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               man-db - the database cached manual pager suite

                  Graeme W. Wilford <eep2gw@ee.surrey.ac.uk>
                      Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org>

    This  document  describes  the setup, maintenance and use of a generic
    online manual page system with special reference to the man-db package
    and its advanced features.

man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

UNIX is a registered trademark of the X/Open Company, Ltd.
NFS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe in the United States.

The general conventions used throughout this manual include

 +o file names and paths in italic, e.g.  /usr/share/man.
 +o variable  strings  (usually  path  components)  enclosed  within  <> and in
   italic, eg.  <sec>,
 +o program names in bold, eg.  man.                  _____       ____________
 +o commands that can be typed at a shell prompt in a |_b_o_x_|_, eg.  |_m_a_n__f_o_o_b_a_r_|_.
 +o environment variables denoted as follows: $ENV_VAR

Copyright (C) 1995 Graeme W. Wilford
Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007 Colin Watson

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies  of  this  manual
provided  the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this  manual
under  the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting
derived work is distributed under the terms of a notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual  into
another  language,  under  the  above conditions for modified versions, except
that this permission notice may be stated in a  translation  approved  by  the
copyright holder.

man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

1.  Introduction

1.1.  man-db

man-db  is a package that is designed to provide users with online information
in a fast and friendly manner while at the same time offering  flexibility  to
the system administrator.

It is made up of several user programs:
         +o man       - an interface to the on-line reference manuals
         +o whatis    - search the manual page names
         +o apropos   - search the manual page names and descriptions
         +o manpath   - determine search path for manual pages
         +o lexgrog   - directly read header information in manual pages
several maintenance programs:
         +o mandb     - create or update the manual page index caches
         +o catman    - create or update the pre-formatted manual pages
and a special pre-formatter that knows about compressed manual pages:
         +o zsoelim   - satisfy .so requests in roff input

In addition to these compiled programs, there are two shell scripts, mkcatdirs
and checkman in the tools subdirectory.  These scripts aid the creation of cat
directories and check for duplicated manual pages, respectively.

The  following  manual pages are provided with this package to explain correct
format and usage.  man(1), whatis(1), apropos(1), manpath(1), lexgrog(1), man-
path(5), mandb(8), catman(8) and zsoelim(1).

1.1.1.  The concept

man-db  originally started out life as program suite man-1.1B, written by John
W.  Eaton <jwe@che.utexas.edu> and maintained by Rik Faith  <faith@cs.unc.edu>
to  which  support proposed by the newly formed FSSTND committee regarding cat
directories was added.

Since  then,  man-db's most innovative feature: the database cache scheme1 has
been significantly developed. The basic idea was to reduce manual page  search
times  to  a  minimum.  The  following piece of text is included from the man-
db-2.2 distribution:

    The theory: If you go to a library to take a book out, what do you do?

    a) Go and look where it might be on  a  micro-fiche/terminal,  take  a
    look  where it is supposed to be on the shelf, and then go look at the
    new arrivals if it's not where it's supposed to be?

   1 originally conceived after observing the actions of the Perl-based manual
pager suite, man-pl written by Tom Christiansen <tchrist@convex.com>


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    b) Start at one end of the ground floor, look  along  every  bookshelf
    until  you've completed that floor, then go up a level and start again
    until you've found what you're looking for?

Since then the database index scheme has evolved greatly.  Every  manual  page
and  stray  cat  page  on  the system is registered in an index database cache
which stores various details about the file including the timestamp, the loca-
tion and the whatis2 information.  This information is kept up to date by reg-
ular runs of mandb.  In some configurations  man  also  looks  for  filesystem
changes  each time it is invoked and helps to keep the database cache current,
but this imposes a penalty on manual page search times.

1.2.  The manual page system

The simplest manual page system will have  a  single  manual  page  hierarchy.
This will typically be


beneath  which will be several subdirectories of the form man<sec> where <sec>
is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8.  These are referred to as sections of the manual.
Others may exist and they are not restricted to single character names. eg.


is a valid section subdirectory.  Other common sections include 9, n, l, p and

Within these section subdirectories reside the manual pages themselves.  Their
filenames follow the pattern


where in most cases <ext> is an empty string.  An example is manual page cp


which resides in section 1 and has no special extension.

1.3.  Sections of the manual

The  manual  is  split up into sections to ease access and to cater for manual
pages that share the same name.  It is common for a program  and  function  to
share  the  same  name.  kill is a good example.  This is both a program which
can be used to send a process a signal and an operating system call with simi-
lar  functionality.   Their  manual  pages  are  stored under sections 1 and 2
respectively.  Thus, sections are used to  separate  out  the  program  manual
pages  from  the  function  manual pages and so on.  The table below shows the
   2 one line description of the manual page


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

section numbers of the manual followed by the types of pages they contain.

       |Section |                   Section contents                   |
       |   1    | user executable programs or shell commands           |
       |   2    | system calls (functions provided by the kernel)      |
       |   3    | library calls (functions within system libraries)    |
       |   4    | special files (usually found in /dev)                |
       |   5    | file formats and conventions eg. /etc/passwd         |
       |   6    | games                                                |
       |   7    | macro packages and conventions eg. man(7), groff(7). |
       |   8    | system administration commands                       |
       |   9    | kernel routines [Non-standard]                       |
       |   n    | new [obsolete]                                       |
       |   l    | local [obsolete]                                     |
       |   p    | public [obsolete]                                    |
       |   o    | old [obsolete]                                       |

1.4.  The format of manual pages

The format in which manual pages are stored is NROFF/TROFF or  more  generally
ROFF.   This  is a typesetter style language3 which requires formatting before
being viewed.  In fact some manual pages require pre-format processing to cor-
rectly format tables or equations.

If  the page is to be viewed on screen in a text environment, NROFF is used as
the primary formatter. If the page is to be printed or displayed in a  graphi-
cal  environment,  TROFF  is  used. Traditionally, TROFF formatted files for a
C/A/T (Computer aided Typesetter) which is now obsolete.

