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--- A tiny implementation of the Netware Core Protocol (NCP).
-- While NCP was originally a Netware only protocol it's now present on
-- both Linux and Windows platforms running Novell eDirectory.
-- The library implements a small amount of NCP functions based on various
-- packet dumps generated by Novell software, such as the Novell Client and
-- Console One. The functions are mainly used for enumeration and discovery
-- The library implements a number of different classes where the Helper is
-- the one that should be the easiest to use from scripts.
-- The following classes exist:
-- * Packet
--		- Implements functions for creating and serializing a NCP packet
-- * ResponseParser
--		- A static class containing a bunch of functions to decode server
--		  responses
-- * Response
--		- Class responsible for decoding NCP responses
-- * NCP
--		- Contains the "native" NCP functions sending the actual request to the
--		  server.
-- * Socket
--		- A buffered socket implementation
-- * Helper
--		- The prefered script interface to the library containing functions
--		  that wrap functions from the NCP class using more descriptive names
--		  and easier interface.
-- * Util
--		- A class containing mostly decoding and helper functions
-- The following example code illustrates how to use the Helper class from a
-- script. The example queries the server for all User objects from the root.
-- <code>
--	local helper = ncp.Helper:new(host,port)
--	local status, resp = helper:connect()
--	status, resp = helper:search("[Root]", "User", "*")
--	status = helper:close()
-- </code>

--@author Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>
--@copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html

-- Version 0.1
-- Created 24/04/2011 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>

local bin = require "bin"
local bit = require "bit"
local ipOps = require "ipOps"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"
_ENV = stdnse.module("ncp", stdnse.seeall)

NCPType = {
	CreateConnection = 0x1111,
	ServiceRequest = 0x2222,
	ServiceReply = 0x3333,
	DestroyConnection = 0x5555,

Status = {

NCPFunction = {
	GetMountVolumeList = 0x16,
	GetFileServerInfo = 0x17,
	Ping = 0x68,
	EnumerateNetworkAddress = 0x7b,
	SendFragmentedRequest = 0x68,

NCPVerb = {
	Resolve = 1,
	List = 5,	
	Search = 6,

-- The NCP Packet
Packet = {
	--- Creates a new instance of Packet
	-- @return o instance of Packet
	new = function(self)
		local o = {}
		setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.ncp_ip = { signature = "DmdT", replybuf = 0, version = 1 }
		o.task = 1
		o.func = 0
		return o

	--- Sets the NCP Reply buffer size
	-- @param n number containing the buffer size
	setNCPReplyBuf = function(self, n) self.ncp_ip.replybuf = n end,

	--- Sets the NCP packet length
	-- @param n number containing the length
	setNCPLength = function(self, n) self.ncp_ip.length = n end,
	--- Gets the NCP packet length
	-- @return n number containing the NCP length
	getNCPLength = function(self) return self.ncp_ip.length end,

	--- Sets the NCP packet type
	-- @param t number containing the NCP packet type
	setType = function(self, t)	self.type = t end,
	--- Gets the NCP packet type
	-- @return type number containing the NCP packet type
	getType = function(self) return self.type end,
	--- Sets the NCP packet function
	-- @param t number containing the NCP function
	setFunc = function(self, f) self.func = f end,
	--- Gets the NCP packet function
	-- @return func number containing the NCP packet function
	getFunc = function(self) return self.func end,
	--- Sets the NCP sequence number
	-- @param seqno number containing the sequence number
	setSeqNo = function(self, n) self.seqno = n end,
	--- Sets the NCP connection number
	-- @param conn number containing the connection number
	setConnNo = function(self, n) self.conn = n end,
	--- Gets the NCP connection number
	-- @return conn number containing the connection number
	getConnNo = function(self) return self.conn end,
	--- Sets the NCP sub function
	-- @param subfunc number containing the subfunction
	setSubFunc = function(self, n) self.subfunc = n end,
	--- Gets the NCP sub function
	-- @return subfunc number containing the subfunction
	getSubFunc = function(self) return self.subfunc end,
	--- Gets the Sequence number
	-- @return seqno number containing the sequence number
	getSeqNo = function(self) return self.seqno end,
	--- Sets the packet length
	-- @param len number containing the packet length
	setLength = function(self, n) self.length = n end,
	--- Sets the packet data
	-- @param data string containing the packet data
	setData = function(self, data) self.data = data end,
	--- Gets the packet data
	-- @return data string containing the packet data
	getData = function(self) return self.data end,
	--- Sets the packet task
	-- @param task number containing the packet number
	setTask = function(self, task) self.task = task end,
	--- "Serializes" the packet to a string
	__tostring = function(self)
		local UNKNOWN = 0
		local data = bin.pack(">AIIISCCCCC", self.ncp_ip.signature,
								self.ncp_ip.length or 0, self.ncp_ip.version,
								self.ncp_ip.replybuf, self.type, self.seqno,
								self.conn, self.task, UNKNOWN, self.func )

