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<html><head><title>TLS-protected syslog: recommended scenario</title>

<h1>Encrypting Syslog Traffic with TLS (SSL)</h1>
<p><small><i>Written by <a href="http://www.adiscon.com/en/people/rainer-gerhards.php">Rainer
Gerhards</a> (2008-06-17)</i></small></p>
<li><a href="rsyslog_secure_tls.html">Overview</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_scenario.html">Sample Scenario</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_ca.html">Setting up the CA</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_machine.html">Generating Machine Certificates</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_server.html">Setting up the Central Server</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_client.html">Setting up syslog Clients</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_udp_relay.html">Setting up the UDP syslog relay</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_summary.html">Wrapping it all up</a>
<li><a href="tls_cert_errmsgs.html">Frequently seen Error Messages</a>

<p>This document describes a secure way to set up rsyslog TLS. A secure logging
environment requires more than just encrypting the transmission channel. This document
provides one possible way to create such a secure system.
<p>Rsyslog's TLS authentication can be used very flexible and thus supports a 
wide range of security policies. This section tries to give some advise on a 
scenario that works well for many environments. However, it may not be suitable 
for you - please assess you security needs before using the recommendations 
below. Do not blame us if it doesn't provide what you need ;)</p>
<p>Our policy offers these security benefits:</p>
	<li>syslog messages are encrypted while traveling on the wire</li>
	<li>the syslog sender authenticates to the syslog receiver; thus, the 
	receiver knows who is talking to it</li>
	<li>the syslog receiver authenticates to the syslog sender; thus, the sender 
	can check if it indeed is sending to the expected receiver</li>
	<li>the mutual authentication prevents man-in-the-middle attacks</li>
<p>Our secrity goals are achived via public/private key security. As such, it is 
vital that private keys are well protected and not accessible to third parties. 
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If private keys have become known to third parties, the system does not provide 
any security at all. Also, our solution bases on X.509 certificates and a (very 
limited) chain of trust. We have one instance (the CA) that issues all machine 
certificates. The machine certificate indentifies a particular machine. hile in 
theory (and practice), there could be several &quot;sub-CA&quot; that issues machine 
certificates for a specific adminitrative domain, we do not include this in our 
&quot;simple yet secure&quot; setup. If you intend to use this, rsyslog supports it, but 
then you need to dig a bit more into the documentation (or use the forum to ask). 
In general, if you depart from our simple model, you should have good reasons 
for doing so and know quite well what you are doing - otherwise you may 
compromise your system security.</p>
<p>Please note that security never comes without effort. In the scenario 
described here, we have limited the effort as much as possible. What remains is 
some setup work for the central CA, the certificate setup for each machine as 
well as a few configuration commands that need to be applied to all of them. 
Proably the most important limiting factor in our setup is that all senders and 
receivers must support IETF's syslog-transport-tls standard (which is not 
finalized yet). We use mandatory-to-implement technology, yet you may have 
trouble finding all required features in some implementations. More often, 
unfortunately, you will find that an implementation does not support the 
upcoming IETF standard at all - especially in the &quot;early days&quot; (starting May 
2008) when rsyslog is the only implementation of said standard.</p>
<p>Fortunately, rsyslog supports allmost every protocol that is out there in the 
syslog world. So in cases where transport-tls is not available on a sender, we 
recommend to use rsyslog as the initial relay. In that mode, the not-capabe 
sender sends to rsyslog via another protocol, which then relays the message via 
transport-tls to either another interim relay or the final destination (which, 
of course, must by transport-tls capable). In such a scenario, it is best to try 
see what the sender support. Maybe it is possible to use industry-standard plain 
tcp syslog with it. Often you can even combine it with stunnel, which then, too, 
enables a secure delivery to the first rsyslog relay. If all of that is not 
possible, you can (and often must...) resort to UDP. Even though this is now 
lossy and insecure, this is better than not having the ability to listen to that 
device at all. It may even be reasonale secure if the uncapable sender and the 
first rsyslog relay communicate via a private channel, e.g. a dedicated network 
<p>One final word of caution: transport-tls protects the connection between the 
sender and the receiver. It does not necessarily protect against attacks that 
are present in the message itself. Especially in a relay environment, the 
message may have been originated from a malicious system, which placed invalid 
hostnames and/or other content into it. If there is no provisioning against such 
things, these records may show up in the receivers' repository. -transport-tls 
does not protect against this (but it may help, properly used). Keep in mind 
that syslog-transport-tls provides hop-by-hop security. It does not provide 
end-to-end security and it does not authenticate the message itself (just the 
last sender).</p>
<h3>A very quick Intro</h3>
<p>If you'd like to get all information very rapidly, the graphic below contains
everything you need to know (from the certificate perspective) in a very condensed
manner. It is no surprise if the graphic puzzles you. In this case, <a href="tls_cert_scenario.html">simply read on</a>
for full instructions.
<img align="center" alt="TLS/SSL protected syslog" src="tls_cert.jpg">
<h3>Feedback requested</h3>
<p>I would appreciate feedback on this tutorial. If you have
additional ideas, comments or find bugs (I *do* bugs - no way... ;)),
<a href="mailto:rgerhards@adiscon.com">let me know</a>.</p>
<h2>Revision History</h2>
<li>2008-06-06 * <a href="http://www.gerhards.net/rainer">Rainer Gerhards</a> * Initial Version created</li>
<li>2008-06-18 * <a href="http://www.gerhards.net/rainer">Rainer Gerhards</a> * Greatly enhanced and modularized the doc</li>
<p>Copyright (c) 2008 <a href="http://www.adiscon.com/en/people/rainer-gerhards.php">Rainer
Gerhards</a> and
<a href="http://www.adiscon.com/en/">Adiscon</a>.</p>
<p> Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version
1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license can be viewed at
<a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html">http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html</a>.</p>