The GNU ROFF (GROFF4) suite of programs offer a choice of output types includ-
ing X, dvi and postscript.  When configuring man-db, the preference is to  use
GROFF rather than TROFF.

1.5.  Arguments to configure

To  allow  the configuration program, configure, to be non-interactive, it can
be passed various options to alter the default  settings.   Generic  configure
options  are  discussed  in  docs/INSTALL.   Options  that are specific to the
man-db package are described below.

     By default, man will be installed as a setuid program to user  man.   Use
   3 similar in some aspects to TeX
   4 Written by James Clark <jjc@jclark.com> and now maintained by Ted Harding
<ted.harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk> and Werner Lemberg <wl@gnu.org>


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

     this option with an argument to change the setuid owner.

     Use  this option to install man as a non-setuid program and to change the
     default cat and database files' access flags to  allow  users  to  modify

     By  default,  man-db  supports  manual page directories in any of several
     layouts used by free and proprietary versions of UNIX.  However, in  cer-
     tain  cases,  this  can  cause  man-db to find the wrong page by mistake,
     especially when the names of some manual  pages  on  the  system  contain
     periods.   Use  this option with an argument of GNU, HPUX, IRIX, Solaris,
     or BSD (or more than one of these, separated by commas) to  support  only
     the layouts typically used on each of those systems.  Note that man-db is
     not currently capable of writing cat pages in the proper BSD layout.

     Use this flag to alter the default output device used by NROFF. DEVICE is
     passed  to NROFF with the -T option.  configure will test that NROFF will
     run with the supplied device argument.

     configure will look for database interface libraries in the  order  gdbm,
     Berkeley DB and finally ndbm and will #define appropriate variables rela-
     tive to the first one found.  To override the built-in order on platforms
     having  a  choice  of interface library, use this option to specify which
     library to use.

     If this flag is used, man will automatically create index  databases  for
     users' private manual page hierarchies.

     Normally,  man  will  update entries in index databases if it finds newly
     installed manual pages (if the --update flag is used) or  delete  entries
     if manual pages are removed.  This flag suppresses this behaviour.

     Normally, man will automatically try to create cat files corresponding to
     manual files when a manual page is read.  This flag suppresses  this  be-


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2.  The specifics of Sections

2.1.  Package specific manual page sections

The  use  of  package specific manual page sections is discouraged as packages
large enough to warrant their own section probably contain manual  pages  that
span other sections.  An example might be package foo that has its own section


which  contains  manual pages describing its programs, the library routines it
offers and the format of several of  its  configuration  files.   These  pages
would  normally be allocated to sections 1, 3 and 5 respectively and thus com-
bining them all under section foo is misleading.  Subtle problems  will  arise
if  there  are  any  base  name-space clashes with standard manual pages, e.g.
exit(3), exit(foo) and the order in which they should be shown.

There are two standard solutions to this problem.

 (1)   Create a separate manual page hierarchy for the package's manual  pages
       such as


 (2)   Install  the  pages in their relevant sections, with a unique extension
       appended to the filename such that


       would instead be installed as


Only (2) offers a complete solution  to  manual  page  ordering  problems  and
allows users to access the desired page directly.

2.2.  Selecting a section type

2.2.1.  Specifying a section

This is done via use of the section argument to man

will  look  for exit.1* in section 1 of the manual.  If exit.1 exists, it will
be displayed in preference to exit.1foo

will look for exit.1foo* in section 1 of the manual.  The asterisk (*)  repre-
sents a wild-card of any type or length, including length zero.


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For  an  argument to be interpreted as a section name rather than a page name,
it must either begin with a digit, or be  included  in  the  standard  section
list.   The default section list is defined in include/manconfig.h to be 1, n,
l, 8, 3, 2, 5, 4, 9, 6 and 7.  This should be modified in order and content to
meet  the  local conventions.  It may be altered at run-time using the SECTION
directive in the man-db configuration file.

Every subdirectory section name in the entire system  must  be  in  the  list,
including  sections found in imported manual page hierarchies.  It is not nec-
essary to list sections with extensions unless a special  ordering  for  those
extensions  is  desired.   The order is important because in normal operation,
man will only display the first manual page it finds  that  meets  the  search
criteria.  Using  the  --all argument will cause man to attempt to display all
manual pages that meet the criteria. See man(1) for further information.

Having an excess of sections listed will not slow man down.

2.2.2.  Specifying an extension

If the section is unknown, but the package extension is, it is possible to use
the extension argument

to search in all sections for manual pages named exit from package foo.


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3.  Filesystem structure

3.1.  Manual page hierarchies

It  is  often common for manual page systems to have more than one manual page
hierarchy.  Indeed one of the systems I use has the following globally  acces-
sible hierarchies


A  full  system $MANPATH would be a colon separated list of these directories.
The order is important, and is observed by man-db's  search  algorithms.   The
order  is  very  much  related  to  the user's $PATH environment variable, and
should be set on a per user basis, or not set  at  all.   If  a  user's  $PATH


to be executed in preference to


it is essential that

displays the manual page located within


rather than within


To  ensure  correct order, the program manpath may be used to set the $MANPATH
environment variable.  See manpath(1) and manpath(5) for details.

3.2.  Setting the MANPATH

If using a Bourne style login shell such as bash, ksh, or zsh, the commands

     export MANPATH
     MANPATH=`manpath -q`

can be added to $HOME/.profile


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If using a C style login shell such as csh or tcsh, the commands

     setenv MANPATH `manpath -q`

can be added to $HOME/.login

N.B.  $PATH must be set prior to using manpath.  The setting  of  $MANPATH  is
actually  unnecessary  as  the man-db utilities will dynamically determine the
manpath if $MANPATH is unset.