		if ( self.length ) then	data = data .. bin.pack(">S", self.length) end
		if ( self.subfunc ) then data = data .. bin.pack("C", self.subfunc)	end
		if ( self.data ) then data = data .. bin.pack("A", self.data) end
		return data

-- Parses different responses into suitable tables
ResponseParser = {
	--- Determines what parser to call based on the contents of the client
	-- request and server response.
	-- @param req instance of Packet containing the request to the server
	-- @param resp instance of Response containing the server response
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return resp table (on success) containing the decoded response
	-- @return err string (on failure) containing the error message
	parse = function(req, resp)
		local func, subfunc, typ = req:getFunc(), req:getSubFunc(), req:getType()

		if ( ResponseParser[func] ) then
			return ResponseParser[func](resp)
		elseif ( NCPFunction.SendFragmentedRequest == func ) then
			if ( 1 == subfunc ) then
				return ResponseParser.Ping(resp)
			elseif ( 2 == subfunc ) then
				local data = req:getData()
				if ( #data < 21 ) then
					return false, "Invalid NCP request, could not parse"
				local pos, verb = bin.unpack("<I", data, 17)

				if ( NCPVerb.Resolve == verb ) then
					return ResponseParser.Resolve(resp)
				elseif ( NCPVerb.List == verb ) then
					return ResponseParser.List(resp)
				elseif ( NCPVerb.Search == verb ) then
					return ResponseParser.Search(resp)
				return false, "ResponseParser: Failed to parse response"
		return false, "ResponseParser: Failed to parse response"
	--- Decodes a GetFileServerInfo response
	-- @param resp string containing the response as received from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>srvname</code>
	-- 		<code>os_major</code>
	-- 		<code>os_minor</code>
	-- 		<code>conns_supported</code>
	-- 		<code>conns_inuse</code>
	-- 		<code>vols_supported</code>
	-- 		<code>os_rev</code>
	-- 		<code>sft_support</code>
	-- 		<code>tts_level</code>
	--		<code>conns_max_use</code>
	--		<code>acct_version</code>
	--		<code>vap_version</code>
	--		<code>qms_version</code>
	--		<code>print_version</code>
	--		<code>internet_bridge_ver</code>
	--		<code>mixed_mode_path</code>
	--		<code>local_login_info</code>
	--		<code>product_major</code>
	--		<code>product_minor</code>
	--		<code>product_rev</code>
	--		<code>os_lang_id</code>
	--		<code>support_64_bit</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	[NCPFunction.GetFileServerInfo] = function(resp)
		local data = resp:getData()
		local len = #data
		if ( len < 78 ) then
			return false, "Failed to decode GetFileServerInfo"
		local result = {}
		local pos

