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Open Authentication v2.0 database

Since v2.2.28. This database works with a oauth2 provider such as google or
facebook. You are recommended to use xoauth2 or oauthbearer <authentication
mechanisms> [Authentication.Mechanisms.txt] with this. The responses from
endpoints must be JSON objects.



In dovecot.conf put

auth_mechanisms = $auth_mechanisms oauthbearer xoauth2

passdb {
  driver = oauth2
  mechanisms = xoauth2 oauthbearer
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.conf.ext


Configuration file example for Google

tokeninfo_url = https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/tokeninfo?access_token=
introspection_url = https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v2/userinfo
#force_introspection = yes
username_attribute = email
tls_ca_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Configuration file example for WSO2 Identity Server

introspection_mode = post
introspection_url =
username_attribute = username
tls_ca_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
active_attribute = active
active_value = true


If you want to forward oauth2 authentication to your backend, you can use
various ways

Without proxy authentication

passdb {
  driver = static
  args = nopasssword=y proxy=y proxy_mech=%m ...

or with proxy authentication, put into dovecot-oauth2.conf.ext

pass_attrs = proxy=y proxy_mech=%m

Proxy with password grant (since v2.3.6)

If you want to configure proxy to get token and pass it to backend

passdb settings

passdb {
  driver = oauth2
  mechanisms = oauthbearer xoauth2
  args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.token.conf.ext

passdb {
  driver = oauth2
  mechanisms = plain login
  args = /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-oauth2.plain.conf.ext

put into dovecot-oauth2.token.conf.ext

grant_url = http://localhost:8000/token
client_id = verySecretClientId
client_secret = verySecretSecret
tokeninfo_url = http://localhost:8000/oauth2?oauth=
introspection_url = http://localhost:8000/introspect
introspection_mode = post
use_grant_password = no
debug = yes
username_attribute = username
pass_attrs = pass=%{oauth2:access_token}

put into dovecot-oauth2.plain.conf.ext

grant_url = http://localhost:8000/token
client_id = verySecretClientId
client_secret = verySecretSecret
introspection_url = http://localhost:8000/introspect
introspection_mode = post
use_grant_password = yes
debug = yes
username_attribute = username
pass_attrs = host= proxy=y proxy_mech=xoauth2

Full config file

### OAuth2 password database configuration

## url for verifying token validity. Token is appended to the URL
# tokeninfo_url = http://endpoint/oauth/tokeninfo?access_token=

## introspection endpoint, used to gather extra fields and other information.
# introspection_url = http://endpoint/oauth/me

## How introspection is made, valid values are
##   auth = GET request with Bearer authentication
##   get  = GET request with token appended to URL
##   post = POST request with token=bearer_token as content
# introspection_mode = auth

## Force introspection even if tokeninfo contains wanted fields
## Set this to yes if you are using active_attribute
# force_introspection = no

## wanted scope of validity (optional)
# scope = something

## username attribute in response (default: email)
# username_attribute = email

## username normalization format (default: %Lu)
# username_format = %Lu

## Attribute name for checking whether account is disabled (optional)
# active_attribute =

## Expected value in active_attribute (empty = require present, but anything
# active_value =

## Extra fields to set in passdb response (in passdb static style)
# pass_attrs =

## Timeout in milliseconds
# timeout_msecs = 0

## Enable debug logging
# debug = no

## Max parallel connections (how many simultaneous connections to open)
# max_parallel_connections = 1

## Max pipelined requests (how many requests to send per connection, requires
server-side support)
# max_pipelined_requests = 1

## HTTP request raw log directory
# rawlog_dir = /tmp/oauth2

## TLS settings
# tls_ca_cert_file = /path/to/ca-certificates.txt
# tls_ca_cert_dir = /path/to/certs/
# tls_cert_file = /path/to/client/cert
# tls_key_file = /path/to/client/key
# tls_cipher_suite = HIGH:!SSLv2
# tls_allow_invalid_cert = FALSE

(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)