3.3.  Determination of the internal manpath

All man-db utilities, manpath included, will use the user's $MANPATH  environ-
ment variable if set and not equal to "".  Otherwise the user's $PATH environ-
ment variable is queried.  If this is unset or is set to  "",  the  determined
manpath will simply be any


elements defined in the man-db config file.

Assuming  that a $PATH exists, each path element it contains is scanned for in
the config file.  If found, the corresponding manpath element is  appended  to
the  internal manpath.  However, if the element is not mentioned in the config
file, a man directory relative to  it  will  be  sought.   The  subdirectories
../man,  man,  ../share/man,  or  share/man relative to the path component are
appended to the internal manpath if they exist.  Finally, the internal manpath
is  stripped  of  duplicate paths before being processed by the NLS and `Other
OS' routines.  These may add to or modify the separate  path  elements  giving
priority to NLS manual pages or add OS-relative manpaths.

3.4.  Other OS's manual pages

It  is  common  to  have  collections of heterogeneous computer systems linked
together in a network.  In some circumstances5 it is advantageous to  be  able
to  access  the manual pages of these other systems directly from your system.
This feature is known as alternate system support.  The accepted way to  setup
this  support  is to NFS mount the respective systems' manual page hierarchies
under the native manual page hierarchies.  An example:

   5 writing portable software instantly comes to mind


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

                      |System  | Manual page hierarchy |
                      |<local> | /usr/share/man        |
                      |newOS   | /usr/share/man/newOS  |
                      |userix  | /usr/share/man/userix |
                      |<local> | /usr/local/man        |
                      |newOS   | /usr/local/man/newOS  |
                      |userix  | /usr/local/man/userix |

Rather than have multiple NFS mounts from a single machine, this may be accom-
plished by NFS mounting


somewhere on the local system and using symbolic links within the manual hier-
archies.  To access these alternate systems using man use the -m or  --systems
option, eg.

would  provide  manual  pages  showing the structure of /etc/passwd on systems
userix and newOS in that order.  A manual page would not  be  displayed  about
the local systems conventions.  Please read the relevant man-db utility's man-
ual page for further and more specific information.

3.5.  NLS manual pages

NLS manual pages should be installed in NLS subdirectories of a standard  man-
ual  page  hierarchy.   The  subdirectory names should be made up of language,
territory, and character set components as necessary to specify the locale  of
the manual page.

The  character set component describes the encoding of the manual page itself,
and not the encoding in use by the user; a manual  page  installed  under  the
fr.UTF-8  subdirectory  will be used in the fr_FR.ISO-8859-1 locale as well as
fr_FR.UTF-8, and converted between encodings as necessary.   If  no  character
set  is  specified  in  the  subdirectory  name, man-db will attempt to detect
whether each page is encoded using UTF-8 or a legacy character set appropriate
for  the  language.  Accordingly, the recommended scheme for installing manual
pages is to encode them in UTF-8 (or, if that is not practical, in the  legacy
character  set) and install them in directories without a character set compo-
nent in their names.

The territory should normally be omitted unless it is  necessary  to  describe
the  manual  page  text.   For example, Brazilian Portuguese is quite distinct
from Portuguese and so should be installed under the pt_BR subdirectory, but a
single German manual page will typically suffice in Austria as well as in Ger-
many and so should be installed under the de subdirectory.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

The following table gives some examples.

|Language | Territory   | Character Set       | Directory                       |
|French   | any         | UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 | /usr/share/man/fr               |
|French   | Canada      | ISO 8859-1          | /usr/share/man/fr_CA            |
|French   | any         | UTF-8               | /usr/share/man/fr.UTF-8         |
|German   | Germany     | UTF-8               | /usr/share/man/de_DE.UTF-8      |
|German   | Switzerland | ISO 8859-1          | /usr/share/man/de_CH.ISO-8859-1 |
|Japanese | Japan       | UTF-8 or EUC-JP     | /usr/share/man/ja_JP            |
|Japanese | Japan       | EUC-JP              | /usr/share/man/ja_JP.EUC-JP     |
|Japanese | any         | UTF-8               | /usr/share/man/ja.UTF-8         |

On systems supporting UTF-8, it  is  recommended  that  all  manual  pages  be
encoded using UTF-8 where possible, in order to simplify the task of editing a
variety of pages without reconfiguring editors and terminals and the like.

Each of these directories are then  interpreted  as  manual  page  hierarchies
themselves  and  may  contain the usual section subdirectories.  Access to NLS
manual pages is achieved via use of the setlocale(3)  function  which  queries
user environment variables to determine the current locale.  Internally to the
man-db utilities, this locale string is appended to each manpath  element  and
the resultant NLS manpath element is searched before the standard manpath ele-
ment.  In this way, an NLS manual page that matches the search  criteria  will
be shown before or in place of the standard American English page.

If a user's $MANPATH consists of or is determined as


and their locale is set to de_DE, the command

would produce the following internal man-db manpath elements



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foobar  would  be searched for in the order of manual page hierarchies listed.
Additional directories corresponding to  manual  pages  encoded  in  different
character sets would be used if present.

3.5.1.  ISO 8859-1 (latin1) manual pages

By  default  NROFF  will  format manual pages into a form suitable for a type-
writer style device, e.g. a terminal screen. GNU NROFF is capable6 of  format-
ting  ROFF  into  a  form suitable for 8-bit latin1 capable output devices. To
enable output for such a device, give the option


to configure where DEVICE is the suitable and supported output format, in this
case latin1.

3.5.2.  Displaying non-ASCII characters on a Linux virtual terminal

To  view  non-ASCII  characters at the Linux console, you must have one of the
kbd7 and console-tools packages installed.  If your system does not come  with
suitable  configuration  already, then please see the documentation in the kbd
or console-tools package for details on how to configure the console for  your
locale.   On  modern systems, the best choice is likely to be to use the UTF-8
encoding with a font suitable for your language.  Make sure that  your  locale
environment  variables  match the encoding displayed by the console.  For dis-
play under the "X Window System", a suitable 8-bit-clean terminal emulator  is

3.5.3.  Viewing ASCII pages formatted for latin1 output device

When  formatting  an  ASCII  manual page for a latin1 output device, GNU NROFF
will take advantage of the extra characters available and will always  produce
a  text  page containing some latin1 (8-bit) symbols.  The table8 below, taken
from man(1), illustrates the differences.

