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This file is the NEWS file from the Expect distribution.


Date: 08/01/00


Expect 5.32 is being released in conjuction with Tcl 8.3.2.
This is a fairly minor update with no feature changes but with
a number of useful bug fixes in the way expects uses the new
regular expression engine and the UTF-8 features of Tcl.
Details are in the HISTORY and ChangeLog files.


Date: 10/22/99


Expect 5.31 now works with Tcl 8.2.  Expect 5.31 does NOT work with
prior releases of Tcl.  Thanks to an incredible amount of work by
Scott Stanton, Henry Spencer, Melissa Hirschl, and funding from
Scriptics for making this possible.


What?  You mean that working with Tcl 8.2 isn't enough?????

Expect supports Tcl's new regexp engine.

Expect supports null bytes in strings directly.  (You no longer have
to use the "null" keyword to send or match nulls.  Of course, the
"null" keyword will continue to be supported.)  Null removal (on
input) is still enabled by default since nulls are almost never
intended for end-user consumption in interactive dialogues.


The interpreter command used to exit upon eof.  Now it uses "-eof
script" to control this behavior.  The default behavior is to return.
(This change was required because Expect now gives control to Tcl upon
exit and Tcl waits (potentially forever) for all processes to die on
exit.)  Explicit calls to interpreter are almost non-existent.
However, you should look for *implicit* calls via interact commands
with a pattern but no action.  This required changes in the examples:
dislocate, dvorak, kibitz, and xkibitz.

Indirect variables can no longer start with "exp".  Such variables
will be interpreted as channel names.

Old-style regexps may need conversion.  If you have been protecting
regexps containing backslashes with {}, then you need to examine all
your backslashes since the new regexp engine interprets backslash
sequences (such as \n) itself.  For example:

	expect "\n"         (works the same in Tcl 8.0 and 8.1)
	expect {\n}         (works differently in Tcl 8.0 and 8.1)

Scriptics has also created a new-regexp-features page which you should
read: http://www.scriptics.com/support/howto/regexp81.html.  Some of
the new features allow much more efficient regexps than before.  For
example, non-greedy quantifiers can replace [split] looping
constructions with a single regexp, enabling Tcl to parse very
efficiently.  For the whole story, read the re_syntax man page.

The interact command's regexp matching no longer skips nulls.  (I'd be
surprised if anyone misses this.  At least I hope ....)

Expect's C library now reports failures in spawn's underlying exec
directly (by returning -1) rather than the way it used to (as data in
the pty).  This makes user code more robust.  However, it requires you
to simplify your code, alas.  See the chesslib.c example.

Linking with Expect's C library no longer requires the Tcl library
(unless, of course, you make Tcl calls yourself).  Tcl is still
required to build the library in the first place, however.


The match_max command now controls by bytes, not chars.  This won't
cause problems unless your existing scripts are interacting using
sizeable chunks of multibyte characters.  (If you don't know what I'm
talking about, ignore this.)

The Make/configure suite now corresponds to the TEA conventions (at
least in theory; the conventions are changing regularly so it's hard
to be less vague on this point).  Significantly, this means that you
should be able to use the same configure flags as when compiling Tcl
or any other TEA-compatible extension.  (See the INSTALL file.)

The values of special variables such as exp_spawn_id_any have changed.
(The values were never documented so you shouldn't have been using
them anyway.)

Spawn ids now appear as "exp...".  (They used to be small integers.)
Do not assume that spawn ids will continue to be represented in any
particular way (other than unique strings).


Expect uses channels.  There is an Expect channel type.  It is
possible to use Tcl's channel commands, such as fconfigure, to change
the encoding.  However, Expect layers its own buffering system on top
of Tcl's channel handler so don't expect intuitive behavior when using
commands such as gets and puts.  Unless you know what you're doing, I
recommend manipulating the Expect channels only with the expect

Some effort was made to make Expect support threads, however it is not
complete.  You can compile Expect with threads enabled but don't run
Expect in multiple threads just yet.

