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Current File : //usr/share/nmap/nselib/bittorrent.lua

--- Bittorrent and DHT protocol library which enables users to read 
-- information from a torrent file, decode bencoded (bittorrent
-- encoded) buffers, find peers associated with a certain torrent and
-- retrieve nodes discovered during the search for peers.
-- For more information on the Bittorrent and DHT protocol go to:
-- http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0000.html
-- The library contains the class <code>Torrent</code> and the function bdecode(buf)
-- How this library is likely to be used:
-- <code>
--  local filename = "/home/user/name.torrent"
--  local torrent = bittorrent.Torrent:new()
--  torrent:load_from_file(filename)
--  torrent:trackers_peers() -- to load peers from the trackers
--  torrent:dht_peers() -- to further load peers using the DHT protocol from existing peers
-- </code>
-- After these operations the peers and nodes can be found in <code>torrent.peers</code> and
-- <code>torrent.nodes</code> tables respectively
-- @author "Gorjan Petrovski"
-- @license "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"

-- The usage of the library would be first to initialize a new Torrent
-- object. This initialization includes setting values for several
-- variables.
-- Next, a the torrent information needs to be loaded from a torrent file
-- or a magnet link. The information in question would be a list of
-- trackers, and the info_hash variable which is a 20 bytes length SHA1
-- hash of the info field in the torrent file. The torrent file includes
-- the field itself, but the magnet link only includes the info_hash
-- value.
-- After the basic info for the torrent is set, next the peers from the
-- trackers need to be downloaded (torrent:trackers_peers()). There are
-- http and udp trackers which use different protocols implemented in the
-- Torrent:http_tracker_peers() and Torrent:udp_tracker_peers(). The
-- communication is done serially and could be improved by using threads.
-- After a few peers have been discovered we can continue in using the
-- DHT protocol to discover more. We MUST have several peers in order to
-- use the DHT protocol, and what's more at least one of the peers must
-- have that protocol implemented. A peer which implements the DHT
-- protocol is called a node. What that protocol allows is actually to
-- find more peers for the torrent we are downloading/interested in, and
-- it also allows us to find more nodes (hosts which implement the DHT
-- protocol). Please notice that a DHT node does not necessarily have to
-- be a peer sharing the torrent we need. So, in fact we have two
-- networks, the network of peers (hosts sharing the torrent we need) and
-- the DHT network (network of nodes which allow us to find more peers
-- and nodes.
-- There are three kinds of commands we need to do DHT discovery:
-- - dht_ping, which is sent to a peer to test if the peer is a DHT node
-- - find_node, which is sent to a DHT node to discover more DHT nodes
-- - get_peers, which is sent to a DHT node to discover peers sharing a
-- specific torrent; If the node that we send the get_peers command
-- doesn't have a record of peers sharing that torrent, it returns more
-- nodes.
-- So in the bittorrent library I implemented every command in functions
-- which are run as separate threads. They synchronize their work using
-- the pnt condvar table. This is the map of pnt (peer node table):
-- pnt = { peers_dht_ping, peers, nodes_find_node, nodes_get_peers, nodes }
-- The dht_ping thread pings every peer in peers_dht_ping and then
-- inserts it into peers. It does this for batches of a 100 peers. If the
-- peer responds it adds it to the nodes_find_node list.
-- The find_node thread sends find_node queries to the nodes in
-- nodes_find_node, after which it puts them in nodes_get_peers. The
-- nodes included in the response are added to the nodes_find_node list
-- if they are not present in any of the nodes' lists.
-- The nodes_get_peers sends a get_peers query to every node in the list
-- after which they are added to the nodes list. If undiscovered peers
-- are returned they are inserted into peers_dht_ping. If undiscovered
-- nodes are found they are inserted into nodes_find_node.
-- All of these threads run for a specified timeout whose default value
-- is ~ 30 seconds.
-- As you can see all newly discovered nodes are added to the
-- nodes_find_node, and are processed first by the find_node thread, and
-- then by the get_peers thread. All newly discovered peers are added to
-- the peers_dht_ping to be processed by the dht_ping thread and so on.
-- That enables the three threads to cooperate and pass on peers and
-- nodes between each other.
-- There is also a bdecode function which decodes Bittorrent encoded
-- buffers and organizes them into a structure I deemed fit for use.
-- There are two known bittorrent structures: the list and the
-- dictionary. One problem I encountered was that the bittorrent
-- dictionary can have multiple entries with same-name keys. This kind of
-- structure is not supported by Lua, so I had to use lists to represent
-- the dictionaries as well which made accessing the keys a bit quirky

local bin = require "bin"
local bit = require "bit"
local coroutine = require "coroutine"
local http = require "http"
local io = require "io"
local math = require "math"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local openssl = require "openssl"
local os = require "os"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
local url = require "url"
_ENV = stdnse.module("bittorrent", stdnse.seeall)