   6 see nroff(5) for the output device formats available with your NROFF
   7 written and maintained by Andries Brouwer <aeb@cwi.nl>.
   8  The ISO 8859-1 and ASCII columns of this table will be identical if this
manual was formatted for an ASCII based typewriter display, i.e.  using  NROFF
in its native mode.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

              |Description         | Octal | ISO 8859-1 | ASCII |
              |continuation hyphen |  255  |            |   -   |
              |bullet (middle dot) |  267  |     +o      |   o   |
              |acute accent        |  264  |     '      |   '   |
              |multiplication sign |  327  |     x      |   x   |

To display such symbols on a 7 bit terminal or terminal emulator, they must be
translated  back into standard ASCII.  The -7 option with man will enable this
simple reverse translation.

This option may be useful if your site has both 7  and  8-bit  capable  output
devices and nroff is using the latin1 output device to format manual pages.

3.6.  Cat pages

It has become standard practice to store the formatted manual pages on disk so
that subsequent requests for the manual page do not have to involve  the  for-
matting  process.   These  pre-formatted  manual pages are known as cat pages.
Although cat pages require additional disk storage requirements, they  provide
a substantial speed increase and their use is recommended.

The automatic support for storing and using cat pages is brought about by sim-
ply creating suitable directories for them.

3.7.  Cat page hierarchies

Traditionally, cat pages were stored under the same manual hierarchy as  their
source  manual  pages,  in cat<sec> subdirectories rather than man<sec>.  This
situation is rather limiting in several situations:

 +o When it is advantageous to mount /usr as a read-only filesystem.  Cat pages
   cannot be supported in this situation without use of symbolic links to var-
   ious other areas of the filesystem.  This situation is a greater problem if
   the media itself is read-only, such as CD-ROM.
 +o When  NFS  mounting  alternate OS's manual page hierarchies.  The alternate
   system may be under someone else's control and they may not want cat  pages
   stored  on  their system.  In fact, it is usually a good idea to export the
   manual page filesystems read-only, or import them that way.  It is possible
   to  avoid  the  problems,  this time with even more symbolic links that may
   need periodic updating.
 +o If there is a mixture of normal cat files and stray cats9, it is very  dif-
   ficult  to  periodically  trim  the cat space disk usage by removing seldom
   accessed cat files.

   9 cat files that have no source manual page, i.e. they cannot be recreated.


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To avoid all of these problems simultaneously, it was decided to support local
cat page directory caches.

3.8.  Local cat page directory caches

Any  location for cat page hierarchy may be specified in the man-db configura-
tion file.  The location of the database cache  associated  with  each  manual
page  hierarchy  will  always  be  at  the root of the cat page hierarchy.  By
default, the cat page hierarchy shadows the manual page  hierarchy.   The  FHS
proposes  /var/cache/man as the location for such directories, although man-db
allows any directory hierarchy to be used.  The FHS path  transformation  rule
is as follows:


should be formatted into the cat file


where  the  <locale>  directory  component  may be missing and <ext> may be an
empty string.

The suggestion is that stray cats are located  in  the  traditional  hierarchy
under  /usr whereas re-creatable cat pages are stored under the local writable
hierarchy /var/cache/man.  man follows strict rules in determining which  file
is displayed.

As an example, the following route is taken if all three files exist.

 (1)   Check relative modification time stamps of the manual file and the tra-
       ditional cat file.  If the cat file is up to date (has  an  equal  time
       stamp), display it.

 (2)   The traditional cat file is out of date.  Check relative time stamps of
       the manual file and the alternate cat file.  If the cat file is  up  to
       date, display it.

 (3)   The alternate cat file is out of date.  Format the manual file and dis-
       play the result in the foreground, while  updating  the  alternate  cat
       file in the background.

When a cat file is created, its time stamp is set to that of the corresponding
manual file.  Manual files are often stored in tar archives, and  time  stamps
may  be  preserved  when these archives are unpacked.  Simply checking whether
the cat file is newer would sometimes cause man to display an out-of-date  cat
file in this case, when it should have reformatted the manual file instead.


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4.  Compression

4.1.  Compressed manual pages

It  is possible to maintain a system of compressed manual pages.  This imposes
a small overhead on the formatting process, but is nevertheless  usually  rea-
sonable in order to avoid unnecessary consumption of disk space.

Presently,  the compression extension/decompressor pairs must be known at com-
pile time although any number may be defined and used.  The  following  struc-
ture is predefined in man-db:

                          |Extension | Decompressor |
                          |gz        | gzip -dc     |
                          |z         | gzip -dc     |
                          |Z         | compress -dc |

It  is a relatively easy operation to include further pairs in this structure.
See include/comp_src.h for details and an example.

Support for compressed manual pages is compiled into the man-db  utilities  by
default.   To  completely  disable this support, edit config.h and comment out
the following line

#define COMP_SRC 1

This will enable a minor speed increase, but note that support for stray  cats
with any compression extension other than the default will also be disabled.

4.2.  Compressed cat pages

man-db  compresses cat files by default.  During configuration, configure will
try to find gzip and, if found, all cat files produced by  man  will  be  com-
pressed with

     gzip -7c

and have a .gz extension appended.  If gzip is not found,

     compress -c

is used as the compressor and the extension .Z is appended.

To  store  cat files in an uncompressed state and to disable compressed exten-
sion processing completely, edit config.h and comment out the following line

#define COMP_CAT 1


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

4.2.1.  Stray cats

Normally, man will only look for cat files with the default compression exten-
sion.   The default compression extension is dependent on the default compres-
sor and may be an empty string if the support for compressed cats is disabled.