So much code has changed, there are bound to be bugs in dark corners.
Please let me know of such cases.  The best response will come by
supplying a simple test case that can be added to Expect's test suite.

In places where the behavior of Expect was not precisely documented,
full advantage was taken to do something different :-)

Several esoteric bugs were fixed.

Although Expect itself uses Henry Spencer's new regexp engine,
Expect's C library still uses his original regexp engine.

No testing has been done of the poll and non-event subsystems.  (These
are used on systems which don't support select on ptys or ttys.  Some
minor work needs to be done on them (because the event subsystem was
rewritten) which I'll probably do only if anyone requests it.

Many deprecated features (deprecated for many years!) have been
removed.  All such features were deprecated prior to Exploring Expect
so if that's how you learned Expect, you have nothing to worry about.
For example, Expect's getpid command predates Tcl's pid command and
it's been deprecated for, oh.... 6 years - wow!  Other deprecated features
  expect -timestamp (flag only; behavior itself was removed years ago)
  expect -iwrite (flag only; behavior occurs all the time)
  expect_version (use "exp_version" command)
  expect_library (use "exp_library" global variable)
  interact -eof (use "eof" keyword)
  interact -timeout (use "timeout" keyword)
  interact -timestamp (use "clock" command)
  getpid (use "pid" command)
  system stty (use "stty" command)

With this release, the following are deprecated:
  timestamp (use "clock" command)
  debugger (use a different one; there are very nice replacements
     around.  Fortunately the Expect debugger is not something anyone
     is wiring into their scripts, so for now, consider it on the
     endangered species list.  Anyone still want this debugger?)

From now on, the most current snapshots of Expect will be found in the
Scriptics CVS repository.  Not all snapshots are official releases.


Date: 8/18/96

Expect now works with Tcl 8.0.

No changes were made to take advantage of 8.0 features such as
namespaces.  (If you want to put the Expect commands in a namespace,
declare a namespace before loading them in.)

Even though Tcl allows embedded nulls in commands, Expect still does
not.  Tcl still doesn't support embedded in patterns and regexps.
I'll wait til Tcl supports that before rewriting Expect's null


Date: 9/28/96

There is now an Expect FAQ and home page.  Feedback is encouraged.
You can get to the FAQ from the home page and vice versa, so you only
need to remember one of the links, but here are both for completeness:

home page: http://expect.nist.gov
FAQ:       http://expect.nist.gov/FAQ.html

This section describes the changes to Expect 5, many due to changes
from Tcl 7.4 to 7.5.


You can now use expect_background from Tcl along with all the
Tcl-based event stuff such as "after".  You can also do fun things
such as have "after" actions run while expect is waiting for input.
It's worth comparing the difference between commands such as expect
(which waits in the event loop) and gets (which doesn't).


libexpectk is gone.  Because of the event loop was moved into Tcl,
this is no longer necessary.  Just use the regular Expect library.
This only affects you if are hand-linking.

The name of the static C library now has the extension on the end -
just like Tcl.  This only affects you if are hand-linking.

Some obvious questions and answers

Nothing in the user interface has changed.  All your old scripts
should run.  Tcl now has commands that replace Expect functionality in
the area of version control and date handling.  I encourage you to use
Tcl's support rather than Expect's for any new scripts that you write.
However, I won't be removing Expect's commands, so don't worry about
having to convert old scripts.

It is my understand that shared/dl libs work.  (I say "it is my
understanding", because my own environment doesn't handle it, sigh.
My system admins tell me that they're working on it.)  So I've had to
guess on some things - in fact, I've talked to a number of people and
I get the feeling that a lot of people are guessing on shared/dl libs.
I have yet to talk to anyone that REALLY understands this stuff (by
"understand", I mean "can write the configure/Makefile portably and
correctly".  So much for my griping.  In theory, the shared/dl support
is pretty much a freebie because Tcl itself provides all the support
for this.  (There is some reorganization that could be done to improve
shared library memory use - I'll get to it eventually - it shouldn't
affect most people.)  Don't send me complaints about shared/dl libs
unless you are *positive* it is something that I am responsible for.
Even if Tcl works and Expect fails, it is likely to be a Tcl error (or
more precisely, a configuration problem that is more appropriately
fixed from the Tcl distribution).

