\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
Upload :
Current File : //usr/share/nmap/scripts/http-git.nse

local http = require("http")
local shortport = require("shortport")
local stdnse = require("stdnse")
local strbuf = require("strbuf")
local string = require("string")
local table = require("table")

description = [[
Checks for a Git repository found in a website's document root
/.git/<something>) and retrieves as much repo information as
possible, including language/framework, remotes, last commit
message, and repository description.

-- @output
-- 80/tcp open  http    syn-ack
-- | http-git:
-- |
-- |     Git repository found!
-- |     .git/config matched patterns 'passw'
-- |     Repository description: Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the...
-- |     Remotes:
-- |       http://github.com/someuser/somerepo
-- |     Project type: Ruby on Rails web application (guessed from .git/info/exclude)
-- |
-- |_    Potential Git repository found (found 2/6 expected files)
-- @xmloutput
-- <table key="">
--   <table key="remotes">
--     <elem>http://github.com/anotherperson/anotherepo</elem>
--   </table>
--   <table key="project-type">
--     <table key=".git/info/exclude">
--       <elem>JBoss Java web application</elem>
--       <elem>Java application</elem>
--     </table>
--   </table>
--   <elem key="repository-description">A nice repository</elem>
--   <table key="files-found">
--     <elem key=".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG">false</elem>
--     <elem key=".git/info/exclude">true</elem>
--     <elem key=".git/config">true</elem>
--     <elem key=".git/description">true</elem>
--     <elem key=".gitignore">false</elem>
--   </table>
--   <table key="interesting-matches">
--     <table key=".git/config">
--       <elem>passw</elem>
--     </table>
--   </table>
-- </table>

categories = { "default", "safe", "vuln" }
author = "Alex Weber"
license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html"
portrule = shortport.http

-- We consider 200 to mean "okay, file exists and we received its contents".
local STATUS_OK = 200
-- Long strings (like a repository's description) will be truncated to this
-- number of characters in normal output.
local TRUNC_LENGTH = 60

function action(host, port)
  local out

  -- We can accept a single root, or a table of roots to try
  local root_arg = stdnse.get_script_args("http-git.root")
  local roots
  if type(root_arg) == "table" then
    roots = root_arg
  elseif type(root_arg) == "string" or type(root_arg) == "number" then
    roots = { tostring(root_arg) }
  elseif root_arg == nil then -- if we didn't get an argument
    roots = { "/" }

  -- Try each root in succession
  for _, root in ipairs(roots) do
    root = tostring(root)
    root = root or '/'

    -- Put a forward slash on the beginning and end of the root, if none was
    -- provided. We will print this, so the user will know that we've mangled it
    if not string.find(root, "/$") then -- if there is no slash at the end
      root = root .. "/"
    if not string.find(root, "^/") then -- if there is no slash at the beginning
      root = "/" .. root

    -- If we can't get a valid /.git/HEAD, don't even bother continuing
    -- We could try for /.git/, but we will not get a 200 if directory
    -- listings are disallowed.
    local resp = http.get(host, port, root .. ".git/HEAD")
    local sha1_pattern = "^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x"
    if resp.status == STATUS_OK and ( resp.body:match("^ref: ") or resp.body:match(sha1_pattern) ) then
      out = out or {}
      local replies = {}
      -- This function returns true if we got a 200 OK when
      -- fetching 'filename' from the server
      local function ok(filename)
        return (replies[filename].status == STATUS_OK)
      -- These are files that are small, very common, and don't
      -- require zlib to read
      -- These files are created by creating and using the repository,
      -- or by popular development frameworks.
      local repo = {

      local pl_requests = {} -- pl_requests = pipelined requests (temp)
      -- Go through all of the filenames and do an HTTP GET
      for _, name in ipairs(repo) do -- for every filename
        http.pipeline_add(root .. name, nil, pl_requests)
      -- Do the requests.
      replies = http.pipeline_go(host, port, pl_requests)
      if replies == nil then
        stdnse.print_debug("%s: pipeline_go() error. Aborting.", SCRIPT_NAME)
        return nil

      for i, reply in ipairs(replies) do
        -- We want this to be indexed by filename, not an integer, so we convert it
        -- We added to the pipeline in the same order as the filenames, so this is safe.
        replies[repo[i]] = reply -- create index by filename
        replies[i] = nil -- delete integer-indexed entry

      -- Mark each file that we tried to get as 'found' (true) or 'not found' (false).
      local location = host.ip .. ":" .. port.number .. root .. ".git/"
      out[location] = {}
      -- A nice shortcut
      local loc = out[location]
      loc["files-found"] = {}
      for name, _ in pairs(replies) do
        loc["files-found"][name] = ok(name)

      -- Look through all the repo files we grabbed and see if we can find anything interesting.
      local interesting = { "bug", "key", "passw", "pw", "user", "secret", "uid" }
      for name, reply in pairs(replies) do
        if ok(name) then
          for _, pattern in ipairs(interesting) do
            if string.match(reply.body, pattern) then
              -- A Lua idiom - don't create this table until we actually have something to put in it
              loc["interesting-matches"] = loc["interesting-matches"] or {}
              loc["interesting-matches"][name] = loc["interesting-matches"][name] or {}
              table.insert(loc["interesting-matches"][name], pattern)

      if ok(".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG") then
        loc["last-commit-message"] = replies[".git/COMMIT_EDITMSG"].body

      if ok(".git/description") then
        loc["repository-description"] = replies[".git/description"].body