It is possible for a system to be supplied with stray cat files located in the
traditional cat page hierarchy.  To make matters worse, they may have compres-
sion extensions other than the default and reside on read-only media.  In such
circumstances, stray cat files will be accepted with any compression extension
that is also supported for manual pages.

This special treatment of stray cat pages is removed if support for compressed
manual pages is turned off or not available.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

5.  Formatting

As  already  pointed out in the introduction, there are two primary formatters
common to UNIX: NROFF and TROFF.

In the following sections, I will use the term TROFF to describe the  typeset-
ter  formatter  and NROFF to describe the typewriter formatter.  The term ROFF
will be used to describe a generic formatter.

5.1.  GROFF

If using the GROFF package, there is a further choice, GROFF  itself.   Essen-
tially,  GROFF  forms  a  pipeline of processors including TROFF and an output
processor which translates the ditroff produced by TROFF into the  appropriate
output format.  The default output format, or device, for GROFF is PostScript.
Anything else must be specified using  the  device  argument.   To  illustrate
GROFF, the command

will form the following pipeline

     troff -Tdvi /dev/null | grodvi

If  GROFF  is tied to man's -T option, it is still possible for man to produce
ditroff via use of the -Z option.

In GROFF 1.09, NROFF is bundled as a shell script that calls GROFF,  which  in
turn  calls  TROFF  with the default options -Wall -mtty-char -Tascii, passing
the result through grotty before it finally reaches the screen.

It is imperative that the script  does  not  pass  pre-processing  options  to
GROFF's command line as man takes care of this separately.

5.2.  Devices

Both  NROFF  and GROFF may allow output device selection.  As mentioned previ-
ously, classic NROFF produces output suitable for a typewriter device, classic
TROFF  produces output suitable for a C/A/T and GROFF produces output suitable
for a PostScript interpreting device by default.

5.3.  Macros

There are several ROFF macro sets in existence that are  suitable  for  manual
pages.  Unfortunately, they tend to be incompatible with each other.

During configuration, configure will attempt to determine a suitable macro set
for the local system's manual page collection.  It attempts to use NROFF  with
the following three macro packages:


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

          |macro package | macro filename           | nroff command |
          |andoc         | tmac.andoc or andoc.tmac | nroff -mandoc |
          |an            | tmac.an or an.tmac       | nroff -man    |
          |doc           | tmac.doc or doc.tmac     | nroff -mdoc   |

The  first  that succeeds is used.  The andoc macro set is suitable for manual
pages written using either an or doc macro commands, but not a combination  of

5.4.  Pre-format processors (pre-processors)

Manual pages may require pre-processing by any of the following

                      |Program | ID | Pre-processes    |
                      |eqn     | e  | equations        |
                      |tbl     | t  | tables           |
                      |grap    | g  | graphs           |
                      |pic     | p  | pictures         |
                      |refer   | r  | A bibliography   |
                      |vgrind  | v  | program listings |

It  is  possible  to assign a default pre-processor list that all manual pages
will be passed through prior to the primary formatter.  By  default,  this  is
empty.   To define a default list, edit include/manconfig.h and un-comment the
following line

/* #define DEFAULT_MANROFFSEQ   "t" */

which will enable tbl processing by default.  To change the list, replace  the
t with a suitable string of processor ID's.

Pre-process  options may be provided at run time in various forms, but in gen-
eral the pre-processors required by each manual page is indicated in the first
line of the manual page itself.  See man(1) for details.

If a manual page does not contain a pre-processor string in its first line, it
will be scanned for well-known ROFF requests used to  pass  input  to  certain
pre-processors.   Thus, the pre-processor string is often unnecessary for cor-
rect output, but should nevertheless be included for efficiency.

5.5.  Format scripts

It is very likely that alternate systems manual pages may require non-standard
macro  packages or possibly even special pre-processors.  To tackle such prob-
lems, special format scripts may be created on a per manual hierarchy basis.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

If the file


exists and is executable, it is expected to be able to correctly format a man-
ual  page originating from <manual_hierarchy> to its standard output.  It will
be supplied with either two or three arguments:

    +o manual page filename
    +o pre-processor string
    +o output device (optional)

Similarly, if the option -T<device> or -t was supplied to man and the file


exists and is executable, it will be used in the same way.

An  example  of  such  a  script,  supplied   by   Markus   Armbruster   <arm-
bru@pond.sub.org>, who provided support for external formatter scripts, can be
found as tools/mandb_fmt-script

The script can be used as both an NROFF and TROFF/GROFF format script and  can
be  installed  as  mandb_nfmt and hard linked to mandb_tfmt after modification
appropriate for your particular site.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

6.  The index database caches

As mentioned in the introduction, man-db uses database lookups to  search  for
manual  page  locations and information.  When performing a manual page lookup
or a basic whatis search, the databases are searched in

     key -> content

mode and are as fast as the underlying  databases  can  be.   When  performing
apropos  or  special  whatis  searches, the databases are searched in a linear
way, which, although far more expensive than keyed lookup, is  no  worse  than
traditional text based file searching.

6.1.  index database location

The  databases  are  always  located  at  the  root of the cat page hierarchy,
whether this is the same as the manual page hierarchy or not.  As file locking
mechanisms  are  employed  to ensure that concurrent processes do not update a
database simultaneously, it is almost imperative that the databases reside  on
a  local  filesystem since file locking across NFS filesystems may be unavail-
able or flaky.  To avoid such problems, man can be compiled  without  database
maintenance support.  See the section titled "Modes of operation" for details.

6.1.1.  Manual hierarchies with no index database

It  is  possible for the man-db utilities to operate without aid from an index
database.  Under such circumstances, search methods will use only  file  glob-
bing  and  whatis  type  searches are performed on any traditional whatis text
databases that may exist.  Only the traditional cat hierarchy is searched  for
cat files.