For Tcl-package purposes, Expect is called "Expect".  (Duh...)

Expect's multiple interpreter support is minimal.  It should work for
most things, serendipitously.  I haven't spent any time making this

No, this release isn't portable to Windows or Mac.  Let me know if
you're seriously interested in a lot of work.  I'm not saying it's not
possible.  It's definitely possible and the porting working at Sun has
made it easier than before.  But it's still not a weekend hack.

Building the code

Expect builds as usual.  (See the INSTALL file for details.)

The only significant change is that Expect now has to find the
tclConfig.sh file (and tkConfig.sh if you want).  So if you like to
store Tcl where Expect can't find it, you'll need to use even more
configure flags than you used to.

Shared/dl Expect libraries are built if you configured Tcl for
shared/dl libraries.

All support for earlier versions of Tcl and Tk have been removed from
Expect.  For example, if you're still using Tcl 7.4 (or earlier),
don't bother to install this release.

This section describes the changes from Expect 4 to Expect 5.

The changes that people will find most interesting or annoying are as
follows.  Some of them may seem rather arbitrary but fix inconsistencies
leading to much cleaner coding both internally and externally.

-- Expect version 5.20 and above is designed to work with Tcl 7.5 and
Tk 4.1.  Expect 5.20 and above will not work with earlier versions.

-- Glob-style patterns do longest-possible matches (from the earliest
possible position) just like regexps.  Previously, they matched the
shortest-possible strings.  However, the documentation didn't actually
say this (it didn't say anything)

-- Exact patterns are now supported from expect.  Use the "-ex" flag.
Exact patterns work just like those in interact.  No special handling
is made of *, ^, etc.

-- The new command "expect_background" registers patterns that are to
be tested against spawned process output whenever it appears (i.e.,
asynchronously).  This only works in the Tk environment.  The
arguments are the same as the expect command.

-- expect_before and expect_after now handle their arguments like
expect_background.  Previously, a command such as "expect_before"
with no arguments deleted patterns for all spawn ids.  Now, it only
deletes patterns for the current spawn id.  Similarly with the "-i"

-- expect_background/before/after support an -info flag to query what
the current patterns are.  The results are returned in such a way that
they can be re-used by a new expect command.

The -info flag must be the first flag in the command.  With no other
arguments, it returns the setting for the current spawn id.  With a -i
descriptor, information is returned for that spawn id.  The argument
-noindirect may be used to suppress indirects which also match a
direct spawn id.  Only a single -i specification may be given with
-info.  With the argument "-all", all spawn id specifications are

-- There is now a sleep command.  It understands decimal values such as

	sleep .5

Interrupts and other asynchronous events are processed while Expect sleeps.

-- Traps now use Tcl's "Async" support.  This has advantages and
disadvantages.  One advantage is that traps have no chance of screwing
up the Tcl internals.  One disadvantage is that trap handlers are
delayed at certain specific times and places.  For example, a handler
cannot occur inside another handler.  While one handler is running,
all other handlers are blocked.  This is probably the most noticable
place where handlers are blocked.  Others are generally small windows,
so you shouldn't notice the delay in executing the handlers.

Several traps are initially defined:

	trap exit {SIGINT SIGTERM}

If you use the -D flag to start the debugger, the following trap is

	trap {exp_debug 1} SIGINT

You can, of course, override these.  In particular, if you have your
own "trap exit SIGINT", this will override the debugger trap.  Because
SIGINT is tied to exit (see above) by default anyway, you should
remove your own "trap exit SIGINT" unless you specifically do not want
to be able to get to the debugger by ^C.

If you want to define your own trap on SIGINT but still trap to the
debugger when it is running, use:

	if ![exp_debug] {trap mystuff SIGINT}

Alternatively, you can trap to the debugger using some other signal.

The ONEXIT trap is no longer available.  Instead, say "exit -onexit ..."

