuspended_list ) { rename( $unsuspended_list, $unsuspended_list . '.' . time() ) }
        rename( $list, $unsuspended_list );


    #FIXME: Everything in this script should eventually be done via this function call.
    try {
    catch {
        warn Cpanel::Exception::get_string($_);

    warn if !eval {

    print "Unsuspending websites...\n";
    Whostmgr::Accounts::Unsuspend::Htaccess::unsuspend_htaccess( $user, \@DNS );

    my $ftpfile = "$Cpanel::ConfigFiles::FTP_PASSWD_DIR/$user";

    # Manipulation of these files isn't thread safe.
    # The root file is intentionally locked before checking the existence of the suspended file.
    my $ftplock = Cpanel::SafeFile::safelock($ftpfile);
    if ( -e $ftpfile . '.suspended' ) {
        my $ftpsuspendedlock = Cpanel::SafeFile::safelock("$ftpfile.suspended");
        print "Unsuspending FTP accounts...\n";
        if ( -e $ftpfile ) {
            unlink $ftpfile;
        rename $ftpfile . '.suspended', $ftpfile or warn "Could not rename $ftpfile.suspended to $ftpfile";

    Cpanel::ServerTasks::schedule_task( ['CpDBTasks'], 10, "ftpupdate" );

    print "${user}'s account is now active\n";

    my $domain = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Domain::getdomain($user);

    if ( -f '/var/spool/cron.suspended/' . $user ) {
        unlink '/var/spool/cron/' . $user;
        rename '/var/spool/cron.suspended/' . $user, '/var/spool/cron/' . $user;

    print "Unsuspending mysql users\n";


    my $owner = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Owner::getowner($user);
    $owner =~ s/\n//g;
    my $host;
    if ( $owner eq '' || $owner eq 'root' || $user eq $owner ) {
        $host = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
    else {
        $host = Cpanel::AcctUtils::Domain::getdomain($owner);

    #if the account reseller does not exist on this server we fall back to root
    if ( !$host ) {
        $host  = Cpanel::Hostname::gethostname();
        $owner = 'root';

    my %account_unsuspension_notification = (
        'user'              => $user,
        'user_domain'       => $domain,
        'env_remote_user'   => $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'},
        'env_user'          => $ENV{'USER'},
        'host_server'       => $host,
        'origin'            => 'Unsuspend Account',
        'source_ip_address' => Cpanel::IP::Remote::get_current_remote_ip(),

    # send root notification

        'class'            => 'unsuspendacct::Notify',
        'application'      => 'unsuspendacct::Notify',
        'constructor_args' => [%account_unsuspension_notification]

    # send one to account reseller as well as long as they are not root
    if ( $owner ne 'root' ) {
            'class'            => 'unsuspendacct::Notify',
            'application'      => 'unsuspendacct::Notify',
            'constructor_args' => [ %account_unsuspension_notification, 'to' => $owner, 'username' => $owner ]

    Cpanel::AcctUtils::AccountingLog::append_entry( 'UNSUSPEND', [ $user, $domain ] );

    do_hook( $user, 'post' );
    system '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postunsuspendacct', @argv if -x '/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postunsuspendacct';

    print "$user\'s account has been unsuspended\n";

    return 0;

sub do_hook {
    my ( $user,   $stage )      = @_;
    my ( $result, $hooks_msgs ) = Cpanel::Hooks::hook(
            'category'      => 'Whostmgr',
            'event'         => 'Accounts::unsuspendacct',
            'stage'         => $stage,
            'escalateprivs' => 1,
            'args' => {
                'user' => $user,
            'result' => 1,
            'user'   => 'root',
    if ( ref $hooks_msgs eq 'ARRAY' && @$hooks_msgs != 0 ) {
        foreach my $error ( @{$hooks_msgs} ) {
            print $error;
        return 0;
    return 1;

sub unsuspendshadowfile {
    my ( $user, $file ) = @_;

    my $access_ids = Cpanel::AccessIds::ReducedPrivileges->new($user);
    return _unsuspendshadowfile($file);

sub _unsuspendshadowfile {
    my ($file) = @_;
    return if !-e $file;
    my $shadowlock = Cpanel::SafeFile::safeopen( \*SHF, '+<', $file );
    if ( !$shadowlock ) {
        $logger->die("Could not update $file: $!");
    my @CT = <SHF>;
    seek( SHF, 0, 0 );
    foreach (@CT) {
        my @DC = split( /:/, $_ );
        chomp( $DC[$#DC] );
        foreach my $field ( 1, 8 ) {
            while ( $DC[$field] =~ m/^\*LOCKED\*/ ) {
                $DC[$field] =~ s/^\*LOCKED\*//;
        print SHF join( ':', @DC ) . "\n";
    truncate( SHF, tell(SHF) );
    return Cpanel::SafeFile::safeclose( \*SHF, $shadowlock );

sub _generate_account_suspension_include {
    my ($user) = @_;
    require "/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/generate_account_suspension_include";    ## no critic qw(Modules::RequireBarewordIncludes) -- refactoring this is too large
    generate_account_suspension_include::update_include( 0, $user );
    return 1;