		pos, result.srvname, result.os_major, result.os_minor, 
			result.conns_supported, result.conns_inuse,
		 	result.vols_supported, result.os_rev, result.sft_support,
		 	result.tts_level, result.conns_max_use,	result.acct_version,
		 	result.vap_version, result.qms_version, result.print_version,
			result.virt_console_ver, result.sec_restrict_ver, 
			result.internet_bridge_ver,	result.mixed_mode_path, 
			result.local_login_info, result.product_major,
			result.product_minor, result.product_rev, result.os_lang_id, 
			result.support_64_bit = bin.unpack(">A48CCSSSCCCSCCCCCCCCCSSSCC", data)
		return true, result
	--- Decodes a GetMountVolumeList response
	-- @param resp string containing the response as received from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table of vol entries (if status is true)
	-- 		Each vol entry is a table containing the following fields:
	--		<code>vol_no</code> and <code>vol_name</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	[NCPFunction.GetMountVolumeList] = function(resp)
		local data = resp:getData()
		local len = #data
		local pos, items, next_vol_no = bin.unpack("<II", data)
		local vols = {}
		for i=1, items do
			local vol = {}
			pos, vol.vol_no, vol.vol_name = bin.unpack("<Ip", data, pos)
			table.insert(vols, vol)
		return true, vols
	--- Decodes a Ping response
	-- @param resp string containing the response as received from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>tree_name</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	Ping = function(resp)
		local data = resp:getData()
		local len = #data
		local pos
		local result = {}
		if ( len < 40 ) then return false, "NCP Ping result too short" end
		pos, result.nds_version = bin.unpack("C", data)
		-- move to the offset of the
		pos = pos + 7
		pos, result.tree_name = bin.unpack("A32", data, pos)
		result.tree_name = (result.tree_name:match("^([^_]*)_*$"))
		return true, result
	--- Decodes a EnumerateNetworkAddress response
	-- @param resp string containing the response as received from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>ip</code>, <code>port</code> and <code>proto</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	[NCPFunction.EnumerateNetworkAddress] = function(resp)
		local pos, result = 1, {}
		local items
		local data = resp:getData()
		local len = #data
		pos, result.time_since_boot, result.console_version, result.console_revision,
		result.srvinfo_flags, result.guid, result.next_search,
		items = bin.unpack("<ICCSA16II", data)
		local function DecodeAddress(data, pos)
			local COMM_TYPES = { [5] = "udp", [6] = "tcp" }
			local comm_type, port, ip, _
			pos, comm_type, _, _, _, port, ip = bin.unpack(">CCISS<I", data, pos)
			return pos, { port = port, ip = ipOps.fromdword(ip), 
							proto = COMM_TYPES[comm_type] or "unknown" }
		if ( ( pos - 1 ) + (items * 14 ) > len ) then
			return false, "EnumerateNetworkAddress packet too short"
		result.addr = {}
		for i=1, items do
			local addr = {}
			pos, addr = DecodeAddress(data, pos)
			table.insert(result.addr, addr )
		return true, result
	--- Decodes a Resolve response
	-- @param resp string containing the response as received from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>tag</code> and <code>id</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	Resolve = function(resp)
		local data = resp:getData()
		local len = #data
		if ( len < 12 ) then
			return false, "ResponseParser: NCP Resolve, packet too short"
		local pos, frag_size, frag_handle, comp_code = bin.unpack("<III", data)

		if ( len < 38 ) then
			return false, "ResponseParser: message too short"
		if ( comp_code ~= 0 ) then
			return false, ("ResponseParser: Completion code returned" ..
							" non-zero value (%d)"):format(comp_code)
		local pos, tag, entry = bin.unpack("<II", data, pos)
		return true, { tag = tag, id = entry }
	--- Decodes a Search response
	-- @param resp string containing the response as received from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return entries table (if status is true) as return by:
	--		<code>EntryDecoder</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	Search = function(resp)
		local data = resp:getData()
		local len = #data
		local entries = {}
		if ( len < 12 ) then
			return false, "ResponseParser: NCP Resolve, packet too short"
		local pos, frag_size, frag_handle, comp_code, iter_handle = bin.unpack("<IIII", data)
		if ( comp_code ~= 0 ) then
			return false, ("ResponseParser: Completion code returned" ..
							" non-zero value (%d)"):format(comp_code)
		pos = pos + 12
		local entry_count
		pos, entry_count = bin.unpack("<I", data, pos)
		for i=1, entry_count do
			local entry
			pos, entry = ResponseParser.EntryDecoder(data, pos)
			-- pad for unknown trailing data in searches
			pos = pos + 8
			table.insert(entries, entry)
		return true, entries
	--- The EntryDecoder is used by the Search and List function, for decoding
	-- the returned entries.
	-- @param data containing the response as returned by the server
	-- @param pos number containing the offset into data to start decoding
	-- @return pos number containing the new offset after decoding
	-- @return entry table containing the decoded entry, currently it contains
	--		one or more of the following fields: 
	--			<code>flags</code>
	--			<code>mod_time</code>
	--			<code>sub_count</code>
	--			<code>baseclass</code>
	--			<code>rdn</code>
	--			<code>name</code>
	EntryDecoder = function(data, pos)

