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Dovecot's index files

The basic idea behind Dovecot's index files is that it makes reading the
mailboxes a lot faster. The index files consist of the following files:

 * dovecot.index: Main index file
 * dovecot.index.cache: Cached mailbox data
 * dovecot.index.log: Transaction log file
 * dovecot.index.log.2: .log file is rotated to .log.2 file when it grows too
 * dovecot.list.index*: Mailbox list index files

Each mailbox has its own separate index files. If the index files are disabled,
the same structures are still kept in the memory, except cache file is disabled
completely (because the client probably won't fetch the same data twice within
a connection).

If index files are missing, Dovecot creates them automatically when the mailbox
is opened. If at any point creating a file or growing a file gives "not enough
disk space" error, the indexes are transparently moved to memory for the rest
of the session. This isn't done with mailbox formats that rely on index files
(e.g. dbox).

See <Design.Indexes.txt> for more technical information how the index files are

Main index

The main index contains the following information for each message:

 * Current flags and keywords
 * Pointer to cache file
 * mbox-only: mbox file offset
 * mbox-only: MD5 sum of some of the message headers, intended to help find the
   message when its X-UID: header hasn't yet been written
 * Other extensions in Dovecot v1.1+, such as mailbox sorting data

This is the same information that most other IMAP servers keep in memory while
the mailbox is open, but Dovecot has the advantage of keeping the information
permanently stored so it's easy to get it when opening the mailbox.

The index file's header also contains some summary information, such as how
many messages exist, how many of them are unseen and how many are marked with
\Deleted flag. Opening mailboxes and answering to STATUS IMAP commands can be
usually done simply by getting the required information from the index file's
header. This is why these operations are extremely fast with Dovecot compared
to other servers that don't use an equivalent index file.

Mailbox synchronization

The main index's header also contains mailbox syncing state:

 * Maildir: cur/ and new/ directories' timestamps
 * mbox: mbox file's mtime and size

The index file is synchronized against mailbox only if the syncing information

Cache file

Cache file may contain the following information for messages:

 * Message headers (some, not all)
 * Sent date (parsed Date: header)
 * Received date (IMAP's INTERNALDATE field)
 * Physical and virtual message sizes
 * Message's parsed MIME structure, allowing to quickly read only a specific
   MIME part (IMAP's FETCH BODY[1.2.3] command)
    * If both are used, only BODYSTRUCTURE is saved, since BODY can be
      generated from it
 * IMAP's ENVELOPE isn't cached currently. Instead the headers used to build it
   are cached directly.

IMAP clients can work in many different ways. There are basically 2 types:

 1. Online clients that ask for the same information multiple times (eg.
    webmails, Pine)
 2. Offline clients that usually download first some of the interesting message
    headers and only after that the message bodies (possibly automatically, or
    possibly only when the user opens the mail). Most IMAP clients behave like

Cache file is extremely helpful with the type 1 clients. The first time that
client requests message headers or some other metadata they're stored into the
cache file. The second time they ask for the same information Dovecot can now
get it quickly from the cache file instead of opening the message and parsing
the headers.

For type 2 clients the cache file is helpful if they use multiple clients or if
the data was cached while the message was being saved (Dovecot v1.1+ can do
this). Some of the information is helpful in any case, for example it's
required to know the message's virtual size when downloading the message.
Without the virtual size being in cache Dovecot first has to read the whole
message to calculate it.

Only the mailbox metadata that client(s) have asked for earlier are stored into
cache file. This allows Dovecot to be adaptive to different clients' needs and
still not waste disk space (and cause extra disk I/O!) for fields that client
never needs.

Dovecot can cache fields either permanently or temporarily. Temporarily cached
fields are dropped from the cache file after about a week. Dovecot uses two
rules to determine when data should be cached permanently instead of

 1. Client accessed messages in non-sequential order within this session. This
    most likely means it doesn't have a local cache.
 2. Client accessed a message older than one week.

<Design.Indexes.Cache.txt> explains the reasons for these rules.

Transaction log

All changes to the main index go through transaction log first. This has two
advantages when the mailbox is accessed using multiple simultaneous

 1. It allows getting a list of changes quickly so that IMAP clients can be
    notified of the changes. An alternative would be to do a comparison of two
    index mappings, which is what most other IMAP servers do.
 2. 'mmap_disable=yes' implementation relies on the transaction log. Instead of
    re-reading the whole main index file after each change it's necessary to
    only read a few bytes from the transaction log.

In Dovecot v1.1+ the transaction log plays an even more important role. The
main index file is updated only "once in a while" to reduce disk writes, so it
is common to first read the main index and then apply new changes from the
transaction log on top of that. With empty mailboxes (eg. download+delete POP3
users) it would even be possible to delete the whole main index and keep only
the transaction log (although this isn't done currently).

List index

Mailbox list index file is called dovecot.list.index[.log] and it basically

 * Header contains ID => name mapping. The name isn't the full mailbox name,
   but rather each hierarchy level has its own ID and name. For example a
   mailbox name "foo/bar" (with '/' as separator) would have separate IDs for
   "foo" and "bar" names.
 * The records contain { parent_uid, uid, name_id } field that can be used to
   build the whole mailbox tree. parent_uid=0 means root, otherwise it's the
   parent node's uid.
 * Each record also contains GUID for each selectable mailbox. If a mailbox is
   recreated using the same name, its GUID also changes. Note however that the
   UID doesn't change, because the UID refers to the mailbox name, not to the
   mailbox itself.
 * The records may contain also extensions for allowing mailbox_get_status() to
   return values directly from the mailbox list index.
 * Storage backends may also add their own extensions to figure out if a record
   is up to date.


Since v2.2.34+ you can configure some of the hardcoded optimization-related
settings. It's not recommended to change these settings without fully
understanding the consequences.

 * 'mail_cache_unaccessed_field_drop': Drop fields that haven't been accessed
   for n seconds.
 * 'mail_cache_record_max_size': If cache record becomes larger than this,
   don't add it.
 * 'mail_cache_compress_min_size': Never compress the file if it's smaller than
 * 'mail_cache_compress_delete_percentage': Compress the file when n% of
   records are deleted (by count, not by size).
 * 'mail_cache_compress_continued_percentage': Compress the file when n% of
   rows contain continued rows. For example 200% means that the record has 2
   continued rows, i.e. it exists in 3 separate segments in the cache file.
 * 'mail_cache_compress_header_continue_count': Compress the file when we need
   to follow more than n next_offsets to find the latest cache header.
 * 'mail_index_rewrite_min_log_bytes', 'mail_index_rewrite_max_log_bytes':
   Rewrite the index when the number of bytes that needs to be read from the
   .log on refresh is between these min/max values.
 * 'mail_index_log_rotate_min_size', 'mail_index_log_rotate_max_size',
   'mail_index_log_rotate_min_age': Rotate transaction log after it's a)
   min_size or larger and it was created at least min_age_secs or b) larger
   than max_size.
 * 'mail_index_log2_max_age': Delete .log.2 when it's older than
   log2_stale_secs. Don't be too eager, because older files are useful for
   QRESYNC and dsync.

(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)
