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Dovecot LDA

The Dovecot LDA is a <local delivery agent> [MDA.txt], which takes mail from an
<MTA.txt> and delivers it to a user's mailbox, while keeping Dovecot index
files up to date. Nowadays you should probably use the <LMTP server> [LMTP.txt]
instead, because it's somewhat easier to configure (especially related to
permissions) and gives better performance.

This page describes the common settings required to make LDA work. You should
read it first, and then the MTA specific pages:

 * <LDA.Postfix.txt>
 * <LDA.Exim.txt>
 * <LDA.Sendmail.txt>
 * <LDA.Qmail.txt>
 * <LDA.ZMailer.txt>

Main features of Dovecot LDA

 * <Mailbox indexing during mail delivery> [LDA.Indexing.txt], providing faster
   mailbox access later
 * <Quota enforcing by a plugin> [Quota.txt]
 * <Sieve language support by a plugin> [Pigeonhole.Sieve.txt]
    * Mail filtering
    * Mail forwarding
    * Vacation auto-reply

Common configuration

The settings are listed in the example 'conf.d/15-lda.conf' file. The important
settings are:

 * 'postmaster_address' is used as the From: header address in bounce mails
 * 'hostname' is used in generated Message-IDs and in Reporting-UA: header in
   bounce mails
 * 'sendmail_path' is used to send mails. Note that the default is
   '/usr/sbin/sendmail', which doesn't necessarily work the same as
    * Alternatively you can use 'submission_host' to send mails via the
      specified SMTP server.
 * 'auth_socket_path' specifies the UNIX socket to auth-userdb where LDA can
   lookup userdb information when '-d' parameter is used. See below how to
   configure Dovecot to configure the socket.

Note that the config files must be world readable to enable dovecot-lda process
read them, while running with user privileges. You can put password related
settings to a separate file, which you include with '!include_try' and
dovecot-lda skips them.


Parameters accepted by dovecot-lda:

 * '-d <username>': Destination username. If given, the user information is
   looked up from dovecot-auth. Typically used with virtual users, but not
   necessarily with system users.
 * '-a <address>': Original envelope recipient address (e.g. user+ext@domain),
   typically same as SMTP's RCPT TO: value. If not specified, it's taken from
   header specified by 'lda_original_recipient_header' setting (v2.0.3+). If
   the header doesn't exist either, defaults to same as username.
 * '-r <address>': Final envelope recipient address. Defaults to -a address,
   but may differ if e.g. aliases are used or when dropping the +ext part.
 * '-f <address>': Envelope sender address. If not specified and message data
   begins with a valid mbox-style "From " line, the address is taken from it.
 * '-c <path>': Alternative configuration file path.
 * '-m <mailbox>': Destination mailbox (default is INBOX). If the mailbox
   doesn't exist, it will not be created (unless the lda_mailbox_autocreate
   setting is set to yes). If message couldn't be saved to the mailbox for any
   reason, it's delivered to INBOX instead.
    * If Sieve plugin is used, this mailbox is used as the "keep" action's
      mailbox. It's also used if there is no Sieve script or if the script
      fails for some reason.
    * Deliveries to namespace prefix will result in saving the mail to INBOX
      instead. For example if you have "Mail/" namespace, this allows you to
      specify 'dovecot-lda -m Mail/$mailbox' where mail is stored to
      Mail/$mailbox or to INBOX if $mailbox is empty.
    * The mailbox name is specified the same as it's visible in IMAP client.
      For example if you've a Maildir with '.box.sub/' directory and your
      namespace configuration is 'prefix=INBOX/', 'separator=/', the correct
      way to deliver mail there is to use '-m INBOX/box/sub'
 * '-e': If mail gets rejected, write the rejection reason to stderr and exit
   with EX_NOPERM. The default is to send a rejection mail ourself.
 * '-k': Don't clear all environment at startup.
 * '-p <path>': Path to the mail to be delivered instead of reading from stdin.
   If using maildir the file is hard linked to the destination if possible.
   This allows a single mail to be delivered to multiple users using hard
   links, but currently it also prevents dovecot-lda from updating cache file
   so it shouldn't be used unless really necessary.
 * '-o name=value': Override a setting from dovecot.conf. You can give this
   parameter multiple times.

Return values

dovecot-lda will exit with one of the following values:

 * 0 (EX_OK): Delivery was successful.
 * 64 (EX_USAGE): Invalid parameter given.
 * 67 (EX_NOUSER): The destination username was not found.
 * 77 (EX_NOPERM): -e parameter was used and mail was rejected. Typically this
   happens when user is over quota and 'quota_full_tempfail=no'.
 * 75 (EX_TEMPFAIL): A temporary failure. This is returned for almost all
   failures. See the log file for details.

System users

You can use LDA with a few selected system users (ie. user is found from
'/etc/passwd' / NSS) by calling dovecot-lda in the user's '~/.forward' file:

| "/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda"

This should work with any MTA which supports per-user '.forward' files.  For
qmail's per-user setup, see <LDA.Qmail.txt>.

This method doesn't require the authentication socket explained below since
it's executed as the user itself.

