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# Utility for searching and displaying queue information.
# Written by Matt Hubbard 15 August 2002

# Except when they appear in comments, the following placeholders in this
# source are replaced when it is turned into a runnable script:

# This file has been so processed.

# Routine for extracting the UTC timestamp from message ID
# lifted from eximstat utility

# Version 1.2

use strict;
BEGIN { pop @INC if $INC[-1] eq '.' };

use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;

# Have this variable point to your exim binary.
my $exim = '/usr/sbin/exim';
my $eargs = '-bpu';
my %id;
my %opt;
my $count = 0;
my $mcount = 0;
my @tab62 =
  (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,     # 0-9
   0,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,  # A-K
  21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,  # L-W
  33,34,35, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,              # X-Z
   0,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,  # a-k
  47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,  # l-w
  59,60,61);                            # x-z

my $base;
if ($^O eq 'darwin') { # aka MacOS X
  $base = 36;
 } else {
  $base = 62;

if ($ARGV[0] eq '--version') {
    print basename($0) . ": $0\n",
        "build: 4.93\n",
        "perl(runtime): $]\n";
        exit 0;

if ($ARGV[0]) { &help; exit;}
if ($opt{h}) { &help; exit;}
if ($opt{a}) { $eargs = '-bp'; }
if ($opt{C} && -e $opt{C} && -f $opt{C} && -R $opt{C}) { $eargs .= ' -C '.$opt{C}; }
if ($opt{G}) { $eargs .= ' -qG'.$opt{G}; }

# Read message queue output into hash
# Identify which messages match selection criteria
# Print matching data according to display option.

sub help() {
	print <<'EOF'
Exim message queue display utility.

	-h		This help message.
	-C		Specify which exim.conf to use.

Selection criteria:
	-f <regexp>	Match sender address sender (field is "< >" wrapped)
	-r <regexp>	Match recipient address
	-s <regexp>	Match against the size field from long output
	-y <seconds>	Message younger than
	-o <seconds>	Message older than
	-z		Frozen messages only (exclude non-frozen)
	-x		Non-frozen messages only (exclude frozen)
	-G <queuename>	Match in given queue only

[ NB: for regexps, provided string sits in /<string>/ ]

Display options:
	-c		Display match count
	-l		Long Format [Default]
	-i		Message IDs only
	-b		Brief Format
	-R		Reverse order
	-a		All recipients (including delivered)

sub collect() {
	open(QUEUE,"$exim $eargs |") or die("Error opening pipe: $!\n");
	while(<QUEUE>) {
		my $line = $_;
		#Should be 1st line of record, if not error.
		if ($line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+((?:\d+(?:\.\d+)?[A-Z]?)?)\s*(\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{2})\s+(<.*?>)/) {
			my $msg = $3;
			$id{$msg}{age} = $1;
			$id{$msg}{size} = $2;
			$id{$msg}{from} = $4;
			$id{$msg}{birth} = &msg_utc($msg);
			$id{$msg}{ages} = time - $id{$msg}{birth};
			if ($line =~ /\*\*\* frozen \*\*\*$/) {
				$id{$msg}{frozen} = 1;
			} else {
				$id{$msg}{frozen} = 0;
			while(<QUEUE> =~ /\s+(.*?\@.*)$/) {
			# Increment message counter.
		} else {
			print STDERR "Line mismatch: $line\n"; exit 1;
	close(QUEUE) or die("Error closing pipe: $!\n");

sub selection() {
	foreach my $msg (keys(%id)) {
		if ($opt{f}) {
			# Match sender address
			next unless ($id{$msg}{from} =~ /$opt{f}/i);
		if ($opt{r}) {
			# Match any recipient address
			my $match = 0;
			foreach my $rcpt (@{$id{$msg}{rcpt}}) {
				$match++ if ($rcpt =~ /$opt{r}/i);
			next unless ($match);
		if ($opt{s}) {
			# Match against the size string.
			next unless ($id{$msg}{size} =~ /$opt{s}/);
		if ($opt{y}) {
			# Match younger than
			next unless ($id{$msg}{ages} < $opt{y});
		if ($opt{o}) {
			# Match older than
			next unless ($id{$msg}{ages} > $opt{o});
		if ($opt{z}) {
			# Exclude non frozen
			next unless ($id{$msg}{frozen});
		if ($opt{x}) {
			# Exclude frozen
			next if ($id{$msg}{frozen});
		# Here's what we do to select the record.
		# Should only get this far if the message passed all of
		# the active tests.
		$id{$msg}{d} = 1;
		# Increment match counter.

sub display() {
	if ($opt{c}) {
		printf("%d matches out of %d messages\n",$mcount,$count);
	foreach my $msg (sort { $opt{R} ? $id{$b}{birth} <=> $id{$a}{birth} : $id{$a}{birth} <=> $id{$b}{birth} } keys(%id) ) {
		if (exists($id{$msg}{d})) {
			if ($opt{i}) {
				# Just the msg ID
				print $msg, "\n";
			} elsif ($opt{b}) {
				# Brief format
				printf("%s From: %s To: %s\n",$msg,$id{$msg}{from},join(';',@{$id{$msg}{rcpt}}))
			} else {
				# Otherwise Long format attempted duplication of original format.
				printf("%3s %5s %s %s%s\n",$id{$msg}{age},$id{$msg}{size},$msg,$id{$msg}{from},$id{$msg}{frozen} ? " *** frozen ***" : "");
				foreach my $rcpt (@{$id{$msg}{rcpt}}) {
					printf("	  %s\n",$rcpt);
				print "\n";

sub report() {
	foreach my $msg (keys(%id)) {
		print "$id{$msg}{birth} $msg\tAge: $id{$msg}{age}\tSize: $id{$msg}{size}\tFrom: $id{$msg}{from}\tTo: " . join(" ",@{$id{$msg}{rcpt}}). "\n";

sub msg_utc() {
	my $id = substr((pop @_), 0, 6);
	my $s = 0;
	my @c = split(//, $id);
	while($#c >= 0) { $s = $s * $base + $tab62[ord(shift @c) - ord('0')] }
	return $s;