		-- The InfoFlags class takes a numeric value and facilitates
		-- bit decoding into InfoFlag fields, the current supported fields
		-- are:
		-- 	<code>Output</code>
		--  <code>Entry</code>
		--  <code>Count</code>
		--  <code>ModTime</code>
		--  <code>BaseClass</code>
		--  <code>RelDN</code>
		--  <code>DN</code>
		local InfoFlags = {
			-- Creates a new instance
			-- @param val number containing the numeric representation of flags
			-- @return a new instance of InfoFlags
			new = function(self, val)
				local o = {}
				setmetatable(o, self)
		        self.__index = self
				o.val = val
				return o

			-- Parses the numeric value and creates a number of class fields
			parse = function(self)
				local fields = { "Output", "_u1", "Entry", "Count", "ModTime",
					"_u2", "_u3", "_u4", "_u5", "_u6", "_u7", "BaseClass",
					"RelDN", "DN" }
				local bits = 1
				for _, field in ipairs(fields) do
					self[field] = ( bit.band(self.val, bits) == bits )
					bits = bits * 2

		local entry = {}
		local f, len
		pos, f = bin.unpack("<I", data, pos)
		local iflags = InfoFlags:new(f)

		if ( iflags.Entry ) then
			pos, entry.flags, entry.sub_count = bin.unpack("<II", data, pos)
		if ( iflags.ModTime ) then
			pos, entry.mod_time = bin.unpack("<I", data, pos)
		if ( iflags.BaseClass ) then
			pos, len = bin.unpack("<I", data, pos)
			pos, entry.baseclass = bin.unpack("A" .. len, data, pos)
			entry.baseclass = Util.FromWideChar(entry.baseclass)
			entry.baseclass = Util.CToLuaString(entry.baseclass)
			pos = ( len % 4 == 0 ) and pos or pos + ( 4 - ( len % 4 ) )

		if ( iflags.RelDN ) then
			pos, len = bin.unpack("<I", data, pos)
			pos, entry.rdn = bin.unpack("A" .. len, data, pos)
			entry.rdn = Util.FromWideChar(entry.rdn)
			entry.rdn = Util.CToLuaString(entry.rdn)
			pos = ( len % 4 == 0 ) and pos or pos + ( 4 - ( len % 4 ) )
		if ( iflags.DN ) then
			pos, len = bin.unpack("<I", data, pos)
			pos, entry.name = bin.unpack("A" .. len, data, pos)
			entry.name = Util.FromWideChar(entry.name)
			entry.name = Util.CToLuaString(entry.name)
			pos = ( len % 4 == 0 ) and pos or pos + ( 4 - ( len % 4 ) )
		return pos, entry
	--- Decodes a List response
	-- @param resp string containing the response as received from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return entries table (if status is true) as return by:
	--		<code>EntryDecoder</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	List = function(resp)
		local data = resp:getData()
		local len = #data
		if ( len < 12 ) then
			return false, "ResponseParser: NCP Resolve, packet too short"
		local pos, frag_size, frag_handle, comp_code, iter_handle = bin.unpack("<IIII", data)
		if ( comp_code ~= 0 ) then
			return false, ("ResponseParser: Completion code returned" ..
							" non-zero value (%d)"):format(comp_code)
		local entry_count
		pos, entry_count = bin.unpack("<I", data, pos)
		local entries = {}
		for i=1, entry_count do
			local entry = {}
			pos, entry = ResponseParser.EntryDecoder(data, pos)
			table.insert(entries, entry)
		return true, entries

-- The response class holds the NCP data. An instance is usually created
-- using the fromSocket static function that reads a NCP packet of the
-- the socket and makes necessary parsing.
Response = {

	--- Creates a new Response instance
	-- @param header string containing the header part of the response
	-- @param data string containing the data part of the response
	-- @return o new instance of Response
	new = function(self, header, data)
		local o = {}
		setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.header = header
		o.data = data
		return o