--- Given a buffer and a starting position in the buffer, this function decodes
-- a bencoded string there and returns it as a normal lua string, as well as 
-- the position after the string
local bdec_string = function(buf, pos)
	local len = ""
	local tmp_pos = pos
	while tonumber(string.char(buf:byte(pos))) do
		len = len .. tonumber(string.char(buf:byte(pos)))
		pos = pos + 1
	len = tonumber(len)

	if string.char(buf:byte(pos)) ~= ":" then
		return nil, tmp_pos
	pos = pos+1

	local str = buf:sub(pos,pos+len-1)
	pos = pos+len
	return str, pos

--- Given a buffer and a starting position in the buffer, this function decodes
-- a bencoded number there and returns it as a normal lua number, as well as 
-- the position after the number
local bdec_number = function(buf, pos)
	local s, n = string.match(buf, "^i(%-*)(%d+)e", pos)
	if not n then return nil end
	local num = tonumber(n)
	-- 1 for the "i", 1 for the "e", 1 if there is a "-" plus the length of n
	pos = pos + 2 + #n
	if s == "-" then
		num = -num
		pos = pos + 1

	return num, pos

--- Parses a bencoded buffer 
-- @param buf, string with the bencoded buffer
-- @return bool indicating if parsing went ok
-- @return table containing the decoded structure, or error string
bdecode = function(buf)
	local len = #buf

	-- the main table
	local t = {}
	local stack = {}
	local pos = 1
	local cur = {}
	cur.type = "list"
	cur.ref = t
	table.insert(stack, cur)

	while true do
		if pos == len or (len-pos)==-1 then break end

		if cur.type == "list" then
			-- next element is a string
			if tonumber( string.char( buf:byte(pos) ) ) then
				local str
				str, pos = bdec_string(buf, pos)
				if not str then return nil, "Error parsing string", pos end
				table.insert(cur.ref, str)

			-- next element is a number
			elseif "i" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
				local num 
				num, pos = bdec_number(buf, pos)
				if not num then return nil, "Error parsing number", pos end
				table.insert(cur.ref, num)

			-- next element is a list
			elseif "l" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
				local new_list = {}
				table.insert(cur.ref, new_list)
				cur = {}
				cur.type = "list"
				cur.ref = new_list
				table.insert(stack, cur)
				pos = pos+1

			--next element is a dict
			elseif "d" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then 
				local new_dict = {}
				new_dict.type = "dict"
				table.insert(cur.ref, new_dict)
				cur = {}
				cur.type = "dict"
				cur.ref = new_dict
				table.insert(stack, cur)
				pos = pos+1
			--escape from the list
			elseif "e" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
				table.remove(stack, #stack)
				cur = stack[#stack]
				if not cur then return nil, "Problem with list closure:", pos end
				pos = pos+1
				return nil, "Unknown type found.", pos
		elseif cur.type == "dict" then
			local item = {} -- {key = <string>, value = <.*>}
			-- used to skip reading the value when escaping from a structure
			local escape_flag = false
			-- fill the key
			if tonumber( string.char( buf:byte(pos) ) ) then
				local str
				local tmp_pos = pos 
				str, pos = bdec_string(buf, pos)
				if not str then return nil, "Error parsing string.", pos end
				item.key = str
			elseif "e" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
				table.remove(stack, #stack)
				cur = stack[#stack]
				if not cur then return nil, "Problem with list closure:", pos end
				pos = pos+1
				escape_flag = true
				return nil, "A dict key has to be a string or escape.", pos
			if not escape_flag then
				-- value
				-- next element is a string
				if tonumber( string.char( buf:byte(pos) ) ) then
					local str
					str, pos = bdec_string(buf, pos)
					if not str then return nil, "Error parsing string.", pos end
					item.value = str
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)

				--next element is a number
				elseif "i" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					local num 
					num, pos = bdec_number(buf, pos)
					if not num then return nil, "Error parsing number.", pos end
					item.value = num
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)

				-- next element is a list
				elseif "l" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					item.value = {}
					item.value.type = "list"
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)
					cur = {}
					cur.type = "list"
					cur.ref = item.value

					table.insert(stack, cur)
					pos = pos+1

				--next element is a dict
				elseif "d" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					item.value = {}
					item.value.type = "dict"
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)

					cur = {}
					cur.type = "dict"
					cur.ref = item.value

					table.insert(stack, cur)
					pos = pos+1

				--escape from the dict
				elseif "e" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					table.remove(stack, #stack)
					cur = stack[#stack]
					if not cur then return false, "Problem with dict closure", pos end
					pos = pos+1
					return false, "Error parsing file, unknown type found", pos
			end -- if not escape_flag
		else -- elseif type == "dict"
			return false, "Invalid type of structure. Fix the code."
	end -- while(true)
	-- The code below is commented out because some responses from trackers are 
	-- not according to standards

