\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /var/profiles/easy/apache/profile/custom/
Upload :
Current File : //var/profiles/easy/apache/profile/custom/cpanel_default22.yaml

# make sure any changes here are reflected in Cpanel::Easy::Apache::get_apache_defaults_text() if necessary
    Access: 0
    Actions: 0
    Alias: 0
    Asis: 0
    AuthAnon: 0
    AuthDB: 0
    AuthDBM: 0
    AuthDigest: 0
    AuthLDAP: 0
    AuthnAlias: 0
    AuthnAnon: 0
    AuthnDBD: 0
    AuthnDBM: 0
    AuthnDefault: 0
    AuthnzLDAP: 0
    AuthzDBM: 0
    AuthzHost: 0
    AuthzOwner: 0
    Autoindex: 0
    Bucketeer: 0
    Cache: 0
    CaseFilter: 0
    CaseFilterIn: 0
    CernMeta: 0
    CharsetLite: 0
    DAVFs: 0
    DAVLock: 0
    DBD: 0
    DIR: 0
    Dav: 0
    Deflate: 1
    DiskCache: 0
    Distcache: 0
    Dumpio: 0
    Echo: 0
    Env: 0
    Expires: 1
    ExtFilter: 0
    Fastcgi: 0
    FileCache: 0
    Fileprotect: 1
    Headers: 1
    Ident: 0
    Imagemap: 0
    LDAP: 0
    LogAgent: 0
    LogConfig: 0
    LogForensic: 0
    LogReferer: 0
    MPMEvent: 0
    MPMItk: 0
    MPMLeader: 0
    MPMPerchild: 0
    MPMPrefork: 1
    MPMThreadpool: 0
    MPMWorker: 0
    MemCache: 0
    Mime: 0
    MimeMagic: 0
    MmapStatic: 0
    Negotiation: 0
    OptionalFnExport: 0
    OptionalFnImport: 0
    OptionalHookExport: 0
    OptionalHookImport: 0
    PHPAsUser: 1
    Proxy: 1
    RaiseFDSetsize: 0
    RaiseHardServerLimit: 0
    Rewrite: 1
    Setenvif: 0
    SlowRestartPatch: 1
    Speling: 0
    Status: 0
    SymlinkProtection: 0
    UniqueId: 0
    Userdir: 0
    Usertrack: 0
    Version: 0
    VhostAlias: 0
    Watchdog: 0
  version: 2_2
Cpanel::Easy::ModPerl: 0
Cpanel::Easy::ModRuid2: 0
Cpanel::Easy::ModSec: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::3_27: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::3_29: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::4_45: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::5_31: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::6_17: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Bcmath: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Bz2: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::CGI: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Calendar: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Curl: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::CurlSSL: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Curlwrappers: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::DBX: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Dbase: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::DiscardPath: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Exif: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::FTP: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Fastcgi: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::ForceCGIRedirect: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::GD: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Gettext: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Iconv: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Imap: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Java: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MM: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MagicQuotes: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MailHeaders: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mbregex: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mbstring: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mcrypt: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MemoryLimit: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mhash: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MimeMagic: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mysql: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::MysqlOfSystem: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Mysqli: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Openssl: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::PDO: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::PDOMySQL: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::POSIX: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Pear: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Pgsql: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Pspell: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SNMP: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SOAP: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SafeMode: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SafePHPCGI: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Sockets: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::SysTimezone: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::TTF: 1
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Tidy: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Versioning: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Wddx: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::WithoutIconv: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::XmlRPC: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::ZendMultibyte: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Zip: 0
Cpanel::Easy::PHP5::Zlib: 1
Cpanel::Easy::Tomcat::7_0: 0
  name: Basic Apache 2.2
  note: You should only use this profile if you require Apache 2.2. This profile includes the basic modules that you need to run a minimal web server. We recommend that you use this profile if your previous build with Apache 2.2 failed.
  revision: 1
