\!/ KyuuKazami \!/

Path : /home/kohli/www/assets/admin/demo/
Upload :
Current File : /home/kohli/www/assets/admin/demo/demo-index.js

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

        color: "#2bbce0",
        repeat: 10

    $("#threads,#comments,#users").niceScroll({horizrailenabled:false,railoffset: {left:0}});

    try {
    //Easy Pie Chart
        barColor: "#85c744",
        trackColor: '#edeef0',
        scaleColor: '#d2d3d6',
        scaleLength: 5,
        lineCap: 'square',
        lineWidth: 2,
        size: 90,
        onStep: function(from, to, percent) {

        barColor: "#f39c12",
        trackColor: '#edeef0',
        scaleColor: '#d2d3d6',
        scaleLength: 5,
        lineCap: 'square',
        lineWidth: 2,
        size: 90,
        onStep: function(from, to, percent) {

        barColor: "#e73c3c",
        trackColor: '#edeef0',
        scaleColor: '#d2d3d6',
        scaleLength: 5,
        lineCap: 'square',
        lineWidth: 2,
        size: 90,
        onStep: function(from, to, percent) {

    $('#updatePieCharts').on('click', function() {
        return false;
    catch(e) {}

    //Date Range Picker
          ranges: {
             'Today': [moment(), moment()],
             'Yesterday': [moment().subtract('days', 1), moment().subtract('days', 1)],
             'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract('days', 6), moment()],
             'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract('days', 29), moment()],
             'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')],
             'Last Month': [moment().subtract('month', 1).startOf('month'), moment().subtract('month', 1).endOf('month')]
          opens: 'left',
          startDate: moment().subtract('days', 29),
          endDate: moment()
        function(start, end) {
            $('#daterangepicker2 span').html(start.format('MMMM D, YYYY') + ' - ' + end.format('MMMM D, YYYY'));


    $("#indexinfocomments").sparkline([12 + randValue(),8 + randValue(),10 + randValue(), 21 + randValue(), 16 + randValue(), 9 + randValue(), 15 + randValue(), 8 + randValue() ,10 + randValue(),19 + randValue()], {
    type: 'bar',
    barColor: '#f1948a',
    height: '45',
    barWidth: 7});

    $("#indexinfolikes").sparkline([120 + randValue(),87 + randValue(),108 + randValue(), 121 + randValue(), 85 + randValue(), 95 + randValue(), 185 + randValue(), 125 + randValue() ,154 + randValue(),109 + randValue()], {
    type: 'bar',
    barColor: '#f5c783',
    height: '45',
    barWidth: 7});

    $("#indexvisits").sparkline([7914 + randValue(),2795 + randValue(),3256 + randValue(), 3018 + randValue(), 2832 + randValue() ,5261 + randValue(),6573 + randValue()], {
    lineWidth: 1.5,
    type: 'line',
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    minSpotColor: false,
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    highlightSpotColor: '#556b8d',
    spotRadius: 3,
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    $("#indexpageviews").sparkline([8263 + randValue(),6314 + randValue(),10467 + randValue(), 12123 + randValue(), 11125 + randValue() ,13414 + randValue(),15519 + randValue()], {
    lineWidth: 1.5,
    type: 'line',
    width: '90px',
    height: '45px',
    lineColor: '#4f8edc',
    fillColor: 'rgba(79,142,220,0.1)',
    spotColor: false,
    minSpotColor: false,
    highlightLineColor: '#d2d3d6',
    highlightSpotColor: '#4f8edc',
    spotRadius: 3,
    maxSpotColor: false});

    $("#indexpagesvisit").sparkline([7.41 + randValue(),6.12 + randValue(),6.8 + randValue(), 5.21 + randValue(), 6.15 + randValue() ,7.14 + randValue(),6.19 + randValue()], {
    lineWidth: 1.5,
    type: 'line',
    width: '90px',
    height: '45px',
    lineColor: '#a6b0c2',
    fillColor: 'rgba(166,176,194,0.1)',
    spotColor: false,
    minSpotColor: false,
    highlightLineColor: '#d2d3d6',
    highlightSpotColor: '#a6b0c2',
    spotRadius: 3,
    maxSpotColor: false});

    $("#indexavgvisit").sparkline([5.31 + randValue(),2.18 + randValue(),1.06 + randValue(), 3.42 + randValue(), 2.51 + randValue() ,1.45 + randValue(),4.01 + randValue()], {
    lineWidth: 1.5,
    type: 'line',
    width: '90px',
    height: '45px',
    lineColor: '#85c744',
    fillColor: 'rgba(133,199,68,0.1)',
    spotColor: false,
    minSpotColor: false,
    highlightLineColor: '#d2d3d6',
    highlightSpotColor: '#85c744',
    spotRadius: 3,
    maxSpotColor: false});