	--- Parses the Response
	parse = function(self)
		local pos, _
		pos, self.signature, self.length, self.type, 
		self.seqno,	self.conn, _, self.compl_code, 
		self.status_code = bin.unpack(">IISCCSCC", self.header)
		if ( self.data ) then
			local len = #self.data - pos
			if ( ( #self.data - pos ) ~= ( self.length - 33 ) ) then
				stdnse.print_debug("NCP packet length mismatched")
	--- Gets the sequence number
	-- @return seqno number
	getSeqNo = function(self) return self.seqno end,

	--- Gets the connection number
	-- @return conn number
	getConnNo = function(self) return self.conn end,
	--- Gets the data portion of the response
	-- @return data string
	getData = function(self) return self.data end,
	--- Gets the header portion of the response
	getHeader = function(self) return self.header end,

	--- Returns true if there are any errors
	-- @return error true if the response error code is anything else than OK
	hasErrors = function(self)
		return not( ( self.compl_code == Status.COMPLETION_OK ) and
				 ( self.status_code == Status.CONNECTION_OK ) )
	--- Creates a Response instance from the data read of the socket
	-- @param socket socket connected to server and ready to receive data
	-- @return Response containing a new Response instance
	fromSocket = function(socket)
		local status, header = socket:recv(16)
		if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive data" end

		local pos, sig, len = bin.unpack(">II", header)
		if ( len < 8 ) then return false, "NCP packet too short" end
		local data
		if ( 0 < len - 16 ) then
			status, data = socket:recv(len - 16)
			if ( not(status) ) then return false, "Failed to receive data" end
		return true, Response:new(header, data)
	--- "Serializes" the Response instance to a string
	__tostring = function(self)
		return bin.pack("AA", self.header, self.data)

-- The NCP class
NCP = {
	--- Creates a new NCP instance
	-- @param socket containing a socket connected to the NCP server
	-- @return o instance of NCP
	new = function(self, socket)
		local o = {}
		setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.socket = socket
		o.seqno = -1
		o.conn = 0
		return o
	--- Handles sending and receiving a NCP message
	-- @param p Packet containing the request to send to the server
	-- @return status true on success false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing the parsed
	--		response
	-- @return error string (if status is false) containing the error
	Exch = function(self, p)
		local status, err = self:SendPacket(p)
		if ( not(status) ) then	return status, err end
		local status, resp = Response.fromSocket(self.socket)
		if ( not(status) or resp:hasErrors() ) then return false, resp end

		self.seqno = resp:getSeqNo()
		self.conn = resp:getConnNo()
		return ResponseParser.parse(p, resp)
	--- Sends a packet to the server
	-- @param p Packet to be sent to the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return err string containing the error message on failure
	SendPacket = function(self, p)
		if ( not(p:getSeqNo() ) ) then p:setSeqNo(self.seqno + 1) end
		if ( not(p:getConnNo() ) ) then	p:setConnNo(self.conn) end
		if ( not(p:getNCPLength()) ) then
			local len = #(tostring(p))
		local status, err = self.socket:send(tostring(p))
		if ( not(status) ) then	return status, "Failed to send data" end
		return true
	--- Creates a connection to the NCP server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	CreateConnect = function(self)
		local p = Packet:new()
		local resp = self:Exch( p )
		return true
	--- Destroys a connection established with the NCP server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	DestroyConnect = function(self)
		local p = Packet:new()
		local resp = self:Exch( p )
		return true

	--- Gets file server information
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>srvname</code>
	-- 		<code>os_major</code>
	-- 		<code>os_minor</code>
	-- 		<code>conns_supported</code>
	-- 		<code>conns_inuse</code>
	-- 		<code>vols_supported</code>
	-- 		<code>os_rev</code>
	-- 		<code>sft_support</code>
	-- 		<code>tts_level</code>
	--		<code>conns_max_use</code>
	--		<code>acct_version</code>
	--		<code>vap_version</code>
	--		<code>qms_version</code>
	--		<code>print_version</code>
	--		<code>internet_bridge_ver</code>
	--		<code>mixed_mode_path</code>
	--		<code>local_login_info</code>
	--		<code>product_major</code>
	--		<code>product_minor</code>
	--		<code>product_rev</code>
	--		<code>os_lang_id</code>
	--		<code>support_64_bit</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	GetFileServerInfo = function(self)
		local p = Packet:new()
		return self:Exch( p )