Virtual users

With a lookup

Give the destination username to dovecot-lda with '-d' parameter, for example:


You'll need to set up a auth-userdb socket for dovecot-lda so it knows where to
find mailboxes for the users:

service auth {
  unix_listener auth-userdb {
    mode = 0600
    user = vmail # User running dovecot-lda
    #group = vmail # Or alternatively mode 0660 + dovecot-lda user in this

The auth-userdb socket can be used to do <userdb> [UserDatabase.txt] lookups
for given usernames or get a list of all users. Typically the result will
contain the user's UID, GID and home directory, but depending on your
configuration it may return other information as well. So the information is
similar to what can be found from eg.'/etc/passwd' for system users. This means
that it's probably not a problem to use mode=0666 for the socket, but you
should try to restrict it more just to be safe.

Without a lookup

If you have already looked up the user's home directory and you don't need a
userdb lookup for any other reason either (such as overriding settings for
specific users), you can run dovecot-lda similar to how it's run for system

HOME=/path/to/user/homedir dovecot-lda -f $FROM_ENVELOPE

This way you don't need to have a master listener socket. Note that you should
verify the user's existence prior to running dovecot-lda, otherwise you'll end
up having mail delivered to nonexistent users as well.

You must have set the proper UID (and GID) before running dovecot-lda. It's not
possible to run dovecot-lda as root without '-d' parameter.

Multiple UIDs

If you're using more than one UID for users, you're going to have problems
running dovecot-lda, as most MTAs won't let you run dovecot-lda as root. Best
solution is to use <LMTP.txt> instead, but if you can't do that, there are two
ways to work around this problem:

 1. Make dovecot-lda setuid-root.
 2. Use sudo to wrap the invocation of dovecot-lda.

Making dovecot-lda setuid-root:

Beware: *it's insecure to make dovecot-lda setuid-root*, especially if you have
untrusted users in your system.*Setuid-root dovecot-lda can be used to gain
root privileges*. You should take extra steps to make sure that untrusted users
can't run it and potentially gain root privileges. You can do this by making
sure only your MTA has execution access to it. For example:

# chgrp secmail /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda
# chmod 04750 /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda
# ls -l /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda
-rwsr-x--- 1 root secmail 4023932 2010-06-15 16:23 dovecot-lda

Then start dovecot-lda as a user that belongs to secmail group. Note that you
have to recreate these rights after each update of dovecot.

Using sudo:

Alternatively, you can use sudo to wrap the invocation of dovecot-lda. This has
the advantage that updates will not clobber the setuid bit, but note that *it
is just as insecure being able to run dovecot-lda via sudo as setuid-root*.
Make sure you only give your MTA the ability to invoke dovecot-lda via sudo.

First configure sudo to allow 'dovelda' user to invoke dovecot-lda by adding
the following to your '/etc/sudoers':

Defaults:dovelda !syslog
dovelda          ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda

Then configure your MTA to invoke dovecot-lda as user 'dovelda' and via sudo:

/usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda

instead of just plain '/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda'.

Problems with dovecot-lda

 * If you are using <prefetch userdb> [UserDatabase.Prefetch.txt], keep in mind
   that 'dovecot-lda' does not make a password query and thus will not work if
   '-d' parameter is used. The <UserDatabase.Prefetch.txt> page explains how to
   fix this.
    * See <Checkpassword> [PasswordDatabase.CheckPassword.txt] for how to make
      dovecot-lda work with checkpassword.


 * Normally Dovecot logs everything through its log process, which is running
   as root. dovecot-lda doesn't, which means that you might need some special
   configuration for it to log anything at all.
 * If dovecot-lda fails to write to log files it exits with temporary failure.
 * If you have trouble finding where Dovecot logs by default, see
 * Note that Postfix's 'mailbox_size_limit' setting applies to all files that
   are written to. So if you have a limit of 50 MB, dovecot-lda can't write to
   log files larger than 50 MB and you'll start getting temporary failures.

If you want dovecot-lda to keep using Dovecot's the default log files:

 * If you're logging to syslog, make sure the syslog socket (usually
   '/dev/log') has enough write permissions for dovecot-lda. For example set it
   world-read/writable:'chmod a+rw /dev/log'.
 * If you're logging to Dovecot's default log files again you'll need to give
   enough write permissions to the log files for dovecot-lda.

You can also specify different log files for dovecot-lda. This way you don't
have to give any extra write permissions to other log files or the syslog
socket. You can do this by overriding the 'log_path' and 'info_log_path'

protocol lda {
  # remember to give proper permissions for these files as well
  log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lda-errors.log
  info_log_path = /var/log/dovecot-lda.log

For using syslog with dovecot-lda, set the paths empty:

protocol lda {
  log_path =
  info_log_path =
  # You can also override the default syslog_facility:
  #syslog_facility = mail


 * Most of the <Dovecot plugins> [Plugins.txt] work with dovecot-lda.
 * Virtual quota can be enforced using <Quota plugin> [Quota.txt].
 * Sieve language support can be added with the <Pigeonhole Sieve plugin>

(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)