6.1.2.  User manual page hierarchies

A user may have any number of personal manual page hierarchies listed in their
$MANPATH.  By default, man will maintain mandb created databases at  the  root
of user manual page hierarchies.  The definition of a user manual hierarchy is
that it does not have an entry in the man-db  configuration  file.   See  man-
path(5) for details.

6.2.  Contents of an index database

There are four kinds of entry in an index database.

 (1)   A  direct  entry regarding a particular manual page.  Manual pages that
       are unique in terms of name use just a single entry in the database and
       can be looked up by simply using the name as the key.

 (2)   A  common name index entry that lists the extensions of all of the man-
       ual pages sharing the common index entry name.  Manual pages that share
       common  names but have differing extensions each have a single database
       entry, but this time they are looked up with a key comprised  of  their
       name  and  their  extension.  The entire set of common named pages also
       has  an  common  name  index  entry  that  informs  of  the  extensions


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014


 (3)   An  indirect  entry that has a pointer to the real entry.  Manual pages
       that are whatis references to a particular page do not physically exist
       so they have a pointer to the entry containing the location of the real
       manual page.

 (4)   Special identification entries.   There  are  two  special  key  names,
       "$mtime$"  that  references an integer describing the last modification
       time of the database and "$version$" that identifies the database stor-
       age scheme version.

In  order  to  support  looking up manual pages in a case-insensitive fashion,
keys are stored in lower case.  If the name of the page  was  not  already  in
lower case, its true case is also stored in the common name index entry.

In  the  following  entries,  the  character  "|" will be used to separate the
fields. In reality a tab is used.  Direct and indirect entries takes the form:

     <name>         ->         <realname>|<ext>|<sec>|<mtime>|<ID>|<ref>|<fil-

Common name index entries take the form:

     <name>  -> |<realname1>|<ext1>|<realname2>|<ext2>|<realname3>|<ext3>| ...

and common name direct or indirect entries take the form:

     <name>|<ext>      ->      <realname>|<ext>|<sec>|<mtime>|<ID>|<ref>|<fil-

where in each case the filename being represented is formed as


in the case of a manual page, or


in the case of a stray cat.

If  any  of  the  fields  would be empty, a single "-" is stored in its place.
<comp> represents the compression extension, <mtime> is an integer  represent-
ing  the  last modification time of the manual page, <ref> points to the entry
containing the location of the real page, <ID> is one of the following identi-
fication letters, and <filter> represents any preprocessors that are needed to
display the page.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

  |ID | #define    | Description                                            |
  |A  | ULT_MAN    | ultimate manual page, the full source nroff file       |
  |B  | SO_MAN     | manual page containing a .so request to an ULT_MAN     |
  |C  | WHATIS_MAN | virtual whatis referenced page pointing to an ULT_MAN  |
  |D  | STRAY_CAT  | cat page with no source manual page                    |
  |E  | WHATIS_CAT | virtual whatis referenced page pointing to a STRAY_CAT |

The ID illustrates the precedence.  Some types of manual page  can  be  refer-
enced  by  several  means,  e.g. .so requested and whatis referred.  In such a
case, only one reference must be stored in the database, the precedence  level
decides which.

6.2.1.  Favouring stray cats

With  the above rules of precedence, it is possible for a valid stray cat page
to be replaced by a whatis referred page sharing identical name-space.

If you  would  like  to  see  the  stray  cat  page  kill(1)  instead  of  the
bash_builtins(1)  page referenced by kill(1), edit include/manconfig.h and un-
comment the following line

/* #define FAVOUR_STRAYCATS */

6.2.2.  Accessdb

A simple program, accessdb is included with man-db.  It will output  the  data
contained  within  a man-db database in a human readable form.  By default, it
will dump the data from  /var/cache/man/index.<db-type>,  where  <db-type>  is
dependent on the database library in use.

Supplying  an  argument  to  accessdb  will  override  this default.  Tabs are
replaced in the output by a tilde "~" in the key field and a single  space  in
the content field.

6.2.3.  Example database

As an example of both accessdb and the database storage method, the output of

after first running

from the top level build directory is included below.

$mtime$ -> "795987034"
$version$ -> "2.3.1"
apropos -> "1 1 795981542 A - - search the manual page names and descriptions"


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

catman -> "8 8 795981544 A - - create or update the pre-formatted manual pages"
man -> "1 1 795981542 A - - an interface to the on-line reference manuals"
mandb -> "8 8 795981544 A - - create or update the manual page index caches"
manpath -> " 1 5"
manpath~1 -> "1 1 795981542 A - - determine search path for manual pages"
manpath~5 -> "5 5 795981543 A - - format of the /etc/man_db.config file"
whatis -> "1 1 795981543 A - - search the manual page names"
zsoelim -> "1 1 795981543 A - - satisfy .so requests in roff input"

6.3.  Database types

man-db  has  support  for various low level database libraries commonly in use
today.  The interfaces to the libraries are known as

 +o ndbm (UNIX)
 +o gdbm (GNU)
 +o btree (Berkeley DB)

man-db currently does not hold more than one database open at any time, so

 +o dbm (UNIX)

support could be added in the future.

6.4.  Limitations

The general differences and limitations are best compared in a table.

|      |             |   File   | Content memory  |  Concurrent  |           |
|Name  |    Type     |          +---------+-------+              | Shareable |
|      |             |   name   |  type   | limit |    access    |           |
|ndbm  | hash        | index10  | static  | 1Kb   | none         | no        |
|gdbm  | hash        | index.db | dynamic | -     | file locking | no        |
|btree | binary tree | index.bt | static  | -     | none         | yes       |

Those types that have no built in concurrent access strategy are provided with
flock(2) based file locking by man-db.