	-- next(stack) is never gonna be nil because we're always in the main list
	-- next(stack, next(stack)) should be nil if we're in the main list
--		if next(stack, next(stack)) then
--			return false, "Probably file incorrect format"
--		end
	return true, t

--- This is the thread function which sends a DHT ping probe to every peer in 
-- pnt.peers_dht_ping after which the peer is moved to the pnt.peers and 
-- removed from pnt.peers_dht_ping. Every peer which responds to the DHT ping
-- is actually a DHT node and is added to the pnt.nodes_find_node table in 
-- order to be processed byt the find_node_thread(). This operation is done 
-- during the specified timeout which has a default value of about 30 seconds.
local dht_ping_thread = function(pnt, timeout)
	local condvar = nmap.condvar(pnt)
	local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp")
	local status, data

	local transaction_id = 0
	local start = os.time()

	while os.time() - start < timeout do
		local num_peers = 0
		--ping a 100 peers if there are as many

		while next(pnt.peers_dht_ping) ~= nil and num_peers <= 100 and os.time() - start < timeout do
			num_peers = num_peers +1
			local peer_ip, peer_info = next(pnt.peers_dht_ping)
			--transaction ids are 2 bytes long
			local t_ID_hex = stdnse.tohex(transaction_id % 0xffff)
			t_ID_hex = string.rep("0",4-#t_ID_hex)..t_ID_hex
			peer_info.transaction_id = bin.pack("H",t_ID_hex)
			-- mark it as received so we can distinguish from the others and 
			-- successfully iterate while receiving
			peer_info.received = false

			pnt.peers[peer_ip] = peer_info
			pnt.peers_dht_ping[peer_ip] = nil
			-- bencoded ping query describing a dictionary with y = q (query), q = ping
			-- {"t":<transaction_id>, "y":"q", "q":"ping", "a":{"id":<node_id>}}
			local ping_query =  "d1:ad2:id20:" .. pnt.node_id .. "e1:q4:ping1:t2:" ..
				peer_info.transaction_id .. "1:y1:qe"
			status, data = socket:sendto(peer_ip, peer_info.port, ping_query)

			transaction_id = transaction_id +1
			if transaction_id % 0xffff == 0 then 
				transaction_id = 0
		-- receive responses up to a 100
		for c = 1, 100 do 
			if os.time() - start >= timeout then break end
			status, data = socket:receive()
			if not status then break end

			local s, r = bdecode(data)
			-- if the response is decoded process it
			if s then
				local error_flag = true
				local good_response = false
				local node_id = nil
				local trans_id = nil

				for _, i in ipairs(r[1]) do
					if i.key == "y" and i.value == "r" then
						error_flag = false
					elseif i.key == "r" and i.value and i.value[1] and i.value[1].value then
						node_id = i.value[1].value
						good_response = true
					elseif i.key == "t" then
						trans_id = i.value
				if (not error_flag) and good_response and node_id and trans_id then
					local peer_ip
					for ip, info in pairs(pnt.peers) do
						if info.transaction_id == trans_id then
							info.received = nil		
							peer_ip = ip
					if peer_ip then
						pnt.peers[peer_ip].node_id = node_id 
						if not (pnt.nodes_find_node[peer_ip] or pnt.nodes_get_peers[peer_ip] or 
							pnt.nodes[peer_ip]) then
							pnt.nodes_find_node[peer_ip] = pnt.peers[peer_ip]
			end -- if s then
		end -- /for c = 1, 100
	end -- /while true

--- This thread sends a DHT find_node query to every node in 
-- pnt.nodes_find_node, after which every node is moved to pnt.nodes_get_peers
-- to be processed by the get_peers_thread() function. The responses to these 
-- queries contain adresses of other DHT nodes (usually 8) which are added to
-- the pnt.nodes_find_node list. This action is done for a timeout with a 
-- default value of 30 seconds.
local find_node_thread = function(pnt, timeout)
	local condvar = nmap.condvar(pnt)
	local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp")
	local status, data
	local start = os.time()
	while true do
		if os.time() - start >= timeout then break end
		local num_peers = 0

		while next(pnt.nodes_find_node) ~= nil and num_peers <= 100 do
			num_peers = num_peers +1
			local node_ip, node_info = next(pnt.nodes_find_node)