Traps are now deleted by using the empty ({}) handler.  The current
handler is returned if no action is supplied.  With no arguments, trap
returns the signal number of the trap command currently being executed.

-- The wait command now returns a four element list if a valid child
was waited on.
Element 1: pid
Element 2: spawn id
Element 3: 0 (or -1 if there was an OS error)
Element 4: status (or errno if element 3 == -1)

-- expect and interact notes:

The timeout and eof patterns were initially named "-timeout" and
"-eof" but have been renamed "timeout" and "eof" to match those of
expect.  The ability to define default timeout/eof actions has been
removed.  (You can do this more easily by grouping spawn ids.)

expect and interact now support a "null" keyword to match an ASCII 0.
send supports -null and -break keywords.

Since a large number of special keywords have been added to interact,
a new keyword "-ex" for "exact" was added descriptive of its default
treatment of patterns.  This protects the next token from being
misinterpreted as a keyword.  The expect command provides "-gl" for
"glob" for analogous reasons.

Any string starting with "-" should be protected by the "-ex" or "-gl"
flag, even those that are not keywords currently.  (All strings
starting with "-" are reserved for future options.)

String start/end indices are no longer written to expect_out and
interact_out unless the -indices flag is given.

expect_out(spawn_id) is set to the spawn id associated with the spawn
id that produced the last output in an expect command.  For example,
you can use this to delete files that have closed, by removing this
element from an indirect spawn ids spec.  The same effect is
reproducable with interact (and interact_out(spawn_id)) but for
efficiency reasons, it requires the -iwrite flag before each pattern.

Expect's -i and interact's -i, -u, -input, and -output flags can now
describe a list of spawn ids.  So you can say things like:

	interact -input "$id1 $id2 $id3" .... -output "$id1 $id2" ...

In this case, id1, 2, 3 would be sent to id1, and 2.

The spawn id may be given as a global variable name (called an
"indirect spawn id specification"), in which case, the variable
contains the list of spawn ids.  Whenever the variable is changed, the
new list of spawn ids is automatically used.  This is particularly
useful with any long running expect command such as expect_before,
expect_after, expect_background, and interact.

The -update flag was removed.  Use indirect spawn ids (see previous

-- interact notes:

Interact now support -input and -output flags that provide very
flexible means of moving data from/to multiple spawn ids in complex
ways (but very quickly).  It is possible to write most expect loops
using a simple interact statement.  For instance, the three way
interaction inside kibitz (between two users and a process) is written
this way:

	interact {
		-output $shell
		-input $userin eof { . . . } -output $shell
		-input $shell -output "$user_spawn_id $userout"

-- send command notes:

It is possible to send a break by using the "-break" flag.

Any string starting with "-" should be protected by preceding it with
the "--" flag, even those that are not keywords currently.  (All
strings starting "-" are reserved for future options.)

-- The spawn command now takes an "-open" flag which in turns takes a
Tcl file as an argument.  This lets you treat raw devices, files, and
pipelines as spawned processes without using a pty.

This was actually in Expect 4, but I forgot to document it.  Oops!

-- The old "debug" command (which describes what Expect is doing
internally) was renamed "exp_internal".  "debug" (and "exp_debug") now
invoke the interactive debugger.

-- The new command "stty" now takes over the job of "system stty".  It
works much better, allowing POSIX-style redirection to affect other
ttys.  It otherwise takes arguments as "system stty" did.

-- The "-tcl" option to "return" has gone away.  (This was dangerous
to anyone that actually happened to return the value "-tcl".)
Instead, use inter_return.

-- Added exp_timestamp command to produce very fast timestamps.

-- Added exp_pid command to return pid of given spawn id.

-- The close command now takes an argument of "-onexec" with a following
0 or non-zero value.  For example, the follow command stops the
current spawn id from being closed when another process is exec'd or

	close -onexec 0

While "-onexec 1" returns it to the default condition where it will be
closed upon exec or spawn.

-- log_user now returns previous value.  It is acceptable to call now,
without arguments just to get the value.

-- The following forms are deprecated.  They will be allowed
indefinitely but not advertised or supported if they break.