Berkeley DB initializes its databases very quickly, so  btree  may  have  some
performance  advantages  when doing man searches.  However, it is quite heavy-
weight and its library SONAME and on-disk formats have  changed  a  number  of
times  to  provide features considerably beyond what man-db needs, so the pre-
ferred library interface is now gdbm.  configure will look for gdbm, btree and
then finally ndbm routines when configuring man-db.
   10 ndbm databases are physically represented by two  files,  index.dir  and
index.pag, but are referred to simply as index by the interface routines.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

6.5.  Sharing databases in a heterogeneous environment
It  may  be  necessary  or  advantageous  to share databases across platforms,
regardless of the potential file locking problems.

An example would be a user having a personal manual page hierarchy in  an  NFS
based  home  directory  environment, whereby the home directory is held on and
mounted from a single machine in a heterogeneous network.

In this context, the database cache will have the same name and reside in  the
same  place  on  all  machines.  There are at least two ways to deal with this

 +o Hack the include/manconfig.h file on each  platform  to  provide  a  unique
   database name for each system.  No databases will be shared.
 +o Install  and  use  the Berkeley DB database interface library on each plat-
   form.  These databases can be shared across big-endian/little-endian  plat-
   forms  although  a  database created on a big-endian platform will suffer a
   small access penalty when used by a litle-endian machine and vice-versa.


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

7.  Miscellaneous

7.1.  Modes of operation

The man-db utilities can operate in many  different  modes,  allowing  varying
degrees  of  freedom,  functionality  and security.  No mode requires that the
manual page hierarchies be writable.

(1) Default mode
     man is setuid to the user MAN_OWNER which is  `man'  by  default  and  is
     changeable  via  options to configure.  mandb, if run by the superuser or
     MAN_OWNER,  creates  globally  accessible  index   databases   owned   by
     MAN_OWNER.   Once  the  databases are created, man will update entries in
     them if it finds newly installed manual pages (if the  --update  flag  is
     used)  or delete entries if manual pages are removed.  In this mode it is
     possible for a malicious man user to deliberately lock a  database  as  a
     writer, thus denying read access to other users.
     If  cat directories exist and have the correct permissions, man will take
     care of producing cat files.  These will  be  owned  by  MAN_OWNER.   The
     default permissions of both cat files and databases are 0644.

(2) No man database updates
     This mode also requires man to be setuid, but is favoured where databases
     must be shared in an environment unfriendly to kernel locking procedures,
     eg.  NFS.  It also prevents possible "denial of service" attacks by mali-
     cious man users as man never opens the databases  as  a  writer  in  this
     mode.   To replace the functionality lost by disallowing man write access
     to the databases, mandb should be rerun whenever  new  manual  pages  are
     installed.   Otherwise,  man will not be able to use the database to find
     and display the newly added manual  pages,  and  will  have  to  use  the
     filesystem  instead.   Each  index  database may be owned by an arbitrary
     user who will have subsequent write access to the  database.   Cat  files
     are created in the same way as for mode (1) above.
     To  use  the  man-db  utilities  in  this  mode,  give the option `--dis-
     able-automatic-update' to configure.

(3) No man database updates or cat production
     man is installed not setuid.  This mode of operation probably offers  the
     highest  level  of  security but it requires higher levels of maintenance
     than other modes due to the restrictions imposed upon man.  Each database
     is owned by an arbitrary user as in mode (2).  Each cat hierarchy is also
     owned by an arbitrary user who is  responsible  for  creating  cat  files
     using  catman  whenever new manual files are installed.  man will be com-
     pletely passive in its action, i.e. no index databases will be written to
     and no cat files are ever produced.
     To  use  the  man-db  utilities  in this mode, supply the options `--dis-
     able-setuid --disable-automatic-update --disable-cats' to  configure,  or
     build  man-db  as in mode (1) and install the binaries without the setuid
     bit set.

(4) Wide open
     man is installed not setuid.  This mode is similar in  operation  to  the
     majority of vendor supplied, non setuid, cat file supporting manual pager


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

     suites.  It is not recommended.  The databases are owned by an  arbitrary
     user  who maintains them using mandb.  man does not update the databases.
     Cat files are produced and stored in world writable cat  directories  and
     have world write access themselves.
     To  use  the  man-db  utilities  in this mode, supply the options `--dis-
     able-setuid --disable-automatic-update' to configure,  edit  include/man-
     config.h and change the definition of CATMODE from 0644 to 0666.

Other variations can also be used.  In fact it is possible for man to actually
create index databases, usually the job of mandb, for  users'  private  manual
page  hierarchies.   This  is  enabled  by  giving  the option `--enable-auto-
matic-create' to configure.

In summary, include/manconfig.h contains definitions for


the setuid installation and operation of man is modified by  supplying  either
of the following options to configure:

 +o --enable-setuid=USER
 +o --disable-setuid

and  other  aspects of man's behaviour are controlled by the following options
to configure:

 +o --enable-automatic-create
 +o --disable-automatic-update
 +o --disable-cats

7.2.  NFS root squash

If man is installed setuid to an arbitrary user and is run by root, instead of
gaining the effective user id of the setuid user, man is run with both uid and
euid as root.  This is neccesary due to infelicities with the  POSIX  setuid()
function  call:   All  users  except root may change to and from the effective
(setuid) user, however once root has setuid(user), there is no way back.

A side effect of this is that NFS mounted cat hierarchies or databases will be
unwritable if the following conditions exist:

 +o man/catman/mandb is run by root
 +o The NFS mount has the root squash flag set

To  get around this problem, the root user must first attain the ID of the cat
hierarchy or database owner before running man/catman/mandb whenever the data-
bases need updating or cat files are to be produced.

7.3.  NLS message catalogues

man-db  has built in support for native language message catalogues.  That is,
it can issue messages in the locale of the  user's  choice.   This  will  only


man-db                              v2.6.3                     August 28, 2014

occur  if  the  locale's  translation  has been written.  Before undertaking a
translation, please contact the  Translation  Project  (http://translationpro-
ject.org/) who are coordinating such activities.