			-- standard bittorrent protocol specified find_node query with y = q (query),
			-- q = "find_node" (type of query), 
			-- find_node Query = {"t":<trainsaction_id>, "y":"q", "q":"find_node", "a": {"id":<node_id>, "target":<info_hash>}}
			local find_node_query = "d1:ad2:id20:" .. pnt.node_id .. "6:target20:" .. 
				pnt.info_hash .. "e1:q9:find_node1:t2:" .. openssl.rand_bytes(2) .. "1:y1:qe"
			-- add the traversed nodes to pnt.nodes_get_peers so they can be traversed by get_peers_thread
			pnt.nodes_get_peers[node_ip] = node_info
			pnt.nodes_find_node[node_ip] = nil
			status, data = socket:sendto(node_ip, node_info.port, find_node_query)

		for c = 1, 100 do
			if os.time() - start >= timeout then break end
			status, data = socket:receive()
			if not status then break end
			local s, r = bdecode(data)

			if s then
				local nodes = nil  
				if r[1] and r[1][1] and r[1][1].key == "r" and r[1][1].value then
					for _, el in ipairs(r[1][1].value) do
						if el.key == "nodes" then
							nodes = el.value
				--parse the nodes an add them to pnt.nodes_find_node
				if nodes then 
					for node_id, bin_node_ip, bin_node_port in nodes:gmatch("(....................)(....)(..)") do
						local node_ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", bin_node_ip:byte(1), bin_node_ip:byte(2),
							bin_node_ip:byte(3), bin_node_ip:byte(4))
						local node_port = bit.lshift(bin_node_port:byte(1),8) + bin_node_port:byte(2)
						local node_info = {}
						node_info.port = node_port
						node_info.node_id = node_id
						if not (pnt.nodes[node_ip] or pnt.nodes_get_peers[node_ip] 
							or pnt.nodes_find_node[node_ip]) then
							pnt.nodes_find_node[node_ip] = node_info
				end -- if nodes
			end -- if s 
		end -- for c = 1, 100	
	end -- while true

--- This thread sends get_peers DHT queries to all the nodes in 
-- pnt.nodes_get_peers, after which they are moved to pnt.nodes. There are two 
-- kinds of responses to these kinds of queries. One response contains peers, 
-- which would be added to the pnt.peers_dht_ping list, and the other kind of 
-- response is sent when the queried node has no peers, and contains more nodes
-- which are added to the pnt.nodes_find_node list.
local get_peers_thread = function(pnt, timeout)
	local condvar = nmap.condvar(pnt)
	local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp")
	local status, data

	local start = os.time()
	while true do
		if os.time() - start >= timeout then break end
		local num_peers = 0

		while next(pnt.nodes_get_peers) ~= nil and num_peers <= 100 do
			num_peers = num_peers +1
			local node_ip, node_info = next(pnt.nodes_get_peers)

			-- standard bittorrent protocol specified get_peers query with y ="q" (query)
			-- and q = "get_peers" (type of query) 
			-- {"t":<transaction_id>, "y":"q", "q":"get_peers", "a": {"id":<node_id>, "info_hash":<info_hash>}}
			local get_peers_query = "d1:ad2:id20:" .. pnt.node_id .. "9:info_hash20:" .. 
				pnt.info_hash .. "e1:q9:get_peers1:t2:" .. openssl.rand_bytes(2) .. "1:y1:qe"
			pnt.nodes[node_ip] = node_info
			pnt.nodes_get_peers[node_ip] = nil

			status, data = socket:sendto(node_ip, node_info.port, get_peers_query)

		for c = 1, 100 do
			if os.time() - start >= timeout then break end
			status, data = socket:receive()
			if not status then break end
			local s, r = bdecode(data)

			if s then
				local good_response = false
				local nodes = nil
				local peers = nil
				for _,el in ipairs(r[1]) do
					if el.key == "y" and el.value == "r" then 
						good_response = true
					elseif el.key == "r" then
						for _,i in ipairs(el.value) do
							-- the key will either be for nodes or peers
							if i.key == "nodes" then -- nodes
								nodes = i.value
							elseif i.key == "values" then -- peers
								peers = i.value
				if not good_response then 

				if nodes then

					for node_id, bin_node_ip, bin_node_port in 
						nodes:gmatch("(....................)(....)(..)") do
						local node_ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", bin_node_ip:byte(1), bin_node_ip:byte(2),
							bin_node_ip:byte(3), bin_node_ip:byte(4))
						local node_port = bit.lshift(bin_node_port:byte(1),8) + bin_node_port:byte(2)
						local node_info = {}
						node_info.port = node_port
						node_info.node_id = node_id
						if not (pnt.nodes[node_ip] or pnt.nodes_get_peers[node_ip] or 
							pnt.nodes_find_node[node_ip]) then
							pnt.nodes_find_node[node_ip] = node_info
				elseif peers then

					for _, peer in ipairs(peers) do
						local bin_ip, bin_port = peer:match("(....)(..)")
						local ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", bin_ip:byte(1), 
							bin_ip:byte(2), bin_ip:byte(3), bin_ip:byte(4))
						local port = bit.lshift(bin_port:byte(1),8)+bin_port:byte(2)
						if not (pnt.peers[ip] or pnt.peers_dht_ping[ip]) then
							pnt.peers_dht_ping[ip] = {}
							pnt.peers_dht_ping[ip].port = port

				end -- if nodes / elseif peers
			end -- if s then
		end -- for c = 1,100
	end -- while true