	-- NEEDS authentication, disabled for now
	-- Get the logged on user for the specified connection
	-- @param conn_no number containing the connection number
	-- GetStationLoggedInfo = function(self, conn_no)
	-- 	local p = Packet:new()
	-- 	p:setType(NCPType.ServiceRequest)
	-- 	p:setFunc(NCPFunction.GetFileServerInfo)
	-- 	p:setNCPReplyBuf(62)
	-- 	p:setLength(5)
	-- 	p:setSubFunc(28)
	-- 	p:setTask(4)
	-- 	local data = bin.pack("<I", conn_no)
	-- 	p:setData(data)
	-- 	return self:Exch( p )
	-- end,
	--- Sends a PING to the server which responds with the tree name
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>tree_name</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	Ping = function(self)
		local p = Packet:new()

		return self:Exch( p )

	--- Enumerates the IP addresses associated with the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>ip</code>, <code>port</code> and <code>proto</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	EnumerateNetworkAddress = function(self)
		local p = Packet:new()
		return self:Exch( p )

	--- Resolves an directory entry id from a name
	-- @param name string containing the name to resolve
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table (if status is true) containing:
	--		<code>tag</code> and <code>id</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)	
	ResolveName = function(self, name)
		local p = Packet:new()
		local pad = (4 - ( #name % 4 ) )
		name = Util.ZeroPad(name, #name + pad)
		local w_name = Util.ToWideChar(name)
		local frag_handle, frag_size = 0xffffffff, 64176
		local msg_size, unknown, proto_flags, nds_verb = 44 + #w_name, 0, 0, 1
		local nds_reply_buf, version, flags, scope = 4096, 1, 0x2062, 0
		local unknown2 = 0x0e
		local ZERO = 0
		local data = bin.pack("<IIISSIIISSIIA", frag_handle, frag_size, msg_size,
			unknown, proto_flags, nds_verb, nds_reply_buf, version, flags,
			unknown, scope, #w_name, w_name, ZERO)
		local comms = { { transport = "TCP" } }
		local walkers= { { transport = "TCP" } }
		local PROTOCOLS = { ["TCP"] = 9 }

		data = data .. bin.pack("<I", #comms)
		for _, comm in ipairs(comms) do
			data = data .. bin.pack("<I", PROTOCOLS[comm.transport])
		data = data .. bin.pack("<I", #walkers)
		for _, walker in ipairs(walkers) do
			data = data .. bin.pack("<I", PROTOCOLS[walker.transport])

		return self:Exch( p )
	--- Gets a list of volumes from the server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return response table of vol entries (if status is true)
	-- 		Each vol entry is a table containing the following fields:
	--		<code>vol_no</code> and <code>vol_name</code>
	-- @return error message (if status is false)
	GetMountVolumeList = function(self)
		local p = Packet:new()
		local start_vol = 0
		local vol_req_flags = 1
		local src_name_space = 0
		local data = bin.pack("<III", start_vol, vol_req_flags, src_name_space )
		return self:Exch( p )
	--- Searches the directory
	-- @param base entry as resolved by <code>Resolve</code>
	-- @param class string containing a class name (or * wildcard)
	-- @param name string containing a entry name (or * wildcard)
	-- @param options table containing one or more of the following
	-- 	<code>numobjs</code>
	-- @return status true on success false on failure
	-- @return entries table (if status is true) as return by:
	--		<code>ResponseDecoder.EntryDecoder</code>
	-- @return error string (if status is false) containing the error
	Search = function(self, base, class, name, options)
		assert( ( base and base.id ), "No base entry was specified")
		local class = class and class .. '\0' or '*\0'
		local name = name and name .. '\0' or '*\0'
		local w_name = Util.ToWideChar(name)
		local w_class = Util.ToWideChar(class)
		local options = options or {}
		local p = Packet:new()
		local frag_handle, frag_size, msg_size = 0xffffffff, 64176, 98
		local unknown, proto_flags, nds_verb, version, flags = 0, 0, 6, 3, 0
		local nds_reply_buf = 64520
		local iter_handle = 0xffffffff
		local repl_type = 2 -- base and all subordinates
		local numobjs = options.numobjs or 0
		local info_types = 1 -- Names
		local info_flags = 0x0000381d
		-- a bunch of unknowns
		local u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7, u8, u9 = 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0x10, 0, 0x11
		local data = bin.pack("<IIISSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIIIA", 
			frag_handle, frag_size,	msg_size, unknown, proto_flags,
			nds_verb, nds_reply_buf, version, flags, iter_handle,
			base.id, repl_type, numobjs, info_types, info_flags, u2, u3, u4,
			u5, u6, u7, #w_name, w_name, u8, u9, #w_class, w_class )
		return self:Exch( p )
	--- Lists the contents of entry
	-- @param entry entry as resolved by <code>Resolve</code>
	-- @return status true on success false on failure
	-- @return entries table (if status is true) as return by:
	--		<code>ResponseDecoder.EntryDecoder</code>
	-- @return error string (if status is false) containing the error
	List = function(self, entry)
		local p = Packet:new()
		local frag_handle, frag_size = 0xffffffff, 64176
		local msg_size, unknown, proto_flags, nds_verb = 40, 0, 0, 5
		local nds_reply_buf, version, flags = 4100, 1, 0x0001
		local iter_handle = 0xffffffff
		local unknown2 = 0x0e
		local ZERO = 0
		local info_flags = 0x0000381d
		local data = bin.pack("<IIISSIIISSIII", frag_handle, frag_size, msg_size,
			unknown, proto_flags, nds_verb, nds_reply_buf, version, flags,
			unknown, iter_handle, entry.id, info_flags )
		-- no name filter
		data = data .. "\0\0\0\0"