	-eof, -timeout in interact (reason: didn't match expect.
		Instead, use eof or timeout.)

	-- in expect or interact (reason: no easier to read.
		Instead, use -gl in expect or -ex in interact.)

	continue -expect (reason: when mixing in extensions, you have
		to use exp_continue, so -expect becomes irrelevant.
		Instead, use exp_continue.)

	getpid (reason: Tcl now supplies same functionality as "pid".
		Instead, use pid.)

	expect_version and expect_library (reason: the name implies
		they have something to do with the expect command,
		which they doesn't.
		Instead, use exp_version and exp_library.)

	-timestamp for obtaining tm and ctime in expect and interact
		(reason: separate command now exists for this purpose.
		Instead, use exp_timestamp.)

	system stty (reason: bad interaction with redirection.
		Instead, use stty.)

-- New examples have been added:

"dislocate" lets you disconnect and reconnect to processes.

"tkpasswd" illustrates passwd embedded in a GUI.

They may not be overwhelmingly useful, but run them once to see what
they do.  If you ever need to do anything similar, you can look back
at them.

"tknewsbiff" pops up a window or plays a audio clip when you have
unread news.

-- Changes to the Expect libraries:

The expect-tcl library (libexpectcl.a) has been integrated with the
expect library (libexpect.a).  So references to libexpectcl.a should
be removed.

The Expect C library now supports buffering, multiplexing, null
matching, full buffer matching.  Basically, all of the features in
Expect are now in the library.

Buffering and multiplexing has caused the biggest change to the
library.  Previously, exp_match contained the entire buffer that
matched.  Now exp_match just points to where in the buffer the match
started.  exp_buffer points to the beginning of the buffer.
Previously, the previous buffer was thrown away at the beginning of
each expect function call.  Now, previously unmatched characters are
eligible for matching.

To match on different file descriptors, exp_match, exp_match_end,
exp_buffer_end must be restored to their previous values.  Initially,
they should be zero.

The meaning of timeout == 0 in the Expect library has been changed.
See the man page for more info.

This file describes the changes from Expect 3 to Expect 4.

The improvements that people will find most interesting are:

1) Expect version 4 is designed to work with Tcl 6.7 and Tk 3.2.
   (Earlier versions of Expect will not work with Tcl 6.7)
   Expect can now be layered in with any Tcl program.  
   Note that in Tk, Expect's send command is called "exp_send".
   (It used to be called "send_spawn" but this bit the dust.)
2) A debugger is provided.
3) The interact command has been totally rewritten and supports regular
   expressions, timeout/eof patterns, and a number of other new things.
4) The default behavior of ^C (SIGINT) is exit whether or not you are in
   a read.
5) Expect uses "sane" terminal parameters by default, allowing scripts
   to work the same whether inside emacs shell mode or not.  (See man
   page on "spawn" for more info.)
6) All the hard parts of the installation process are automated.  This
   was done primarily by Rob Savoye at Cygnus.  Thank you, Rob!
7) It is now possible to buy a support contract for Expect from Cygnus.

The changes that people will find most annoying are:

1) send now only sends a single string.  (It used to send any number of
   strings with spaces jammed in between.)
2) getpid was renamed pid.
3) interact's -flush was renamed -nobuffer (much more descriptive).
4) interact now runs all actions in raw mode unless the flag -reset
   is used.  -f and -F are ignored.  send automatically understands
   how to do the right thing.  The most likely thing to watch out for
   are actions like "exec kill -STOP 0" which almost certainly need
   the -reset flag.
5) argv0 is initialized to script name.  argv no longer contains it.
   argc is initialized [llength $argv].  This follows new Tcl style.

All differences are described in the man page.  Some of the less
significant differences are described in the HISTORY file.  The
debugger is described in a separate document (see the README).

This version also introduces one incompatibility that may require
changes to scripts.  While this may initially annoy you, the final
result will simplify the process of writing scripts.  Namely:

In version 3, the expect command accepted lists of glob-style patterns
such as:

	expect "a\ b c" action

where "a b" or "c" would cause action to be executed.  The problem
with this is that the pattern list is hard to write and hard to read.
Patterns with control-characters, backslashes and dollar signs were
very difficult to deal with.