Torrent = 
	new = function(self)
		local o ={}
		setmetatable(o, self)
		self.__index = self
		self.buffer = nil -- buffer to keep the torrent 
		self.tor_struct = nil -- the decoded structure from the bencoded buffer

		self.trackers = {} -- list of trackers  {"tr1", "tr2", "tr3"...} 
		self.port = 6881 -- port on which our peer "listens" / it doesn't actually listen
		self.size = nil -- size of the files in the torrent
		self.info_buf = nil --buffer for info_hash
		self.info_hash = nil --info_hash binary string
		self.info_hash_url = nil --info_hash escaped

		self.peers = {} -- peers = { [ip1] = {port1, id1}, [ip2] = {port2, id2}, ...}
		self.nodes = {} -- nodes = { [ip1] = {port1, id1}, [ip2] = {port2, id2}, ...} 
		return o
	--- Loads trackers and similar information for a torrent from a magnet link.
	load_from_magnet = function(self, magnet)
		local info_hash_hex = magnet:match("^magnet:%?xt=urn:btih:(%w+)&")
		if not info_hash_hex then 
			return false, "Erroneous magnet link"
		self.info_hash = bin.pack("H",info_hash_hex) 

		local pos = #info_hash_hex + 21
		local name = magnet:sub(pos,#magnet):match("^&dn=(.-)&")
		if name then
			pos = pos + 4 + #name
		magnet = magnet:sub(pos,#magnet)
		for tracker in magnet:gmatch("&tr=([^&]+)") do
			local trac = url.unescape(tracker)
			table.insert(self.trackers, trac)
		self.size = 50

	--- Reads a torrent file, loads self.buffer and parses it using 
	-- self:parse_buffer(), then self:calc_info_hash()
	-- @param filename, string containing filename of the torrent file
	-- @return boolean indicating whether loading went alright
	-- @return err string with error message if loadin went wrong
	load_from_file = function(self, filename)
		if not filename then return false, "No filename specified." end

		local file = io.open(filename, "r")
		if not file then return false, "Cannot open file: "..filename end		
		self.buffer = file:read("*a")

		local status, err = self:parse_buffer()
		if not status then
			return false, "Could not parse file: ".. err 

		status, err = self:calc_info_hash()
		if not status then
			return false, "Could not calculate info_hash: " .. err

		status, err = self:load_trackers()
		if not status then
			return false, "Could not load trackers: " .. err
		status, err = self:calc_torrent_size()
		if not status then
			if not err then err = "" end
			return false, "Could not calculate torrent size: " .. err

		return true
	--- Gets peers available from the loaded trackers
	trackers_peers = function(self)
		for _, tracker in ipairs(self.trackers) do
			local status, err
			if tracker:match("^http://") then -- http tracker
				status, err = self:http_tracker_peers(tracker)
				if not status then 
					stdnse.print_debug("Could not get peers from tracker %s, reason: %s",tracker, err)
			elseif tracker:match("^udp://") then -- udp tracker
				status, err = self:udp_tracker_peers(tracker)
				if not status then 
					stdnse.print_debug("Could not get peers from tracker %s, reason: %s",tracker, err)
			else -- unknown tracker
				stdnse.print_debug("Unknown tracker protocol for: "..tracker)
			--if not status then return false, err end

		return true
	--- Runs the three threads which do a DHT discovery of nodes and peers.
	-- The default timeout for this discovery is 30 seconds but it can be 
	-- set through the timeout argument. 
	dht_peers = function(self, timeout)
		stdnse.print_debug("bittorrent: Starting DHT peers discovery")
		if next(self.peers) == nil then
			stdnse.print_debug("bittorrent: No peers detected")

		if not timeout or type(timeout)~="number" then timeout = 30 end
		-- peer node table aka the condvar!
		local pnt = {}
		pnt.peers = {}
		pnt.peers_dht_ping = self.peers

		pnt.nodes = {}
		pnt.nodes_get_peers = {}
		pnt.nodes_find_node = self.nodes

		pnt.node_id = openssl.rand_bytes(20)
		pnt.info_hash = self.info_hash

		local condvar = nmap.condvar(pnt)

		local dht_ping_co = stdnse.new_thread(dht_ping_thread, pnt, timeout)
		local find_node_co = stdnse.new_thread(find_node_thread, pnt, timeout)
		local get_peers_co = stdnse.new_thread(get_peers_thread, pnt, timeout)

		while true do
			if coroutine.status(dht_ping_co) == "dead" and
				coroutine.status(find_node_co) == "dead" and
				coroutine.status(get_peers_co) == "dead" then
		self.peers = pnt.peers
		self.nodes = pnt.nodes
		-- Add some residue nodes and peers
		for peer_ip, peer_info in pairs(pnt.peers_dht_ping) do
			if not self.peers[peer_ip] then
				self.peers[peer_ip] = peer_info
		for node_ip, node_info in pairs(pnt.nodes_find_node) do
			if not self.nodes[node_ip] then
				self.nodes[node_ip] = node_info
		for node_ip, node_info in pairs(pnt.nodes_get_peers) do
			if not self.nodes[node_ip] then
				self.nodes[node_ip] = node_info