    $("#indexnewvisits").sparkline([70.14 + randValue(),72.95 + randValue(),77.56 + randValue(), 78.18 + randValue(), 76.32 + randValue() ,73.61 + randValue(),74.73 + randValue()], {
    lineWidth: 1.5,
    type: 'line',
    width: '90px',
    height: '45px',
    lineColor: '#efa131',
    fillColor: 'rgba(239,161,49,0.1)',
    spotColor: false,
    minSpotColor: false,
    highlightLineColor: '#d2d3d6',
    highlightSpotColor: '#efa131',
    spotRadius: 3,
    maxSpotColor: false});

    $("#indexbouncerate").sparkline([29.14 + randValue(),27.95 + randValue(),32.56 + randValue(), 30.18 + randValue(), 28.32 + randValue() ,32.61 + randValue(),35.73 + randValue()], {
    lineWidth: 1.5,
    type: 'line',
    width: '90px',
    height: '45px',
    lineColor: '#e74c3c',
    fillColor: 'rgba(231,76,60,0.1)',
    spotColor: false,
    minSpotColor: false,
    highlightLineColor: '#d2d3d6',
    highlightSpotColor: '#e74c3c',
    spotRadius: 3,
    maxSpotColor: false});


    function randValue() {
        return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (2)));

    var viewcount = [
        [1, 787 + randValue()],
        [2, 740 + randValue()],
        [3, 560 + randValue()],
        [4, 860 + randValue()],
        [5, 750 + randValue()],
        [6, 910 + randValue()],
        [7, 730 + randValue()]

    var uniqueviews = [
        [1, 179 + randValue()],
        [2, 320 + randValue()],
        [3, 120 + randValue()],
        [4, 400 + randValue()],
        [5, 573 + randValue()],
        [6, 255 + randValue()],
        [7, 366 + randValue()]

    var usercount = [
        [1, 70 + randValue()],
        [2, 260 + randValue()],
        [3, 30 + randValue()],
        [4, 147 + randValue()],
        [5, 333 + randValue()],
        [6, 155 + randValue()],
        [7, 166 + randValue()]

    var plot_statistics = $.plot($("#site-statistics"), [{
        data: viewcount,
        label: "Total Orders"
    }, {
        data: uniqueviews,
        label: "Total Customers"
    }], {
        series: {
            lines: {
                show: true,
                lineWidth: 1.5,
                fill: 0.05
            points: {
                show: true
            shadowSize: 0
        grid: {
            labelMargin: 10,
            hoverable: true,
            clickable: true,
            borderWidth: 0
        colors: ["#a6b0c2", "#71a5e7", "#aa73c2"],
        xaxis: {
            tickColor: "transparent",
            ticks: [[1, "S"], [2, "M"], [3, "T"], [4, "W"], [5, "T"], [6, "F"], [7, "S"]],
            tickDecimals: 0,
            autoscaleMargin: 0,
            font: {
                color: '#8c8c8c',
                size: 12
        yaxis: {
            ticks: 4,
            tickDecimals: 0,
            tickColor: "#e3e4e6",
            font: {
                color: '#8c8c8c',
                size: 12
            tickFormatter: function (val, axis) {
                if (val>999) {return (val/1000) + "K";} else {return val;}
        legend : {
            labelBoxBorderColor: 'transparent'

    var d1 = [
        [1, 29 + randValue()],
        [2, 62 + randValue()],
        [3, 52 + randValue()],
        [4, 41 + randValue()]
    var d2 = [
        [1, 36 + randValue()],
        [2, 79 + randValue()],
        [3, 66 + randValue()],
        [4, 24 + randValue()]

    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        d1.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 1)]);
        d2.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 1)]);
    var ds = new Array();

    label: "Budget",
    bars: {
        show: true,
        barWidth: 0.2,
        order: 1
        label: "Actual",
        bars: {
            show: true,
            barWidth: 0.2,
            order: 2,

    var variance = $.plot($("#budget-variance"), ds, {
        series: {
            bars: {
                show: true,
                fill: 0.75,
                lineWidth: 0
        grid: {
            labelMargin: 10,
            hoverable: true,
            clickable: true,
            tickColor: "#e6e7e8",
            borderWidth: 0
        colors: ["#8D96AF", "#556b8d"],
        xaxis: {
            autoscaleMargin: 0.05,
            tickColor: "transparent",
            ticks: [[1, "Q1"], [2, "Q2"], [3, "Q3"], [4, "Q4"]],
            tickDecimals: 0,
            font: {
                color: '#8c8c8c',
                size: 12
        yaxis: {
            ticks: [0, 25, 50, 75, 100],
            font: {
                color: '#8c8c8c',
                size: 12
            tickFormatter: function (val, axis) {
                return "$" + val + "K";
        legend : {
            labelBoxBorderColor: 'transparent'

    var previousPoint = null;
        $("#site-statistics").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
        if (item) {
            if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
                previousPoint = item.dataIndex;

                var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
                    y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);

                showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY-7, item.series.label + ": " + Math.round(y));

