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/* database/create_table.twig */
class __TwigTemplate_38245d37065c201568bbeb8184f37754e94ce043a694923aaa048fc13c3a0e42 extends Twig_Template
    public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env)

        $this->parent = false;

        $this->blocks = array(

    protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
        // line 1
        echo "<form id=\"create_table_form_minimal\" method=\"post\" action=\"tbl_create.php\" class=\"lock-page\">
        // line 4
        if (PhpMyAdmin\Util::showIcons("ActionLinksMode")) {
            // line 5
            echo PhpMyAdmin\Util::getImage("b_table_add");
        // line 7
        echo "        ";
        echo _gettext("Create table");
        // line 8
        echo "        </legend>
        // line 9
        echo PhpMyAdmin\Url::getHiddenInputs(($context["db"] ?? null));
        echo "
        <div class=\"formelement\">
        // line 11
        echo _gettext("Name");
        echo ":
            <input type=\"text\" name=\"table\" maxlength=\"64\" size=\"30\" required=\"required\" />
        <div class=\"formelement\">
        // line 15
        echo _gettext("Number of columns");
        echo ":
            <input type=\"number\" min=\"1\" name=\"num_fields\" value=\"4\" required=\"required\" />
        <div class=\"clearfloat\"></div>
    <fieldset class=\"tblFooters\">
        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"";
        // line 21
        echo _gettext("Go");
        echo "\" />

    public function getTemplateName()
        return "database/create_table.twig";

    public function isTraitable()
        return false;

    public function getDebugInfo()
        return array (  56 => 21,  47 => 15,  40 => 11,  35 => 9,  32 => 8,  29 => 7,  26 => 5,  24 => 4,  19 => 1,);

    /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
    public function getSource()
        @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);

        return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();

    public function getSourceContext()
        return new Twig_Source("", "database/create_table.twig", "/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/phpMyAdmin/templates/database/create_table.twig");