	--- Parses self.buffer, fills self.tor_struct, self.info_buf
	-- This function is similar to the bdecode function but it has a few 
	-- additions for calculating torrent file specific fields
	parse_buffer = function(self)
		local buf = self.buffer

		local len = #buf

		-- the main table
		local t = {}
		self.tor_struct = t
		local stack = {}
		local pos = 1
		local cur = {}
		cur.type = "list"
		cur.ref = t
		table.insert(stack, cur)

		-- starting and ending position of the info dict 
		local info_pos_start, info_pos_end, info_buf_count = nil, nil, 0

		while true do
			if pos == len or (len-pos)==-1 then break end
			if cur.type == "list" then
				-- next element is a string
				if tonumber( string.char( buf:byte(pos) ) ) then
					local str
					str, pos = bdec_string(buf, pos)
					if not str then return nil, "Error parsing string", pos end
					table.insert(cur.ref, str)

				-- next element is a number
				elseif "i" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					local num 
					num, pos = bdec_number(buf, pos)
					if not num then return nil, "Error parsing number", pos end
					table.insert(cur.ref, num)

				-- next element is a list
				elseif "l" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					if info_pos_start and (not info_pos_end) then
						info_buf_count = info_buf_count +1
					local new_list = {}
					table.insert(cur.ref, new_list)
					cur = {}
					cur.type = "list"
					cur.ref = new_list
					table.insert(stack, cur)
					pos = pos+1

				--next element is a dict
				elseif "d" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then 
					if info_pos_start and (not info_pos_end) then
						info_buf_count = info_buf_count +1

					local new_dict = {}
					new_dict.type = "dict"
					table.insert(cur.ref, new_dict)
					cur = {}
					cur.type = "dict"
					cur.ref = new_dict
					table.insert(stack, cur)
					pos = pos+1
				--escape from the list
				elseif "e" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					if info_buf_count == 0 then
						info_pos_end = pos-1
					if info_pos_start and (not info_pos_end) then
						info_buf_count = info_buf_count -1

					table.remove(stack, #stack)
					cur = stack[#stack]
					if not cur then return nil, "Problem with list closure:", pos end
					pos = pos+1
					return nil, "Unknown type found.", pos
			elseif cur.type == "dict" then
				local item = {} -- {key = <string>, value = <.*>}
				-- key
				if tonumber( string.char( buf:byte(pos) ) ) then
					local str
					local tmp_pos = pos 
					str, pos = bdec_string(buf, pos)
					if not str then return nil, "Error parsing string.", pos end
					item.key = str
					-- fill the info_pos_start
					if item.key == "info" and not info_pos_start then info_pos_start = pos end

				elseif "e" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					if info_buf_count == 0 then
						info_pos_end = pos-1
					if info_pos_start and (not info_pos_end) then
						info_buf_count = info_buf_count -1

					table.remove(stack, #stack)
					cur = stack[#stack]
					if not cur then return nil, "Problem with list closure:", pos end
					pos = pos+1
					return nil, "A dict key has to be a string or escape.", pos
				-- value
				-- next element is a string
				if tonumber( string.char( buf:byte(pos) ) ) then
					local str
					str, pos = bdec_string(buf, pos)
					if not str then return nil, "Error parsing string.", pos end
					item.value = str
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)

				--next element is a number
				elseif "i" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					local num 
					num, pos = bdec_number(buf, pos)
					if not num then return nil, "Error parsing number.", pos end
					item.value = num
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)

				-- next element is a list
				elseif "l" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					if info_pos_start and (not info_pos_end) then
						info_buf_count = info_buf_count +1

					item.value = {}
					item.value.type = "list"
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)
					cur = {}
					cur.type = "list"
					cur.ref = item.value

					table.insert(stack, cur)
					pos = pos+1

				--next element is a dict
				elseif "d" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					if info_pos_start and (not info_pos_end) then
						info_buf_count = info_buf_count +1

					item.value = {}
					item.value.type = "dict"
					table.insert(cur.ref, item)

					cur = {}
					cur.type = "dict"
					cur.ref = item.value

					table.insert(stack, cur)
					pos = pos+1

				--escape from the dict
				elseif "e" == string.char(buf:byte(pos)) then
					if info_buf_count == 0 then
						info_pos_end = pos-1
					if info_pos_start and (not info_pos_end) then
						info_buf_count = info_buf_count -1

					table.remove(stack, #stack)
					cur = stack[#stack]
					if not cur then return false, "Problem with dict closure", pos end
					pos = pos+1
					return false, "Error parsing file, unknown type found", pos
				return false, "Invalid type of structure. Fix the code."
		end -- while(true)
		-- next(stack) is never gonna be nil because we're always in the main list
		-- next(stack, next(stack)) should be nil if we're in the main list
		if next(stack, next(stack)) then
			return false, "Probably file incorrect format"
		self.info_buf = buf:sub(info_pos_start, info_pos_end)
		return true	

