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Path : /usr/share/nmap/nselib/
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Current File : //usr/share/nmap/nselib/nrpc.lua

--- A minimalistic library to support Domino RPC
-- Summary
-- -------
-- The library currently only supports user enumeration and uses chunks of
-- captured data to do so.
-- Overview
-- --------
-- The library contains the following classes:
--	 o DominoPacket
--		- The packet class holding the packets sent between the client and the
--        IBM Lotus Domino server
--   o Helper
--		- A helper class that provides easy access to the rest of the library
--   o DominoSocket
--      - This is a copy of the DB2Socket class which provides fundamental 
--        buffering
-- Example
-- -------
-- The following sample code illustrates how scripts can use the Helper class
-- to interface the library:
-- <code>
--	helper 		= nrpc.Helper:new(host, port)
--	status, err = nrpc:Connect()
--	status, res = nrpc:isValidUser("Patrik Karlsson")
--	status, err = nrpc:Close()
-- </code>
-- @copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
-- @author "Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>"

-- Version 0.1
-- Created 07/23/2010 - v0.1 - created by Patrik Karlsson <patrik@cqure.net>

local bin = require "bin"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
_ENV = stdnse.module("nrpc", stdnse.seeall)

-- The Domino Packet
DominoPacket = {
	--- Creates a new DominoPacket instance
	-- @param data string containing the packet data
	-- @return a new DominoPacket instance	
	new = function( self, data )
		local o = {}
        setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.data = data
		return o
	--- Reads a packet from the DominoSocket
	-- @param domsock DominoSocket connected to the server
	-- @return Status (true or false).
	-- @return Error code (if status is false).
	read = function( self, domsock )
		local status, data = domsock:recv(2)
		local pos, len = bin.unpack( "<S", data )

		return domsock:recv( len )

	--- converts the packet to a string
	__tostring = function(self)
		return bin.pack("<SA", #self.data, self.data )

DominoSocket =
	new = function(self)
		local o = {}
       	setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.Socket = nmap.new_socket()
		o.Buffer = nil
		return o

	--- Establishes a connection.
	-- @param hostid Hostname or IP address.
	-- @param port Port number.
	-- @param protocol <code>"tcp"</code>, <code>"udp"</code>, or
	-- @return Status (true or false).
	-- @return Error code (if status is false).
	connect = function( self, hostid, port, protocol )
		return self.Socket:connect( hostid, port, protocol )
	--- Closes an open connection.
	-- @return Status (true or false).
	-- @return Error code (if status is false).
	close = function( self )
		return self.Socket:close()
	--- Opposed to the <code>socket:receive_bytes</code> function, that returns
	-- at least x bytes, this function returns the amount of bytes requested.
	-- @param count of bytes to read
	-- @return true on success, false on failure
	-- @return data containing bytes read from the socket
	-- 		   err containing error message if status is false
	recv = function( self, count )
		local status, data
		self.Buffer = self.Buffer or ""
		if ( #self.Buffer < count ) then
			status, data = self.Socket:receive_bytes( count - #self.Buffer )
			if ( not(status) or #data < count - #self.Buffer ) then
				return false, data
			self.Buffer = self.Buffer .. data
		data = self.Buffer:sub( 1, count )
		self.Buffer = self.Buffer:sub( count + 1)
		return true, data	
	--- Sends data over the socket
	-- @return Status (true or false).
	-- @return Error code (if status is false).
	send = function( self, data )
		return self.Socket:send( data )

Helper = {
	--- Creates a new Helper instance
	-- @param host table as recieved by the script action method
	-- @param port table as recieved by the script action method
	new = function(self, host, port)
		local o = {}
       	setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self
		o.host = host
		o.port = port
		o.domsock = DominoSocket:new()
		return o

	--- Connects the socket to the Domino server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return err error message if status is false
	connect = function( self )		
		if( not( self.domsock:connect( self.host.ip, self.port.number, "tcp" ) ) ) then
			return false, ("ERROR: Failed to connect to Domino server %s:%d\n"):format(self.host, self.port)
		return true
	--- Disconnects from the Lotus Domino Server
	-- @return status true on success, false on failure
	-- @return err error message if status is false
	disconnect = function( self )
		return self.domsock:close()

	--- Attempt to check whether the user exists in Domino or not
	-- @param username string containing the user name to guess
	-- @return status true on success false on failure
	-- @return domino_id if it exists and status is true
	--         err if status is false
	isValidUser = function( self, username )	
		local data = bin.pack("H", "00001e00000001000080000007320000700104020000fb2b2d00281f1e000000124c010000000000")
		local status, id_data
		local data_len, pos, total_len, pkt_type, valid_user
		self.domsock:send( tostring(DominoPacket:new( data )) )
		data = DominoPacket:new():read( self.domsock )
		data = bin.pack("HCHAH", "0100320002004f000100000500000900", #username + 1, "000000000000000000000000000000000028245573657273290000", username, "00")
		self.domsock:send( tostring(DominoPacket:new( data ) ) )
		status, id_data = DominoPacket:new():read( self.domsock )

		pos, pkt_type = bin.unpack("C", id_data, 3)
		pos, valid_user = bin.unpack("C", id_data, 11)
		pos, total_len = bin.unpack("<S", id_data, 13)
		if ( pkt_type == 0x16 ) then
			if ( valid_user == 0x19 ) then
				return true
				return false
		if ( pkt_type ~= 0x7e ) then
			return false, "Failed to retrieve ID file"

		status, data = DominoPacket:new():read( self.domsock )

		id_data = id_data:sub(33)
		id_data = id_data .. data:sub(11, total_len - #id_data + 11)
		return true, id_data

return _ENV;
