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Current File : //usr/share/nmap/nselib/listop.lua

-- Functional-style list operations.
-- People used to programming in functional languages, such as Lisp
-- or Haskell, appreciate their handling of lists very much. The
-- <code>listop</code> module tries to bring much of the functionality from
-- functional languages to Lua using Lua's central data structure, the table, as
-- a base for its list operations. Highlights include a <code>map</code>
-- function applying a given function to each element of a list. 
-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html

local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local table = require "table"
_ENV = stdnse.module("listop", stdnse.seeall)

Functional programming style 'list' operations

    bool	is_empty(list)
    bool	is_list(value)

    value	apply(function, list)
    list	map(function, list)
    list	filter(function, list)
    list	flatten(list)
    list	append(list1, list2)
    list	cons(value1, value2)
    list	reverse(list)

    value	car(list)
    value	ncar(list, x)
    list	cdr(list)
    list	ncdr(list, x)
    where 'list' is an indexed table 
    where 'value' is an lua datatype

--- Returns true if the given list is empty.
-- @param l A list.
-- @return True or false.
function is_empty(l)
  return #l == 0 and true or false;

--- Returns true if the given value is a list (or rather a table).
-- @param l Any value.
-- @return True or false.
function is_list(l)
  return type(l) == 'table' and true or false;

--- Calls <code>f</code> for each element in the list. The returned list
--contains the results of each function call.
-- @usage
-- listop.map(tostring,{1,2,true}) --> {"1","2","true"}
-- @param f The function to call.
-- @param l A list.
-- @return List of function results.
function map(f, l) 
    local results = {}
    for _, v in ipairs(l) do
    	results[#results+1] = f(v);
    return results;

--- Calls the function with all the elements in the list as the parameters.
-- @usage
-- listop.apply(math.max,{1,5,6,7,50000}) --> 50000
-- @param f The function to call.
-- @param l A list.
-- @return Results from <code>f</code>.
function apply(f, l)
  return f(table.unpack(l))

--- Returns a list containing only those elements for which a predicate
-- function returns true.
-- The predicate has to be a function taking one argument and returning
-- a Boolean. If it returns true, the argument is appended to the return value
-- of filter.
-- @usage
-- listop.filter(isnumber,{1,2,3,"foo",4,"bar"}) --> {1,2,3,4}
-- @param f The function.
-- @param l The list.
-- @return Filtered list.
function filter(f, l) 
  local results = {}
  for i, v in ipairs(l) do
  	if(f(v)) then
   	  results[#results+1] = v;
  return results

--- Fetch the first element of a list.
-- @param l The list.
-- @return The first element.
function car(l)
  return l[1]

--- Fetch all elements following the first in a new list.
-- @param l The list.
-- @return Elements after the first.
function cdr(l)
  return {table.unpack(l, 2)}

--- Fetch element at index <code>x</code> from <code>l</code>.
-- @param l The list.
-- @param x Element index.
-- @return Element at index <code>x</code> or at index <code>1</code> if
-- <code>x</code> is not given.
function ncar(l, x)
  return l[x or 1];

--- Fetch all elements following the element at index <code>x</code>.
-- @param l The list.
-- @param x Element index.
-- @return Elements after index <code>x</code> or after index <code>1</code> if
-- <code>x</code> is not given.
function ncdr(l, x) 
  return {table.unpack(l, x or 2)};

--- Prepend a value or list to another value or list.
-- @param v1 value or list.
-- @param v2 value or list.
-- @return New list.
function cons(v1, v2)
    return{ is_list(v1) and {table.unpack(v1)} or v1, is_list(v2) and {table.unpack(v2)} or v2}

--- Concatenate two lists and return the result.
-- @param l1 List.
-- @param l2 List.
-- @return List.
function append(l1, l2)
    local results = {table.unpack(l1)}

    for _, v in ipairs(l2) do
   	  results[#results+1] = v;
    return results

--- Return a list in reverse order.
-- @param l List.
-- @return Reversed list.
function reverse(l)
    local results = {}
    for i=#l, 1, -1 do
    	results[#results+1] = l[i];
    return results

--- Return a flattened version of a list. The flattened list contains
-- only non-list values.
-- @usage
-- listop.flatten({1,2,3,"foo",{4,5,{"bar"}}}) --> {1,2,3,"foo",4,5,"bar"}
-- @param l The list to flatten.
-- @return Flattened list.
function flatten(l)
    local function flat(r, t)
    	for i, v in ipairs(t) do
    		if(type(v) == 'table') then
    			flat(r, v)
    			table.insert(r, v)
    	return r
    return flat({}, l)

return _ENV;