7.4.  Credits

The  authors  would like to thank the following people for their time, effort,
support, ideas and code which went into man-db:

    Markus Armbruster <armbru@pond.sub.org>
    Lionel Cons & colleages <cons@dxcern.cern.ch>
    Carl Edman <cedman@princeton.edu>
    Caleb Epstein <epstein_caleb@jpmorgan.com>
    Lars Fenneberg <lf@gimli.comlink.de>
    Zoltan Hidvegi <hzoli@cs.elte.hu>
    Nils Magnus <magnus@unix-ag.uni-kl.de>
    Daniel Quinlan <quinlan@yggdrasil.com>
    Fabrizio Polacco <fpolacco@debian.org>
    Gordon Sadler <gbsadler1@lcisp.com>
    Colin Phipps <cph@cph.demon.co.uk>
    Paul Slootman <paul@wurtel.net>
    Jose Rodriguez <boriel@airtel.net>
    Eirik Fuller <eirik@hackrat.com>
    Matej Vela <vela@debian.org>
    Clint Adams <schizo@debian.org>
    Jeremy C. Reed <reed@reedmedia.net>
    Erik Andersen <andersen@codepoet.org>
    Giuseppe Sacco <eppesuig@debian.org>
    David Weinehall <tao@debian.org>
    Ralph Corderoy <ralph@inputplus.co.uk>
    Yuri Kozlov <kozlov.y@gmail.com>
    Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net>
    Lars Wirzenius <liw@iki.fi>
    Nicolas Fran,cois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>
    Ivan Shmakov <oneingray@gmail.com>
    Peter Breitenlohner <peb@mppmu.mpg.de>
    Robert Luberda <robert@debian.org>
    Chusslove Illich <caslav.ilic@gmx.net>

and all those translators listed in the man/THANKS file.



manual page
     A file containing descriptions related to the use of a function  or  pro-
     gram or the structure of a file.  The name of the file is formed from the
     title of the manual page followed by a period followed by the name of the
     section  that  it  resides  in, optionally followed by an extension.  The
     format of the file is NROFF and may be compressed, having a suitable com-
     pression extension appended.

cat page
     A formatted manual page suitable for viewing on a vt100-type terminal.

stray cat page
     A  cat page that does not have a relative manual page on the system, i.e.
     only the cat page was supplied or the manual page was removed  after  the
     cat page had been created.

     Each  manual  page  or  cat page hierarchy is divided into sections, each
     section having its own directory.  Manual page  hierarchy  section  names
     begin with `man' and cat page sections with `cat'.

     A  package  may  provide manual pages with filenames ending in a package-
     specific extension name.  This allows manual pages with the same title to
     coexist in the same manual page hierarchy and section without sharing the
     same filename.  It also provides a further mechanism for  man  to  select
     the correct manual page.

manual page hierarchy
     A  directory  tree  divided  into manual page sections, each containing a
     collection of manual pages.

cat page hierarchy
     A directory tree divided into cat page sections, each containing  a  col-
     lection of cat pages.

traditional cat page hierarchy
     The same location as the manual page hierarchy.

alternate cat page hierarchy
     A separate location to that of the traditional cat page hierarchy.

traditional cat page
     A cat page located in a traditional cat page hierarchy.

alternate cat page
     A cat page located in an alternate cat page hierarchy.



1.  Introduction ........................................................    1
    1.1  man-db .........................................................    1
         1.1.1  The concept .............................................    1
    1.2  The manual page system .........................................    2
    1.3  Sections of the manual .........................................    2
    1.4  The format of manual pages .....................................    3
    1.5  Arguments to configure .........................................    3

2.  The specifics of Sections ...........................................    5
    2.1  Package specific manual page sections ..........................    5
    2.2  Selecting a section type .......................................    5
         2.2.1  Specifying a section ....................................    5
         2.2.2  Specifying an extension .................................    6

3.  Filesystem structure ................................................    7
    3.1  Manual page hierarchies ........................................    7
    3.2  Setting the MANPATH ............................................    7
    3.3  Determination of the internal manpath ..........................    8
    3.4  Other OS's manual pages ........................................    8
    3.5  NLS manual pages ...............................................    9
         3.5.1  ISO 8859-1 (latin1) manual pages ........................   11
         3.5.2  Displaying  non-ASCII  characters  on  a Linux virtual
         terminal .......................................................   11
         3.5.3  Viewing ASCII pages formatted for latin1 output device
         ................................................................   11
    3.6  Cat pages ......................................................   12
    3.7  Cat page hierarchies ...........................................   12
    3.8  Local cat page directory caches ................................   13

4.  Compression .........................................................   14
    4.1  Compressed manual pages ........................................   14
    4.2  Compressed cat pages ...........................................   14
         4.2.1  Stray cats ..............................................   15

5.  Formatting ..........................................................   16
    5.1  GROFF ..........................................................   16
    5.2  Devices ........................................................   16
    5.3  Macros .........................................................   16
    5.4  Pre-format processors (pre-processors) .........................   17
    5.5  Format scripts .................................................   17

6.  The index database caches ...........................................   19
    6.1  index database location ........................................   19
         6.1.1  Manual hierarchies with no index database ...............   19
         6.1.2  User manual page hierarchies ............................   19
    6.2  Contents of an index database ..................................   19
         6.2.1  Favouring stray cats ....................................   21
         6.2.2  Accessdb ................................................   21
         6.2.3  Example database ........................................   21
    6.3  Database types .................................................   22


    6.4  Limitations ....................................................   22
    6.5  Sharing databases in a heterogeneous environment ...............   23

7.  Miscellaneous .......................................................   24
    7.1  Modes of operation .............................................   24
    7.2  NFS root squash ................................................   25
    7.3  NLS message catalogues .........................................   25
    7.4  Credits ........................................................   26