	--- Loads the list of trackers in self.trackers from self.tor_struct
	load_trackers = function(self)
		local tor = self.tor_struct
		local trackers = {}
		self.trackers = trackers

		-- load the announce tracker
		if tor and tor[1] and tor[1][1] and tor[1][1].key and 
			tor[1][1].key == "announce" and tor[1][1].value then
			if tor[1][1].value.type and tor[1][1].value.type == "list" then
				for _, trac in ipairs(tor[1][1].value) do
					table.insert(trackers, trac)
				table.insert(trackers, tor[1][1].value)
			return nil, "Announce field not found"

		-- load the announce-list trackers
		if tor[1][2] and tor[1][2].key and tor[1][2].key == "announce-list" and tor[1][2].value then
			for _, trac_list in ipairs(tor[1][2].value) do
				if trac_list.type and trac_list.type == "list" then
					for _, trac in ipairs(trac_list) do
						table.insert(trackers, trac)
					table.insert(trackers, trac_list)

		return true
	--- Calculates the size of the torrent in bytes
	-- @param tor, decoded bencoded torrent file structure
	calc_torrent_size = function(self)
		local tor = self.tor_struct 
		local size = nil
		if tor[1].type ~= "dict" then return nil end
		for _, m in ipairs(tor[1]) do
			if m.key == "info" then
				if m.value.type ~= "dict" then return nil end
				for _, n in ipairs(m.value) do
					if n.key == "files" then 
						size = 0
						for _, f in ipairs(n.value) do
							for _, k in ipairs(f) do
								if k.key == "length" then
									size = size + k.value
					elseif n.key == "length" then
						size = n.value
		if size == 0 then return false end
	--- Calculates the info hash using self.info_buf. The info_hash value
	-- is used in many communication transactions for identifying the file
	-- shared among the bittorrent peers
	calc_info_hash = function(self)
		local info_hash = openssl.sha1(self.info_buf) 
		self.info_hash_url = url.escape(info_hash)
		self.info_hash = info_hash
		self.info_buf = nil
		return true
	--- Generates a peer_id similar to the ones generated by Ktorrent version 4.1.1
	generate_peer_id = function(self)
		-- let's fool trackers that we use ktorrent just in case they control
		-- which client they give peers to 
		local fingerprint = "-KT4110-"
		local chars = {}
		local peer_id = fingerprint
		-- the full length of a peer_id is 20 bytes but we already have 8 from the fingerprint
		for i = 1,12 do
			local n = math.random(1,3)
			if n == 1 then
				peer_id = peer_id .. string.char( math.random( string.byte("a") , string.byte("z") ) )
			elseif n==2 then
				peer_id = peer_id .. string.char( math.random( string.byte("A") , string.byte("Z") ) )
				peer_id = peer_id .. string.char( math.random( string.byte("0") , string.byte("9") ) )
		return peer_id

	--- Gets the peers from a http tracker when supplied the URL of the tracker
	http_tracker_peers = function(self, tracker)
		local url, trac_port, url_ext = tracker:match("^http://(.-):(%d-)(/.*)")
		if not url then
			--probably no port specification
			url, url_ext = tracker:match("^http://(.-)(/.*)")
			trac_port = "80"
		trac_port = tonumber(trac_port)
		-- a http torrent tracker request specifying the info_hash of the torrent, our random
		-- generated peer_id (with some mods), notifying the tracker that we are just starting
		-- to download the torrent, with 0 downloaded and 0 uploaded bytes, an as many bytes
		-- left to download as the size of the torrent, requesting 200 peers in a compact format
		-- because some trackers refuse connection if they are not explicitly requested that way
		local request = "?info_hash=" .. self.info_hash_url .. "&peer_id=" .. self:generate_peer_id() .. 
			"&port=" .. self.port .. "&uploaded=0&downloaded=0&left=" .. self.size ..
		local response = http.get(url, trac_port, url_ext .. request, nil)
		if not response then 
			return false, "No response from tracker: " .. tracker

		local status, t = bdecode(response.body)