        } else {
            previousPoint = null;

    var previousPointBar = null;
        $("#budget-variance").bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
        if (item) {
            if (previousPointBar != item.dataIndex) {
                previousPointBar = item.dataIndex;

                var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
                    y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);

                showTooltip(item.pageX+20, item.pageY, item.series.label + ": $" + Math.round(y)+"K");

        } else {
            previousPointBar = null;

    function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
        $('<div id="tooltip" class="tooltip top in"><div class="tooltip-inner">' + contents + '<\/div><\/div>').css({
            display: 'none',
            top: y - 40,
            left: x - 55,

    var container = $("#server-load");

    // Determine how many data points to keep based on the placeholder's initial size;
    // this gives us a nice high-res plot while avoiding more than one point per pixel.

    var maximum = container.outerWidth() / 2 || 300;
    var data = [];

    function getRandomData() {

        if (data.length) {
            data = data.slice(1);

        while (data.length < maximum) {
            var previous = data.length ? data[data.length - 1] : 50;
            var y = previous + Math.random() * 10 - 5;
            data.push(y < 0 ? 0 : y > 100 ? 100 : y);

        // zip the generated y values with the x values
        var res = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
            res.push([i, data[i]])
        return res;


    series = [{
        data: getRandomData()


    var plot = $.plot(container, series, {
        series: {
            lines: {
                show: true,
                lineWidth: 1.5,
                fill: 0.15
            shadowSize: 0
        grid: {
            labelMargin: 10,
            tickColor: "#e6e7e8",
            borderWidth: 0
        colors: ["#f1c40f"],
        xaxis: {
            tickFormatter: function() {
                return "";
            tickColor: "transparent"
        yaxis: {
            ticks: 2,
            min: 0,
            max: 100,
            tickFormatter: function (val, axis) {
                return val + "%";
            font: {
                color: '#8c8c8c',
                size: 12
        legend: {
            show: true

    // Update the random dataset at 25FPS for a smoothly-animating chart

    setInterval(function updateRandom() {
        series[0].data = getRandomData();
    }, 40);


// Calendar
// If screensize > 1200, render with m/w/d view, if not by default render with just title

renderCalendar({left: 'title',right: 'prev,next'});

enquire.register("screen and (min-width: 1200px)", {
    match : function() {
        renderCalendar({left: 'prev,next',center: 'title',right: 'month,basicWeek,basicDay'});
    unmatch : function() {
        renderCalendar({left: 'title',right: 'prev,next'});

function renderCalendar(headertype) {

    // Demo for FullCalendar with Drag/Drop internal

    var date = new Date();
    var d = date.getDate();
    var m = date.getMonth();
    var y = date.getFullYear();

    var calendar = $('#calendar-drag').fullCalendar({
        header: headertype,
        selectable: true,
        selectHelper: true,
        select: function(start, end, allDay) {
            var title = prompt('Event Title:');
            if (title) {
                        title: title,
                        start: start,
                        end: end,
                        allDay: allDay
                    true // make the event "stick"
        editable: true,
        events: [
                title: 'All Day Event',
                start: new Date(y, m, 8),
                backgroundColor: '#efa131'
                title: 'Long Event',
                start: new Date(y, m, d-5),
                end: new Date(y, m, d-2),
                backgroundColor: '#7a869c'
                id: 999,
                title: 'Repeating Event',
                start: new Date(y, m, d-3, 16, 0),
                allDay: false,
                backgroundColor: '#e74c3c'
                id: 999,
                title: 'Repeating Event',
                start: new Date(y, m, d+4, 16, 0),
                allDay: false,
                backgroundColor: '#e74c3c'
                title: 'Meeting',
                start: new Date(y, m, d, 10, 30),
                allDay: false,
                backgroundColor: '#76c4ed'
                title: 'Lunch',
                start: new Date(y, m, d, 12, 0),
                end: new Date(y, m, d, 14, 0),
                allDay: false,
                backgroundColor: '#34495e'
                title: 'Birthday Party',
                start: new Date(y, m, d+1, 19, 0),
                end: new Date(y, m, d+1, 22, 30),
                allDay: false,
                backgroundColor: '#2bbce0'
                title: 'Click for Google',
                start: new Date(y, m, 28),
                end: new Date(y, m, 29),
                url: 'http://google.com/',
                backgroundColor: '#f1c40f'
        buttonText: {
            prev: '<i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i>',
            next: '<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>',
            prevYear: '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i>',  // <<
            nextYear: '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>',  // >>
            today:    'Today',
            month:    'Month',
            week:     'Week',
            day:      'Day'

    // Listen for click on toggle checkbox
    $('#select-all').click(function(event) {
        if(this.checked) {
            $('.selects :checkbox').each(function() {
                this.checked = true;
        } else {
            $('.selects :checkbox').each(function() {
                this.checked = false;

    $( ".panel-tasks" ).sortable({placeholder: 'item-placeholder'});
    $('.panel-tasks input[type="checkbox"]').click(function(event) {
        if(this.checked) {
        } else {