		-- no class filter
		data = data .. "\0\0\0\0"
		local status, entries = self:Exch( p )
		if ( not(status) ) then	return false, entries end
		return true, entries

Helper = {

	--- Creates a new Helper instance
	-- @return a new Helper instance
	new = function(self, host, port)
		local o = {}
		setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.host = host
		o.port = port
		return o

	--- Connect the socket and creates a NCP connection
	-- @return true on success false on failure
	connect = function(self)
		self.socket = Socket:new()
		local status, err = self.socket:connect(self.host, self.port)
		if ( not(status) ) then return status, err end
		self.ncp = NCP:new(self.socket)
		return self.ncp:CreateConnect()
	--- Closes the helper connection
	close = function(self)
	--- Performs a directory search
	-- @param base string containing the name of the base to search
	-- @param class string containing the type of class to search
	-- @param name string containing the name of the object to find
	-- @param options table containing on or more of the following
	--		<code>numobjs</code> - number of objects to limit the search to
	search = function(self, base, class, name, options)
		local base = base or "[Root]"
		local status, entry = self.ncp:ResolveName(base)
		if ( not(status) ) then
			return false, "Search failed, base could not be resolved"

		local status, result = self.ncp:Search(entry, class, name, options)
		if (not(status)) then return false, result end
		return status, result
	--- Retrieves some information from the server using the following NCP
	-- functions:
	--	<code>GetFileServerInfo</code>
	--	<code>Ping</code>
	--	<code>EnumerateNetworkAddress</code>
	--	<code>GetMountVolumeList</code>
	-- The result contains the Tree name, product versions and mounts
	getServerInfo = function(self)
		local status, srv_info = self.ncp:GetFileServerInfo()
		if ( not(status) ) then	return false, srv_info end
		local status, ping_info = self.ncp:Ping()
		if ( not(status) ) then return false, ping_info end
		local status, net_info = self.ncp:EnumerateNetworkAddress()
		if ( not(status) ) then return false, net_info end
		local status, mnt_list = self.ncp:GetMountVolumeList()
		if ( not(status) ) then return false, mnt_list end
		local output = {}
		table.insert(output, ("Server name: %s"):format(srv_info.srvname))
		table.insert(output, ("Tree Name: %s"):format(ping_info.tree_name))
			("OS Version: %d.%d (rev %d)"):format(srv_info.os_major, 
			srv_info.os_minor, srv_info.os_rev))
			("Product version: %d.%d (rev %d)"):format(srv_info.product_major,
			srv_info.product_minor, srv_info.product_rev))
		table.insert(output, ("OS Language ID: %d"):format(srv_info.os_lang_id))
		local niceaddr = {}
		for _, addr in ipairs(net_info.addr) do
			table.insert(niceaddr, ("%s %d/%s"):format(addr.ip,addr.port, 
		niceaddr.name = "Addresses"
		table.insert(output, niceaddr)