Regular-expression patterns provide a much simpler solution.  Via the
alternation feature (using a "|") the above pattern can be written as:

	expect -re "a b|c" action

I was concerned about people having a significant investment in code
that depended on the old syntax but responders to a comp.lang.tcl poll
about such a change in pattern handling were 100% in favor of it.  (I
even proposed hooks for backward compatibility, but there was no
interest in it.)

Fortunately, most simple things will work as before including:

	expect foobar
	expect {foobar}
	expect "foobar"
	expect "foo\ bar"

However, some things won't work as before.  For example, the following
will behave differently - now the braces will be considered as part of
the pattern.

	expect "{foo bar}"

Here are examples of patterns in my own code that I had to change:

	was				changed to
	Version 3 pattern list		Version 4 pattern

	{Whois:\ }			"Whois: "
	{No\ match}			"No match"
	{250*ftp>* 200*ftp>*}		-re "2(5|0)0.*ftp>.*"
	{{Press Return to continue*}}	"Press Return to continue*"
	{*\r\n*\\\\\r\n}		"\r\n*\\\r\n"

Future Change Alert

John Ousterhout has pre-announced a future change in Tcl that may
affect you.  In particular, backslash sequences other than those
explicitly listed in the Tcl documentation will be handled as if the
backslash was not present.

The likely place this arises is when quoting characters that are
special to the pattern matcher but not to Tcl.

For example in Tcl 6.7, the following command matches a period.

	expect -re "\."

In Tcl 7.0, it will match any character, because Tcl will throw away
the backslash.  If you want to match a period, you will have to say:

	expect -re "\\."
	expect -re {\.}

The following command will find occurrences of this.  (It may find
other things, but it will at least find the problem cases.)

	egrep '(\\$)|(\\[^][bfnrtv\0-9{}$ ;"])' *.exp

This section describes the changes from Expect 2 to Expect 3.

If you used to use Expect version 2 (any version written before
September '91) you will find that the current version of Expect (3)
introduced minor but significant incompatibilities.

The HISTORY file describes these briefly.  They are described at
length in the man page.

I'm sorry if you feel annoyed at the incompatibilities, but Expect has
been out for a year and a half, Tcl even longer.  Both Tcl and Expect
are using this as a last chance to make significant changes, so that
we will not disturb even more users in the future.

There is no automated conversion procedure (although see note below)
for Expect or even raw Tcl.  For now, I suggest that you not bother
fixing things that already work - just keep the old Expect around.
The binary isn't very big after all.  If you do write a translation
script, let me know.  Thanks.

Of course, I felt obligated to convert the examples distributed with
expect.  I did this by hand while writing the new version itself,
partly as an aid but mostly to test lots of variations.  In 90% of the
scripts, all I had to do was change:

(changes due to Tcl)
	'index' to 'lindex'
	'range' to 'lrange'
	'length' to 'llength'
	'print' to 'send_user' or 'puts' depending on how you use it
	'function .... c' with '[join [function [split string ""]] ""]'
(changes due to Expect)
	'expect_match' to 'expect_out(buffer)'
	'set match_max' to 'match_max' (perhaps with -d flag)
	'*' to '-re .+'

If anyone wants to write a script to do this, note the pitfalls:

1) functions and variables do not share the same namespace, so it is a
inappropriate to just globally rename things.

A number of optimizations can be made:

1) If you are doing multiple split/joins, you should probably cache the
split string.

2) Virtually all uses of scan are unnecessary now, due to exec's automatic
stripping of terminating newlines, and expect's support of regexps.

3) String manipulation can be reduced or avoided entirely if you use
expect -re.

4) exec is no longer necessary to retrieve environment variables, since
they can now be retrieved from $env.

5) If you have been really careful about testing for timeout and eof,
you can dramatically reduce the size of your scripts by using
expect_before and expect_after.  This is more efficient, as well,
since those actions are only parsed once.