		if not status then
			return false, "Could not parse response:"..t
		if not t[1] then
			return nil, "No response from server."
		for _, k in ipairs(t[1]) do		
			if k.key == "peers" and type(k.value) == "string" then
				-- binary peers
				for bin_ip, bin_port in string.gmatch(k.value, "(....)(..)") do
					local ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d",
						bin_ip:byte(1), bin_ip:byte(2), bin_ip:byte(3), bin_ip:byte(4))
					local port = bit.lshift(bin_port:byte(1), 8) + bin_port:byte(2)
					local peer = {}
					peer.ip = ip
					peer.port = port
					if not self.peers[peer.ip] then
						self.peers[peer.ip] = {}
						self.peers[peer.ip].port = peer.port
						if peer.id then self.peers[peer.ip].id = peer.id end
			elseif k.key == "peers" and type(k.value) == "table" then
				-- table peers
				for _, peer_table in ipairs(k.value) do
					local peer = {}
					for _, f in ipairs(peer_table) do
						if f.key == "peer_id" then
							peer.id = f.value
						elseif f.key == "ip" then
							peer.ip = f.value
						elseif f.key == "port" then
							peer.port = f.value
					if not peer.id then peer.id = "" end
					if not self.peers[peer.ip] then
						self.peers[peer.ip] = {}
						self.peers[peer.ip].port = peer.port
						self.peers[peer.ip].id = peer.id
						self.peers[peer.ip].port = peer.port

		return true

	--- Gets the peers from udp trackers when supplied the URL of the tracker
	-- First we establish a connection to the udp server and then we can request peers
	-- for a good specification refer to: 
	-- http://www.rasterbar.com/products/libtorrent/udp_tracker_protocol.html
	udp_tracker_peers = function(self, tracker)
		local host, port = tracker:match("^udp://(.-):(.+)")
		if (not host) or (not port) then
			return false, "Could not parse tracker url"
		local socket = nmap.new_socket("udp")
		-- The initial connection parameters' variables have hello_ prefixed names
		local hello_transaction_id = openssl.rand_bytes(4) 
		local hello_action = "00 00 00 00" -- 0 for a connection request
		local hello_connection_id = "00 00 04 17 27 10 19 80" -- identification of the protocol
		local hello_packet = bin.pack("HHA", hello_connection_id, hello_action, hello_transaction_id)
		local status, msg = socket:sendto(host, port, hello_packet)
		if not status then return false, msg end

		status, msg = socket:receive()
		if not status then return false, "Could not connect to tracker:"..tracker.." reason:"..msg end

		local _, r_action, r_transaction_id, r_connection_id  =bin.unpack("H4A4A8",msg)
		if not (r_transaction_id == hello_transaction_id) then
			return false, "Received transaction ID not equivalent to sent transaction ID"
		-- the action in the response has to be 0 too
		if not r_action == "00000000" then 
			return false, "Wrong action field, usualy caused by an erroneous request"

		-- established a connection, and now for an announce message, to which a 
		-- response holds the peers

		-- the announce connection parameters' variables are prefixed with a_
		local a_action = "00 00 00 01" -- 1 for announce
		local a_transaction_id = openssl.rand_bytes(4) 
		local a_info_hash = self.info_hash -- info_hash of the torrent
		local a_peer_id = self:generate_peer_id() 
		local a_downloaded = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" -- 0 bytes downloaded
		local a_left = stdnse.tohex(self.size)  -- bytes left to download is the size of torrent
		a_left = string.rep("0", 16-#a_left) .. a_left

		local a_uploaded = "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" -- 0 bytes uploaded
		local a_event = "00 00 00 02" -- value of 2 for started torrent
		local a_ip = "00 00 00 00" -- not necessary to specify our ip since it's resolved 
									-- by tracker automatically
		local a_key = openssl.rand_bytes(4)
		local a_num_want = "FF FF FF FF" -- request for many many peers
		local a_port = "1A E1" -- 6881 the port "we are listening on" 
		local a_extensions = "00 00" -- client recognizes no extensions of the bittorrent proto
		local announce_packet = bin.pack("AHAAAHHHHHAHHH", r_connection_id, a_action, a_transaction_id,
			a_info_hash, a_peer_id, a_downloaded, a_left, a_uploaded, a_event, a_ip, a_key,
			a_num_want, a_port, a_extensions)

		status, msg = socket:sendto(host, port, announce_packet)
		if not status then
			return false, "Couldn't send announce message, reason: "..msg

		status, msg = socket:receive()
		if not status then
			return false, "Didn't receive response to announce message, reason: "..msg
		local pos, p_action, p_transaction_id, p_interval, p_leechers, p_seeders = bin.unpack("H4A4H4H4H4",msg)
		-- the action field in the response has to be 1 (like the sent response)
		if not (p_action == "00000001") then
			return false, "Action in response to announce erroneous"
		if not (p_transaction_id == a_transaction_id) then
			return false, "Transaction ID in response to announce message not equal to original"
		-- parse peers from msg:sub(pos, #msg)
		for bin_ip, bin_port in msg:sub(pos,#msg):gmatch("(....)(..)") do
			local ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d",
				bin_ip:byte(1), bin_ip:byte(2), bin_ip:byte(3), bin_ip:byte(4))
			local port = bit.lshift(bin_port:byte(1), 8) + bin_port:byte(2)
			local peer = {}
			peer.ip = ip
			peer.port = port
			if not self.peers[peer.ip] then
				self.peers[peer.ip] = {}
				self.peers[peer.ip].port = peer.port
				self.peers[peer.ip].port = peer.port

		return true

return _ENV;