		local mounts = {}
		for _, mount in ipairs(mnt_list) do
			table.insert(mounts, mount.vol_name)
		mounts.name = "Mounts"
		table.insert(output, mounts)
		if ( nmap.debugging() > 0 ) then
			table.insert(output, ("Acct version: %d"):format(srv_info.acct_version))
			table.insert(output, ("VAP version: %d"):format(srv_info.vap_version))
			table.insert(output, ("QMS version: %d"):format(srv_info.qms_version))
				("Print server version: %d"):format(srv_info.print_version))
				("Virtual console version: %d"):format(srv_info.virt_console_ver))
				("Security Restriction Version: %d"):format(srv_info.sec_restrict_ver))
				("Internet Bridge Version: %d"):format(srv_info.internet_bridge_ver))

		return true, output

Socket =
	new = function(self)
		local o = {}
       	setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.Socket = nmap.new_socket()
		o.Buffer = nil
		return o
	--- Sets the socket timeout (@see nmap.set_timeout)
	-- @param tm number containing the socket timeout in ms
	set_timeout = function(self, tm) self.Socket:set_timeout(tm) end,

	--- Establishes a connection.
	-- @param hostid Hostname or IP address.
	-- @param port Port number.
	-- @param protocol <code>"tcp"</code>, <code>"udp"</code>, or
	-- @return Status (true or false).
	-- @return Error code (if status is false).
	connect = function( self, hostid, port, protocol )
		return self.Socket:connect( hostid, port, protocol )
	--- Closes an open connection.
	-- @return Status (true or false).
	-- @return Error code (if status is false).
	close = function( self )
		return self.Socket:close()
	--- Opposed to the <code>socket:receive_bytes</code> function, that returns
	-- at least x bytes, this function returns the amount of bytes requested.
	-- @param count of bytes to read
	-- @return true on success, false on failure
	-- @return data containing bytes read from the socket
	-- 		   err containing error message if status is false
	recv = function( self, count )
		local status, data
		self.Buffer = self.Buffer or ""
		if ( #self.Buffer < count ) then
			status, data = self.Socket:receive_bytes( count - #self.Buffer )
			if ( not(status) or #data < count - #self.Buffer ) then
				return false, data
			self.Buffer = self.Buffer .. data
		data = self.Buffer:sub( 1, count )
		self.Buffer = self.Buffer:sub( count + 1)
		return true, data	
	--- Sends data over the socket
	-- @return Status (true or false).
	-- @return Error code (if status is false).
	send = function( self, data )
		return self.Socket:send( data )

--- "static" Utility class containing mostly conversion functions
Util = 
	--- Converts a string to a wide string
	-- @param str string to be converted
	-- @return string containing a two byte representation of str where a zero
	--         byte character has been tagged on to each character.
	ToWideChar = function( str )
		return str:gsub("(.)", "%1" .. string.char(0x00) )
	--- Concerts a wide string to string
	-- @param wstr containing the wide string to convert
	-- @return string with every other character removed
	FromWideChar = function( wstr )
		local str = ""
		if ( nil == wstr ) then	return nil end
		for i=1, wstr:len(), 2 do str = str .. wstr:sub(i, i) end
		return str

	--- Pads a string with zeroes
	-- @param str string containing the string to be padded
	-- @param len number containing the length of the new string
	-- @return str string containing the new string
	ZeroPad = function( str, len )
		if len < str:len() then	return end
		for i=1, len - str:len() do	str = str .. string.char(0)	end
		return str
	-- Removes trailing nulls
	-- @param str containing the string
	-- @return ret the string with any trailing nulls removed
	CToLuaString = function( str )
		local ret
		if ( not(str) ) then return "" end
		if ( str:sub(-1, -1 ) ~= "\0" ) then return str	end

	  	for i=1, #str do
	   		if ( str:sub(-i,-i) == "\0" ) then 
				ret = str:sub(1, -i - 1) 
		return ret

return _ENV;