      -- .git/config contains a list of remotes, so we try to extract them.
      if ok(".git/config") then
        local config = replies[".git/config"].body
        local remotes = {}

        -- Try to extract URLs of all remotes.
        for url in string.gmatch(config, "\n%s*url%s*=%s*(%S*/%S*)") do
          table.insert(remotes, url)

        for _, url in ipairs(remotes) do
          loc["remotes"] = loc["remotes"] or {}
          table.insert(loc["remotes"], url)

      -- These are files that are used by Git to determine what files to ignore.
      -- We use this list to make the loop below (used to determine what kind of
      -- application is in the repository) more generic.
      local ignorefiles = {
      local fingerprints = {
        -- Many of these taken from https://github.com/github/gitignore
        { "%.scala_dependencies", "Scala application" },
        { "npm%-debug%.log", "node.js application" },
        { "joomla%.xml", "Joomla! site" },
        { "jboss/server", "JBoss Java web application" },
        { "wp%-%*%.php", "WordPress site" },
        { "app/config/database%.php", "CakePHP web application" },
        { "sites/default/settings%.php", "Drupal site" },
        { "local_settings%.py", "Django web application" },
        { "/%.bundle", "Ruby on Rails web application" }, -- More specific matches (MyFaces > JSF > Java) on top
        { "%.py[dco]", "Python application" },
        { "%.jsp", "JSP web application" },
        { "%.bundle", "Ruby application" },
        { "%.class", "Java application" },
        { "%.php", "PHP application" },
      -- The XML produced here is divided by ignorefile and is sorted from first to last
      -- in order of specificity. e.g. All JBoss applications are Java applications,
      -- but not all Java applications are JBoss. In that case, JBoss and Java will
      -- be output, but JBoss will be listed first.
      for _, file in ipairs(ignorefiles) do
        if ok(file) then -- We only test all fingerprints if we got the file.
          for _, fingerprint in ipairs(fingerprints) do
            if string.match(replies[file].body, fingerprint[1]) then
              loc["project-type"] = loc["project-type"] or {}
              loc["project-type"][file] = loc["project-type"][file] or {}
              table.insert(loc["project-type"][file], fingerprint[2])

  -- If we didn't get anything, we return early. No point doing the
  -- normal formatting!
  if out == nil then
    return nil

  -- Truncate to TRUNC_LENGTH characters and replace control characters (newlines, etc) with spaces.
  local function summarize(str)
    str = stdnse.string_or_blank(str, "<unknown>")
    local original_length = #str
    str = string.sub(str, 1, TRUNC_LENGTH)
    str = string.gsub(str, "%c", " ")
    if original_length > TRUNC_LENGTH then
      str = str .. "..."
    return str

  -- We convert the full output to pretty output for -oN
  local normalout
  for location, info in pairs(out) do
    normalout = normalout or {}
    -- This table gets converted to a string format_output, and then inserted into the 'normalout' table
    local new = {}
    -- Headings for each place we found a repo
    new["name"] = location

    -- How sure are we that this is a Git repository?
    local count = { tried = 0, ok = 0 }
    for _, found in pairs(info["files-found"]) do
      count.tried = count.tried + 1
      if found then count.ok = count.ok + 1 end

    -- If 3 or more of the files we were looking for are not on the server,
    -- we are less confident that we got a real Git repository
    if count.tried - count.ok <= 2 then
      table.insert(new, "Git repository found!")
    else                                                          -- We already got .git/HEAD, so we add 1 to 'tried' and 'ok'
      table.insert(new, "Potential Git repository found (found " .. (count.ok + 1) .. "/" .. (count.tried + 1) .. " expected files)")

    -- Show what patterns matched what files
    for name, matches in pairs(info["interesting-matches"] or {}) do
      local temp = name .. " matched patterns"
      for _, matched in ipairs(matches) do
        temp = temp .. " '" .. matched .. "'"
      table.insert(new, temp)

    if info["repository-description"] then
      table.insert(new, "Repository description: " .. summarize(info["repository-description"]))

    if info["last-commit-message"] then
      table.insert(new, "Last commit message: " .. summarize(info["last-commit-message"]))

    -- If we found any remotes in .git/config, process them now
    if info["remotes"] then
      local old_name = info["remotes"]["name"]  -- in case 'name' is a remote
      info["remotes"]["name"] = "Remotes:"
      -- Remove the newline from format_output's output - it looks funny with it
      local temp = string.gsub(stdnse.format_output(true, info["remotes"]), "^\n", "")
      -- using 'temp' here because gsub() has multiple return values that insert() will try
      -- to use, and I don't know of a better way to prevent that ;)
      table.insert(new, temp)
      info["remotes"]["name"] = old_name

    -- Take the first guessed project type from each ignorefile
    if info["project-type"] then
      for name, types in pairs(info["project-type"]) do
        table.insert(new, "Project type: " .. types[1] .. " (guessed from " .. name .. ")")
    -- Insert this location's information.
    table.insert(normalout, new)

  return out, stdnse.format_output(true, normalout)
